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answer:由于ST语言比较特殊,且Ply不是针对该语言设计的解析器,因此实现的难度会比较大。以下是一个简单的实现,仅供参考。 需要注意的是,以下代码仅支持基本的语法,仍有很多错误没有考虑到。 ```python import ply.lex as lex import ply.yacc as yacc # 定义ST语言的关键字 reserved = { 'VAR': 'VAR', 'END_VAR': 'END_VAR', 'IF': 'IF', 'THEN': 'THEN', 'ELSE': 'ELSE', 'END_IF': 'END_IF', 'CASE': 'CASE', 'OF': 'OF', 'END_CASE': 'END_CASE', 'WHILE': 'WHILE', 'DO': 'DO', 'END_WHILE': 'END_WHILE', 'FOR': 'FOR', 'TO': 'TO', 'BY': 'BY', 'DO': 'DO', 'END_FOR': 'END_FOR', 'REPEAT': 'REPEAT', 'UNTIL': 'UNTIL', 'END_REPEAT': 'END_REPEAT', 'AND': 'AND', 'OR': 'OR', 'XOR': 'XOR', 'NOT': 'NOT', 'MOD': 'MOD', 'DIV': 'DIV', 'TRUE': 'TRUE', 'FALSE': 'FALSE' } # 定义ST语言的标记符 tokens = [ 'IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'PLUS', 'MINUS', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE', 'POWER', 'LPAREN', 'RPAREN', 'SEMI', 'COLON', 'COMMA', 'LT', 'LE', 'GT', 'GE', 'EQ', 'NE', 'AND', 'OR', 'XOR', 'NOT', 'MOD', 'DIV' ] + list(reserved.values()) # 定义ST语言的正则表达式 t_PLUS = r'+' t_MINUS = r'-' t_TIMES = r'*' t_DIVIDE = r'/' t_POWER = r'**' t_LPAREN = r'(' t_RPAREN = r')' t_SEMI = r';' t_COLON = r':' t_COMMA = r',' t_LT = r'<' t_LE = r'<=' t_GT = r'>' t_GE = r'>=' t_EQ = r'=' t_NE = r'<>' # 定义ST语言的特殊标记符 def t_NUMBER(t): r'd+' t.value = int(t.value) return t def t_IDENTIFIER(t): r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*' t.type = reserved.get(t.value.upper(), 'IDENTIFIER') return t t_AND = r'AND' t_OR = r'OR' t_XOR = r'XOR' t_NOT = r'NOT' t_MOD = r'MOD' t_DIV = r'DIV' # 忽略空白符 t_ignore = ' tr' # 忽略注释 def t_comment(t): r'#.*' pass # 记录行号 def t_newline(t): r'n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) # 错误处理 def t_error(t): print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]) t.lexer.skip(1) lexer = lex.lex() variables = {} # 定义ST语言的语法规则 def p_program(p): '''program : statement_list''' p[0] = ('PROGRAM', p[1]) def p_statement_list(p): '''statement_list : statement | statement_list statement''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = [p[1]] else: p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]] def p_statement(p): '''statement : assignment_statement | if_statement | case_statement | while_statement | for_statement | repeat_statement''' p[0] = p[1] def p_assignment_statement(p): '''assignment_statement : IDENTIFIER COLON assignment_expression SEMI''' variables[p[1]] = p[3] p[0] = ('ASSIGNMENT', p[1], p[3]) def p_assignment_expression(p): '''assignment_expression : logical_or_expression''' p[0] = p[1] def p_logical_or_expression(p): '''logical_or_expression : logical_and_expression | logical_or_expression OR logical_and_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = ('OR', p[1], p[3]) def p_logical_and_expression(p): '''logical_and_expression : bit_or_expression | logical_and_expression AND bit_or_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = ('AND', p[1], p[3]) def p_bit_or_expression(p): '''bit_or_expression : bit_xor_expression | bit_or_expression '|' bit_xor_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = ('BIT_OR', p[1], p[3]) def p_bit_xor_expression(p): '''bit_xor_expression : bit_and_expression | bit_xor_expression XOR bit_and_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = ('BIT_XOR', p[1], p[3]) def p_bit_and_expression(p): '''bit_and_expression : equality_expression | bit_and_expression '&' equality_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = ('BIT_AND', p[1], p[3]) def p_equality_expression(p): '''equality_expression : relational_expression | equality_expression EQ relational_expression | equality_expression NE relational_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif p[2] == '=': p[0] = ('EQ', p[1], p[3]) else: p[0] = ('NE', p[1], p[3]) def p_relational_expression(p): '''relational_expression : additive_expression | relational_expression LT additive_expression | relational_expression LE additive_expression | relational_expression GT additive_expression | relational_expression GE additive_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif p[2] == '<': p[0] = ('LT', p[1], p[3]) elif p[2] == '<=': p[0] = ('LE', p[1], p[3]) elif p[2] == '>': p[0] = ('GT', p[1], p[3]) else: p[0] = ('GE', p[1], p[3]) def p_additive_expression(p): '''additive_expression : multiplicative_expression | additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression | additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif p[2] == '+': p[0] = ('ADD', p[1], p[3]) else: p[0] = ('SUB', p[1], p[3]) def p_multiplicative_expression(p): '''multiplicative_expression : power_expression | multiplicative_expression TIMES power_expression | multiplicative_expression DIVIDE power_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif p[2] == '*': p[0] = ('MUL', p[1], p[3]) else: p[0] = ('DIV', p[1], p[3]) def p_power_expression(p): '''power_expression : unary_expression | power_expression POWER unary_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = ('POW', p[1], p[3]) def p_unary_expression(p): '''unary_expression : primary_expression | MINUS primary_expression | NOT primary_expression''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif p[1] == '-': p[0] = ('NEG', p[2]) else: p[0] = ('NOT', p[2]) def p_primary_expression(p): '''primary_expression : IDENTIFIER | NUMBER | LPAREN assignment_expression RPAREN''' if len(p) == 2: if isinstance(p[1], str): try: p[0] = variables[p[1]] except KeyError: print("Variable '%s' not defined" % p[1]) else: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = p[2] def p_if_statement(p): '''if_statement : IF logical_or_expression THEN statement_list ELSE statement_list END_IF''' p[0] = ('IF', p[2], p[4], p[6]) def p_case_statement(p): '''case_statement : CASE assignment_expression OF case_list END_CASE''' p[0] = ('CASE', p[2], p[4]) def p_case_list(p): '''case_list : case_item | case_list case_item''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = [p[1]] else: p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]] def p_case_item(p): '''case_item : NUMBER COLON statement_list SEMI''' p[0] = (p[1], p[3]) def p_while_statement(p): '''while_statement : WHILE logical_or_expression DO statement_list END_WHILE''' p[0] = ('WHILE', p[2], p[4]) def p_for_statement(p): '''for_statement : FOR IDENTIFIER COLON assignment_expression TO assignment_expression | FOR IDENTIFIER COLON assignment_expression TO assignment_expression BY assignment_expression''' if len(p) == 8: p[0] = ('FOR', p[2], p[4], p[6]) else: p[0] = ('FOR', p[2], p[4], p[6], p[8]) def p_repeat_statement(p): '''repeat_statement : REPEAT statement_list UNTIL logical_or_expression SEMI''' p[0] = ('REPEAT', p[2], p[4]) def p_error(p): print("Syntax error in input!") parser = yacc.yacc() # 测试程序 if __name__ == '__main__': data = ''' VAR a: INT; b: INT; END_VAR a := 1; b := 2; IF a EQ b THEN b := a + b; a := b; ELSE a := b; END_IF CASE a OF 1: a := 2; 2: a := 3; ELSE a := 4; END_CASE WHILE a LT 5 DO a := a + 1; END_WHILE FOR i: = 1 TO 10 BY 2 DO a := a * i; END_FOR REPEAT a := a + 1; UNTIL a GE 100; ''' ast = parser.parse(data) print(ast)

question:lista de chistes de humor negro

answer:1. ¿Por qué no se puede jugar al escondite con una persona ciega? Porque no tiene sentido, ya que siempre pierden. 2. ¿Sabes cuántas personas murieron en el Titanic? Todas. 3. ¿Qué tienen en común las piñatas y los niños con cáncer? Que los dos están llenos de sorpresas. 4. ¿Qué diferencia hay entre un bebé y una naranja? Que a la naranja se le puede quitar la piel sin que llore. 5. ¿Cómo se llama un caníbal vegetariano? Un comilón de lechugas. 6. ¿Cómo se llama un tiburón que se niega a comer carne? Un tiburón vegano. 7. ¿Sabes por qué se llaman a los cementerios necrópolis? Porque es el lugar donde se guardan todos los cuerpos. 8. ¿Cuál es el animal que da la leche más rica? El burro, porque la toma directamente de la fuente. 9. ¿Cuál es la marca de autopartes preferida por los bomberos? Bosch, porque siempre están encendidos. 10. ¿Cómo se llama el pan que te ayuda a bajar de peso? El pan de molde, porque siempre que lo ves, te dan ganas de moldear tu cuerpo.


answer:Привет! Как я могу Вам помочь?

question:напиши эссе на тему "Технологическое развитие США" на 14 предложений на английском языке

answer:Technological Development in the United States The United States has a long history of technological innovation and development. From the invention of the telephone to the advent of the internet, new technologies have continually transformed the way Americans live and work. One of the key drivers of technological development in the United States has been government investment in research and development, which has helped to spur countless innovations across a range of industries. The rise of Silicon Valley in California has become a symbol of the US's technological prowess, as it has been home to some of the most innovative and successful tech companies in the world. However, while the US continues to lead in many areas of technology, there are also growing concerns about the limitations of the current innovation system, including issues around access to funding and the broader impact of new technologies. The development of artificial intelligence, robotics, and other emerging technologies is poised to have a significant impact on the US economy and society in the years to come. To maintain its global leadership in tech, the United States will need to continue to innovate and invest in cutting-edge research, while also addressing some of the ethical and social implications of new technologies. Overall, the future of technological development in the United States is closely tied to the ability of its entrepreneurs, workers, and policymakers to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape and identify new opportunities for growth and innovation.

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