question:Заинтересованность тех, кто создавал документ: соглашение о создании СНГ 8 декабря 1991 года
answer:Заинтересованность тех, кто создавал документ о создании Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ) 8 декабря 1991 года, можно выделить следующие аспекты: 1. Восстановление экономических и политических связей: После распада Советского Союза различные республики стремились сохранить экономические и политические связи, особенно в области обороны, безопасности, транспорта и энергетики. Соглашение о создании СНГ предоставило им механизм для такого восстановления связей. 2. Поддержание стабильности и предотвращение конфликтов: Одним из главных интересов создателей СНГ было предотвращение конфликтов и сохранение стабильности в регионе. Соглашение предоставляло платформу для ведения диалога и урегулирования спорных вопросов между республиками. 3. Экономическое сотрудничество: Соглашение о создании СНГ предусматривало различные меры экономического сотрудничества между государствами, такие как создание единого рынка, свободное перемещение товаров и капитала, совместные проекты в сфере энергетики и транспорта и т.д. Ведущие экономические государства, такие как Россия, постсоветские республики, такие как Казахстан и Украина, были заинтересованы в расширении экономических возможностей через сотрудничество друг с другом. 4. Безопасность и оборона: Создатели СНГ также интересовались обеспечением безопасности и ведением совместных оборонных операций. СНГ создало запасную систему для мобилизации ресурсов и возможность совместных учений и операций, что было важно для поддержания коллективной безопасности. Таким образом, интересы создателей СНГ включали восстановление экономических связей, поддержание стабильности, сотрудничество в экономической сфере и обеспечение безопасности.
question:Translate the following steps: Скачать и установить Настроить параметры в Settings Нажать на кнопку записи видео Выделить нужное окошко Нажать кнопку начала записи Стоп для окончания Отредактировать с помощью тримминга Экспорт на комп или онлайн на YouTube, Google Drive или другие указанные там платформы.
answer:Download and install Configure settings in Settings Click on the video recording button Select the desired window Click the start recording button Stop to end Edit using trimming Export to computer or online to YouTube, Google Drive, or other specified platforms.
question:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is "“是我送你的订婚礼物。”薄寒云凑到叶凝耳边,小声道,“是我的压岁钱买的,不是用哥哥的钱。” 薄寒云刚来榕城时,听闻哥哥要订婚了,便想去商场给哥哥的未婚妻买一个礼物。 她当时买了一对耳钉,那个时候爷爷说叶雪是哥哥的未婚妻,她觉得那对耳钉很适合叶雪,就买了。 后来她发病,哥哥的未婚妻又变成了叶凝,她就又重新买了一条项链。 至于那对耳钉,她送给李嫂了。 叶凝打开盒子,是一条钻石项链,款式是最新款,不过钻很小,差不多一万块左右。 叶凝笑了笑,“很漂亮,我很喜欢,谢谢。” 薄家有钱,薄寒云自然是不愁吃喝的,但在钱财方面,家里人不会给她太多。 薄寒云还是用自己的压岁钱给她买了价值一万块的项链,说不感动是假的。 叶凝没有推辞,把盒子收了起来,对薄寒云道,“我收了你的礼物,改天也送你一个,你喜欢什么?” 薄寒云摇了摇头,“叶姐姐,你送我最好的礼物,就是治好了我的病,我都不知道要怎么感谢你了,我不需要你送我礼物。” 薄寒云顿了顿,道,“但我真的有件事需要姐姐的帮忙!” “什么事?” “就是……”薄寒云小心翼翼的看了眼薄寒年,小声道,“哥哥要送我回京城,我不想回去,我想留在这里跟姐姐玩,姐姐,你能帮我劝劝哥哥吗?” 叶凝侧首,看向薄寒年,“为什么不让小云留在榕城?” “我有事处理,小云留在这里,不方便。”薄寒年道。 “哦。” 叶凝不想掺和薄寒年的事,想劝薄寒云回去,结果薄寒云用一副委屈巴巴的眼神看着她。 她就——“小云想留下,就让她留下吧,我挺喜欢她的。” “小凝!”薄寒年拧了拧眉,“有些事,很危险。” 薄寒年的话没说的很明白,叶凝懂了。 她只好对小云道,“小云,要不你……” “叶姐姐,你不要我了吗?”薄寒云眼眶含泪,委屈的不要不要的。 叶凝,“……” 啊这——她最见不得人哭了。 尤其是这种软萌的小萝莉。 她缄默了片刻,还是耐着性子对薄寒云道,“小云乖,听你哥哥的,先回去,我有时间就去看你。” 权衡利弊后,她还是坚持了自己的立场。 她不知道薄寒年究竟在做什么,想到那日在青峰山他被人追杀,定是不安全的。 薄寒云跟着他,的确不合适。 “姐姐,我就是回去,也没人管我的。”薄寒云请求道,“我其实想参加你和哥哥的订婚宴的,况且爷爷也在榕城,哥哥偏心,不让爷爷回去,就让我回去。” “我,我很可怜的,京城没有朋友跟我玩,我都是自己一个待在房间里的,姐姐,我好不容易治好了病,我想开开心心的……”戏精小朋友薄寒云的眼泪说来就来。 她一哭,叶凝的心瞬间就化了。 她对薄寒年道,“不然,就让她留下?住我家也行!” “好!” “好!” 两道声音同时响起。 一道是薄寒年的。 一道是薄寒云的。 他们答应的如此痛快,叶凝顿觉自己上了贼船。 随之瞪了他们一眼,转身回了自己房间。 兄妹俩奸诈狡猾,没一个好的。 第60章 必须开除叶凝 叶家。 叶雪放学回家后,就回了自己房间,连晚饭也没吃。 不是她不想吃,是实在没胃口。 只要一想到叶凝靠走后门当了十八班的班主任,她的心里就堵得慌。 凭什么那个什么都不会的村姑能当老师? 要是这样的话,以她的才华,也可以当老师。 可这不是她想要的,她想要的是以自己的能力,考上京大,然后一步步的走向社会最顶端。 门外响起了敲门声,接着保姆在外面说道,“二小姐,元夫人来了,老太太请你下去一趟。” 叶雪听到这声二小姐,就极其的不舒服。 叶凝没回来之前,她就是叶家的大小姐,叶凝一回来,虽没有住在老宅里,但大家对她的称呼,就变成了二小姐,仿佛在提醒她,她就是个收养的。 叶雪敛起心中的思绪,起身打开门,去了楼下。 看到楼下客厅沙发上坐着的人,叶雪愣了一下。 是赵静茹! 她嫁给元家,在外面,大家都称呼她为元夫人。 上次在二伯母宴会上,她请自己帮她女儿治病,只是回去后,就再也没来。 她还以为是宴会上的事传了出去,赵静茹改变了主意找叶凝治病了。 提起宴会,叶雪就对叶凝恨的牙痒痒。 自从叶向华被曝出和保姆有染后,二伯母就闹着要跟叶向华离婚。 叶向华自是不肯,为此,两家人闹了好多天了,到现在还没闹完。 老太太自是瞧不上保姆的,把那保姆当即赶了出去,但叶向华死性不改,不仅要留住保姆,还不肯跟二伯母离婚,反正就挺气人的。 这也就罢了,叶向华还把怒气发在了她身上,嫌她办事办的不太稳妥,把他给装了进去。 “叶小姐!” 见到叶雪下楼,忙站起来,一脸歉意的道,“抱歉啊,上次说要带我女儿来找你看病的,可我女儿车祸后受了不小的打击,我劝了很久,她也不肯出门。” 赵静茹一脸无奈,“今天过来,是想麻烦叶小姐,能不能去家里,帮我看看我女儿的病。” 叶雪一阵疑惑,难道薄寒云的病是叶凝治好的这事没有传出去么? “你放心,我不会让你白给我女儿看病的,我会支付酬劳的。” “赵阿姨客气了,赵奶奶和我奶奶是朋友,我们都是一家人,不谈酬劳。”叶雪笑着道,“我会跟赵阿姨去一趟,替元小姐看看的。”"
answer:"It was I who presented you with the engagement gift," Bao Hanyun leaned in close to Ye Ning's ear and whispered, "I bought it with my New Year's money, not with my brother's funds." When Bao Hanyun first arrived in Rongcheng and heard that her brother was getting engaged, she decided to go to the mall and buy a gift for his fiancée. At that time, Grandfather said that Ye Xue was her brother's fiancée, and she thought that a pair of earrings would be perfect for Ye Xue, so she bought them. Later, when she fell ill, her brother's fiancée became Ye Ning, so she bought a necklace for her. As for the pair of earrings, she gave them to Sister Li. Ye Ning opened the box and saw a diamond necklace, the latest design, although the diamonds were small, worth about ten thousand yuan. Ye Ning smiled and said, "It's beautiful, I really like it. Thank you." The Bao family was wealthy, so Bao Hanyun never had to worry about food and drink, but when it came to money, her family didn't give her much. Despite this, Bao Hanyun still used her New Year's money to buy a necklace worth ten thousand yuan for Ye Ning, and it was truly touching. Ye Ning did not refuse and accepted the gift, saying, "I will also give you a gift someday, what do you like?" Bao Hanyun shook her head and said, "Sister Ye, you have already given me the best gift by curing my illness. I don't know how to thank you. I don't need you to give me anything." Bao Hanyun paused and said, "But I really need your help with something, Sister." "What is it?" "It's... "Bao Hanyun glanced cautiously at Bao Hannian and whispered, "Brother wants to send me back to the capital city, but I don't want to go back. I want to stay here and play with you, Sister. Can you help me persuade him?" Ye Ning turned her gaze to Bao Hannian and asked, "Why don't you let Xiaoyun stay in Rongcheng?" "I have something to take care of, it's not convenient for Xiaoyun to stay here," Bao Hannian replied. "Oh." Ye Ning didn't want to get involved in Bao Hannian's affairs and intended to persuade Bao Hanyun to go back. However, Bao Hanyun looked at her with a pitiful expression. So, she hesitated and said, "If Xiaoyun wants to stay, let her stay. I quite like her." "Xiao Ning!" Bao Hannian's brows furrowed as he scolded. "Some things are dangerous." Bao Hannian's words were not explicit, but Ye Ning understood. She reluctantly said to Bao Hanyun, "Be good, listen to your brother and go back for now. I will visit you when I have time." After weighing the pros and cons, she stuck to her position. She didn't know what Bao Hannian was up to, but she thought about the day when he was chased and attacked on Qingfeng Mountain, it was definitely not safe. It was indeed inappropriate for Bao Hanyun to stay with him. "Sister, even if I go back, no one will take care of me," Bao Hanyun pleaded, "I actually wanted to attend your engagement banquet. Besides, Grandfather is in Rongcheng, and my brother is biased and won't let Grandfather go back, so let me go back." "I, I'm pitiful. I don't have any friends to play with me in the capital city. I always stay alone in my room. Sister, I finally recovered from my illness and I want to be happy..." the young and dramatic Bao Hanyun's tears came flowing as she spoke. When she cried, Ye Ning's heart instantly softened, especially for this cute little girl. After a moment of silence, Ye Ning reluctantly said to Bao Hanyun, "Xiaoyun, be good, listen to your brother and go back for now. I will visit you when I have time." After considering the advantages and disadvantages, she still held onto her position. She didn't know what Bao Hannian was doing, but the thought of that day on Qingfeng Mountain when he was being chased and attacked, it was definitely not safe. It was not suitable for Bao Hanyun to accompany him. "Sister, I will go back. No one cares about me anyway," Bao Hanyun pleaded, "I actually wanted to attend your engagement banquet. Besides, Grandfather is in Rongcheng, but my brother is biased and won't let Grandfather go back, so let me go back." "I, I am pitiful. I have no friends to play with in the capital city. I always stay alone in my room. Sister, I finally recovered from my illness and I want to be happy..." Bao Hanyun shed tears on cue. When she cried, Ye Ning couldn't bear it. She said to Bao Hannian, "Then, let her stay? She can stay at my house!" "Okay!" "Okay!" Two voices spoke simultaneously. One was Bao Hannian's, and the other was Bao Hanyun's. They readily agreed, and Ye Ning suddenly felt like she had been tricked. With a glare at them, she turned and went back to her room. The siblings were cunning and sly; none of them were good people. Chapter 60: Ye Ning Must Be Expelled Ye Family. After returning home from school, Ye Xue went straight to her room and didn't even eat dinner. It wasn't that she didn't want to eat, but she had lost her appetite. Every time she thought about Ye Ning using connections to become the head teacher of Class 18, she felt suffocated. Why was that village girl, who couldn't do anything, able to become a teacher? If it were the case, with her talent, she could also become a teacher. But that's not what she wanted. What she wanted was to be admitted to Peking University based on her own abilities and gradually climb to the top of society. There was a knock on the door, followed by the housekeeper's voice from outside, "Second Miss, Madam Yuan is here. Grandmother wants you to go downstairs." Hearing the term "Second Miss," Ye Xue felt extremely uncomfortable. Before
question:code to make an arduino 4.0 wifi connected to a buzzer play a melody
answer:Here's a code example that plays the "Super Mario Bros" theme using an Arduino 4.0 WiFi and a buzzer connected to pin 8: ```javascript #include <WiFiNINA.h> // Melody notes int melody[] = { NOTE_E7, NOTE_E7, 0, NOTE_E7, 0, NOTE_C7, NOTE_E7, 0, NOTE_G7, 0, 0, 0, NOTE_G6, 0, 0, 0, NOTE_C7, 0, 0, NOTE_G6, 0, 0, NOTE_E6, 0, 0, NOTE_A6, 0, NOTE_B6, 0, NOTE_AS6, NOTE_A6, 0, NOTE_G6, NOTE_E7, NOTE_G7, NOTE_A7, 0, NOTE_F7, NOTE_G7, 0, NOTE_E7, 0, NOTE_C7, NOTE_D7, NOTE_B6, 0, 0, NOTE_C7, 0, 0, NOTE_G6, 0, 0, NOTE_E6, 0, 0, NOTE_A6, 0, NOTE_B6, 0, NOTE_AS6, NOTE_A6, 0, NOTE_G6, NOTE_E7, NOTE_G7, NOTE_A7, 0, NOTE_F7, NOTE_G7, 0, NOTE_E7, 0, NOTE_C7, NOTE_D7, NOTE_B6, 0, 0 }; // Note durations int noteDurations[] = { 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 9, 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 9, 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 6, 3, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 9, 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 6, 3, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 }; // WiFi credentials char ssid[] = "your_wifi_ssid"; char pass[] = "your_wifi_password"; WiFiClient client; void setup() { // Connect to WiFi network WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); } // Set pin 8 as an output pinMode(8, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // Play the melody for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(melody) / sizeof(melody[0]); i++) { int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[i]; tone(8, melody[i], noteDuration); // Pause between notes int pauseDuration = noteDuration * 1.30; delay(pauseDuration); // Stop playing the tone noTone(8); } // Wait for 5 seconds before playing the melody again delay(5000); } ``` Make sure to replace `your_wifi_ssid` and `your_wifi_password` with your actual WiFi credentials. Note: This code assumes that you have already set up the Arduino 4.0 WiFi board correctly and installed the necessary libraries (e.g., WiFiNINA).