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question:<OUTLINE_REVIEW_PROMPT> [GENRE] Grimdark fantasy + romantic drama. [EXECUTION] • You are an expert developmental editor with decades of experience planning and plotting detailed and engaging storylines. Your task is to provide honest detailed feedback on the provided novel outline, taking into account the following elements: • Character Details: <mainCharacters> <character name= “Rhaenyra” age= “34”> A crown princess of the Seven Kingdoms, has 5 sons, pregnant with her sixth child. Widow of Laenor, is married to her uncle Daemon. First ever female heir to the Iron Throne but her younger half-brothers and their faction dispute her claim. Lives with her family on Dragonstone Island, ruling her castle. Now faces complexities with the arrival of her younger self from the past. Rhaenyra values her appointment as heir by her father primarily as evidence of his love, not out of a desire for power. Her perspective is that her status is a unique occurrence, not a precedent for future. <relationships> <relationships> <kin> <relationship name= “Daemon” role= “husband” status= “ally” dynamics= “Rhaenyra loves him and trusts him but sometimes struggles to handle his temper” /> <relationship name= “Daemion” role= “younger version of her husband” status= “antagonist” dynamics= “Rhaenyra loves him but their goals are not aligned.” /> <relationship name= “Viserys I” role= “father” status= “supportive” dynamics= “Beloved father and her king” /> <relationship name= “Nyra” role= “her younger self” status= “antagonist” dynamics= “Fight against her own desires” /> </kin> <relationship role= “children” status= “loved” dynamics= “Her beloved children, whom she adores unconditionally, although potential future complications are foreshadowed.” /> <relationship name= “Rhaenys” role= “conditional ally” status= “tense” dynamics= “Rhaenyra needs her political support” /> <non-kin> <relationship name= “Alicent” role= “rival” status= “complicated” dynamics= “Former friend turned rival, relationship soured over time due to political and personal differences.” /> <relationship name= “Otto” role= “adversary” status= “hostile” dynamics= “Overt political adversary, openly opposes her claim to the throne.” /> <relationship name= “Criston” role= “skeptic” status= “tense” dynamics= “Rhaenyra seduced Criston in her own timeline many years ago, and he betrayed her later, so she is wary around this Criston too.” /> </non-kin> </relationships> <appearance> rather tall, has pale skin, silver-gold long hair, usually braided; violet narrow eyes. Aquiline nose. Very beautiful. Wears flowing silk and velvet gowns in Targaryen colors of black and red, sometimes wears clothes in of icy-blue and silver shades. Also likes purple and golden tones. </appearance> <beliefs> doesn't feel strongly about the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family, thinks friendship is important, finds blind honesty foolish, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, doesn't have any strong feelings about tradition, values independence, values sacrifice, leisure time, romance, values peace over war. </beliefs> <personality> Rhaenyra is quick to anger, often feels lustful, is stubborn, occasionally overindulges, tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions, is pleased by her own appearance and talents, struggles with the ambition for personal power amidst familial responsibilities, doesn't mind wearing something special now and again, tends not to reveal personal information, is a friendly individual, has a sense of duty and it conflicts with her love for autonomy, enjoys the company of others, is assertive. </personality> <motivation> <outerMotivation>Providing Safe Future for Her Family</outerMotivation> <goal>Send Daemion and Nyra back to their time, keep her children alive, and prevent a civil war which will otherwise come to pass. <stakes> potential death of her sons and extinction of all dragons</stakes> </goal> <unmetNeed general= “Safety and Security” specific= “Protect her loved ones” /> </motivation> <primaryWound > Keeping A Dark Secret of Her Sons Parentage i.e., her first three sons are not from her late husband Laenor, therefore are bastards, and she is guilty of an adultery and treason. </primaryWound> <secondaryWound> Losing her Loved Ones – she lost her mother many years ago, she lost her secret lover Harwin in fire six years ago. <secondaryWound> <primaryFear> Legal repercussions (being accused of high treason, losing her status, children being punished) if the truth about her treason comes out. </primaryFear> <primaryLie> The wellbeing of her family is more important than the truth about her sons. </primaryLie> <positiveTraits> Affectionate, Protective, Open-Minded, Courageous <positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Ignorant, Dishonest </negative traits> <innerStruggles> • Balancing her desire to be a mother and wife with the pressures and societal expectations of being a Crown Princess. • The conflict between her duty to her father’s legacy and her exhaustion from facing adversity from the society, leading to internal turmoil. • She feels obligated to be the heir mostly because her father chose her despite all customs and trusts her. • She worries that Daemon loved Laena more and would prefer to keep the timeline unchanged. </innerStruggles> <enneagram> Type 2 wing 3 Core Fear: Being rejected and unwanted, being thought worthless, inconsequential, dispensable. Core Desire: Being appreciated, to express her feelings for others, loved, and wanted. Passion: Pride </enneagram> <mbti ESFP </mbti> <storyRole> protagonist </storyRole> <archetypicalArc> Symbolically represents the Too-Good Mother, stifling the growth of her children. Learns to accept and use her power in relationship and in authority. Accepting her responsibility to protect her family is the catalyst for her involvement in power struggles. </archetypicalArc> <tells> Confrontation: Tries to diffuse tension and find compromise. Can become blunt and sassy to gain leverage in negotiations or conflicts. Surprise: Initially caught off guard but quickly regains composure. Curious about the situation. Comfort/Relaxation: Loves spending time with her family. Finds joy in music, flying and leisure activities. </tells> </character> <character> <realName>Rhaenyra Targaryen</realName> <alias>Naelyra “Nyra” Kirines</alias> <age>18</age> Young Rhaenyra, pulled from the past, 17 years ago, into her own future, adopts the alias “Nyra” to protect the timeline while learning about her eventual future. <relationships> • Nyra loves her father Viserys I but feels pressured but his demands to marry. • Nyra is infatuated with her uncle, Daemion, but her father Viserys I plans to marry her to her second cousin Laenor. • Nyra disdains her half-brother Aegon II. • Alicent was her former best friend but they fell out in recent years as Nyra feels betrayed by Alicent. • Nyra distrusts Otto as he hopes to make his grandson Aegon II an heir. • Nyra is friendly towards Laenor but there are no romantic feelings between them, as he is gay. • Nyra finds Criston handsome and enjoys their easy rapport. <appearance> medium height, silver-gold long straight hair, usually braided or loose, violet narrow eyes. Slender and very beautiful. <beliefs> Nyra values loyalty, values family, thinks friendship is important, finds blind honesty foolish, values cunning, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, disregards tradition, values independence, doesn't really see the value in self-examination, values sacrifice, values leisure time, values romance, values peace over war. </beliefs> <personality> She can easily develop positive sentiments, is quick to anger, often acts without deliberation, often feels lustful, occasionally overindulges, is stubborn, is brave in the face of danger, is pleased by her own appearance and talents, likes to present herself boldly, tends to hang on to grievances, enjoys the company of others, is curious and eager to learn, is assertive. <motivation> <outerMotivation> • Gaining Control Over Her Choices in Life (primary). • Making Her Father Proud. </outerMotivation> <goal> To return to her time, avoid the arranged marriage with Laenor Velaryon and marry Daemion as soon as possible. <stakes> Living an unfulfilled life<stakes> </goal> <unmetNeed general= “Love and Belonging” specific= “To love without reservation” /> </motivation> <primaryWound> Being Treated as Property, i.e., having her marriage to Laenor arranged against her will to benefit her family. <woundResponse> • Rebelling in small ways. • Subtly planning to avoid the situation. </woundResponse> </primaryWound> <secondaryWound> Experiencing the death of a mother as a youth. </secondaryWound> <woundResponse> • Difficulty feeling truly secure. • Struggling with building healthy, balanced relationships. • Associating love and acceptance with sexual activity. </woundResponse> <primaryFear> Being used by others. </primaryFear> <primaryLie> What she wants doesn't matter to anyone. </primaryLie> <positiveTraits> Affectionate, Tolerant, Spunky, Brave, Seductive </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Bratty, Dishonest, Rebellious, Impatient </negativeTraits > <skills> Charm, Lying, High Pain Tolerance, Horse-riding, a knack for languages </skills> <innerStruggles> • Nyra constantly struggles between following her heart and doing her duty. • Nyra resents her father’s former prioritization of personal desire over duty as he married Alicent due to sympathy. This resentment fuels her determination to prioritize love over duty in her own romantic choices, rejecting royal expectations. • Nyra desires Daemion, but finds him too unpredictable, fears he wants her only for political benefits. • Nyra feels overwhelmed and disappointed by learning about her own future and decides to change many things (starting with marrying Daemion and not giving birth to bastards). </innerStruggles> <enneagram> Type 2 wing 3 Core Fear: Being rejected and unwanted, being thought worthless, inconsequential, dispensable. Core Desire: Being appreciated, to express her feelings for others, loved, and wanted. Passion: Pride. </enneagram> <mbti ESFP </mbti> <storyRole> Deuteragonist, contagonist to Rhaenyra </storyRole> <archetypicalArc> Coming of age – final part. Nyra doesn’t want to surrender what she has discovered about herself and about life (from Daemion she learnt that intimate relationships may feel good for women too and that marriage could provide pleasure). She will not hide her newly won understanding of her own desires and dangers. She is ready to fight back against her father and her older self and everyone who hinders her marriage to Daemion. </archetypicalArc> <tells> Confrontation: Answers with confidence and assertiveness. Often becomes pushy and sassy if displeased. Surprise: Initially caught off guard but quickly regains composure. Curious about the situation, open to new experiences. Comfort/Relaxation: Loves spending time with her family. Finds joy in music, flying and leisure activities. </tells> </character> <character name= “Daemon Targaryen” nickname= “The Rogue Prince” age= “50”> He is married to his niece Rhaenyra, stepfather of Jace, Lucerys, Joffrey, father of Baela and Rhaena, cousin and former son-in-law of princess Rhaenys. <relationships> • Truly loves few people, most of all his wife Rhaenyra and older brother Viserys I, yet can be rude even with them. • He was very loyal to his brother but mutual misunderstandings. Otto’s schemes and Daemon’s lack of tact caused Viserys’ I anger. • He cares about his children, but is bad at expressing his love. • He was fond of his late wife Laena but was often neglectful of her needs. He married Laena only as his rebound after Rhaenyra was betrothed to Laenor. • Hates Otto and disdains Alicent for spreading rumors about him. • Despises Criston for his hypocrisy. • He is hostile to princes Aegon II, Aemond, Daeron. • Former war ally and son-in-law of Corlys. • Moderately respects his cousin Rhaenys as they grew up together. • Commands respect among peers and enemies, is feared and hated by many lords. </relationships> <beliefs> values those he considers his family greatly, values cunning, sees life as unfair and doesn't mind it that way, respects power, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, deeply respects skill at arms, doesn't see much value in self-reflection, values knowledge, doesn't often feel envious of others, doesn't particularly care between war and peace. </beliefs> <personality> Daemon is quick to form negative views about things, is quick to anger, disregards societal tradition, does not easily fall in love, feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards, likes to brawl, is stubborn, is very impolite and inconsiderate of propriety, he is incredibly brave in the face of looming danger, even a bit foolhardy. </personality> <skills> Charm, lying, high pain tolerance, has a way with animals, making friends, is a great swordsman and experienced military commander. </skills> <appearance> tall, lean and muscular, silver-blonde short hair, rectangular face with high forehead and angular edges, deep-seated purple eyes, thin pale brows, large square chin. Wrinkles on his forehead and near the eyes. Attractive. <motivation> <outerMotivation> Protecting His Family. <goal> Securing resources and allies for his family (Rhaenyra, his sons and daughters) to ensure the future of his family line and their place in history. <goal> </outerMotivation> <unmetNeed general= “Safety and Security” specific= “To protect his loved ones and ensure them safer future” /> </motivation> <primaryWound> Being repeatedly shunned and banished by his brother Viserys I for perceived disloyalty to the family. <woundResponse> • Difficulty trusting people. • Relishing praise and compliments but wondering if they're genuine. • Bottling up emotions until they explode. • Appreciating Rhaenyra for loving him and accepting him. </woundResponse> </primaryWound> <secondaryWounds> 1. Watching his favorite women die – Daemon is traumatized by his former wife Laena dying in labor. His mother and cousin also died from birth fever. <woundResponse> • Struggling with building balanced relationships. • Worrying about the welfare of remaining loved ones. • Having a hard time letting people in. • Adopting negative attention-seeking behaviors (being rebellious, fighting in taverns, etc.). • Confusing the brother's kindness with pity, and rejecting it. • A sense of </woundResponse> </secondaryWounds> <primaryFear> Being Rejected by Loved Ones If They Believe Some Lies About Him or Skewed Account of Events </primaryFear> <primaryLie> </primaryLie> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 8 wing 7. Core Fear: Being weak, powerless, controlled, vulnerable. Core Desire: Protecting himself and those in his inner circle. Core Weakness: Lust/Excess—constantly desiring intensity, control, and power. </enneagram> <innerStruggles> • Daemon wants to change the past mistakes and help Nyra and Daemion marry, but this will lead to the nonexistence of his daughters Baela and Rhaena. • Daemon wants to find magical way to ensure his daughters will be born in the changed timeline, but he has to hide this from both Rhaenyra and his daughters (Baela and Rhaena want to be born from Laena). • A reluctance to share his feelings with Rhaenyra, built from his primary wound and leading to barriers in their communication. </innerStruggles> </enneagram> <mbti> ESTP </mbti> <archetypicalArc> Flat-arc archetype of a Ruler: represents the authority figure, an alpha male in his household who enjoys that role. He provides for his family, and rises to any challenge, but sees expressing tender emotions as weakness. </archetypicalArc> <tells> Confrontation: Becomes aggressive, sassy and defiant. Won't back down first. Surprise: Initially startled but quickly recovers and analyzes the situation. Comfort/Relaxation: Seeks thrills and excitement. Loves physical pursuits and physical intimacy. Being Challenged: Relishes the opportunity to prove his power and skill. Throws cutting remarks and mocks his opponent. Betrayal - Would react with rage and vengeance. Has a long memory for grudges. Battle – Reckless, skillful and fierce fighter. Drawn to violence and chaos. Diplomacy - Prefers action over talk. Can be blunt to the point of insult but also cunning and charming if needed. </tells> </character> <character> <realName> Daemon Targaryen </realName> <alias>Daemion Kirines</alias> <age>35</age> A younger version of Daemon transferred through the time from 17 years ago. A few days ago, secretly killed his hated first wife Rhea Royce, since she hindered his plans to marry Nyra. <skills> Charm, Lying, High Pain Tolerance, A way with animals, Organization, Making Friends, Great swordsman </skills> <appearance> tall, lean and muscular, silver-blonde short hair, rectangular face with high forehead and angular edges, small purple deep-set eyes, thin pale brows, large chin. Attractive. </appearance> <relationships> • Him and Nyra have become secret lovers, trying to elope. • He is somewhat unfriendly towards Jace and Lucerys, due to them being sons of another man. • He loves his brother Viserys I very much, even if he hides it and often disobeys him. • He is irritable towards Rhaenyra, due to her opposition to his plans but he also loves her and doesn’t want any harm. • He is very hostile towards Criston due to the old grudge. • War ally of Corlys. They are on friendly terms. • Moderately respects his cousin Rhaenys. • Is indifferent towards Laena and feels strongly about it. • He respects and likes Laenor as his close friend, but finds him unfit to be a royal consort. • He is doubtful towards Baela and Rhaena, and is hiding these feelings about it. The feelings spring from first impressions. • He is a respected commander and is liked by knights but hated by many high lords due to his bad reputation. </relationships> <beliefs> values those he considers his family greatly, values cunning, sees life as unfair and doesn't mind it that way, respects power, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, deeply respects skill at arms, doesn't particularly value self-control, doesn't see much value in self-reflection, sees war as a useful means to an end. </beliefs> <personality> Daemion is quick to form negative views about things, is very quick to anger, disregards societal tradition, does not easily fall in love, often feels lustful, feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards, likes to brawl, is very stubborn, is very impolite and inconsiderate of propriety, he is incredibly brave in the face of looming danger, even a bit foolhardy. </personality <motivation> <outerMotivation> Correcting A Perceived Mistake made by his Older Self <goal>settle down and start a family with Nyra, become her future prince consort instead of Laenor </goal> </outerMotivation> <unmetNeed general= “Love and Belonging” specific= “To feel part of a family.” /> </motivation> <primaryWound> A Sibling's Betrayal – his brother always believing the worst rumors about him and banishing him from his home. <woundResponses> • Playing the blame game. • Refusing to accept responsibility for the rift with his brother or what caused it, though he shares the blame. • Being overly sensitive to signs of disloyalty from others. • Cynicism due to broken promises, and seeing the ugliness in people. </woundResponses> </primaryWound> <secondaryWounds> • Having his marriage arranged against his will when he was 16. Was married to Rhea and disdained her. • Growing up in the public eye – being part of a royal family. </secondaryWounds> <woundResponses> • Avoided his wife. • Repeatedly asked for annulment and was hurt by his brother’s refusals. • Got rid of her eventually. • Becoming entitled; believing one is above the law. • Engaging in anonymous activities to feel like a regular person (wearing disguises, visiting taverns and brothels in secret). </woundResponses> <primaryFear > Being rejected by loved ones who believe some lies or skewed account of events about him. </primaryFear> <primaryLie> He will never be accepted unconditionally. </primaryLie> <positiveTraits> Loyal, Protective, Resourceful, Intelligent. </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Volatile, Abrasive, Violent, Impetuous. </negativeTraits> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 8 wing 7 Core Fear: Being weak, powerless, harmed, controlled, vulnerable Core Desire: Protecting yourself and those in his inner circle. Core Weakness: Lust/Excess—constantly desiring intensity, control, and power. </enneagram> <innerStruggles> • He wants to marry Nyra, but worries that his brother Viserys I may disown her for eloping against his wishes. • Deep inside he worries that him eloping with Nyra may completely destroy any sympathy from his brother to him. • He doesn’t want to hurt Rhaenyra and he loves her, but is frustrated by her attempts to thwart his plans. • He feels frustrated at Baela and Rhaena attempts to hinder his marriage, but doesn’t want to hurt them. • He doesn’t actually want the throne for himself, he wants to help Nyra to make their family thrive, but others see him as greedy for power. <innerStruggles> <archetypicalArc> Flat character, who symbolically and literally returned from the war who may now enjoy a hard-won and justly deserved peace. He yearns to settle down, mentor others and nurture the next generation of Targaryens. </archetypicalArc> </character> <character name= “Jacaerys Velaryon” nickname= “Jace” age= “15”> Firstborn son and an heir of Rhaenyra and Laenor, great-nephew of Daemon, brother of Lucerys, Joffrey, Aegon the Younger, Viserys. He is formally second in line to the Iron Throne but rumors about his bastardy made his status doubtful. <appearance> He is short for his age and has a slender build, dark brown curly hair and brown eyes. In the end of the story, he has dark-blonde curly hair and grey-blue eyes with hints of yellow. Handsome. </appearance> <relationships> • Jace harbors a profound resentment towards Daemion. His unfriendliness masks an underlying insecurity, as Daemion’s taunts stir the feelings of inadequacy due to rumors of illegitimacy. • Jacaerys sees in Baela a kindred spirit, admiring her tenacity and spirit. He is infatuated by her but feels a bit insecure due to his status of rumored bastard. • He is mildly antagonistic to Nyra, due to difference in character and attitudes. • He is wary towards Criston, since the knight will become his enemy in future, and is hiding these feelings. • He is wary but respectful towards Daemon. Tension exists due to him being a young heir of his mother and Daemon being his stepfather and Prince Consort, plus an experienced commander. </relationships> <beliefs> Jace respects the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, doesn't find power particularly praiseworthy, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values decorum and proper behavior, values tradition, values tranquility and a peaceful day, values merrymaking, deeply respects skill at arms, values peace over war. </beliefs> <personality>can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments, often feels envious of others, is quick to anger, is a friendly individual, can be occasionally violent, is stubborn, is quite polite, doesn't tend to hold on to grievances, enjoys the company of others, has a strong sense of duty, likes a little excitement now and then, he is incredibly brave in the face of looming danger. </personality> <motivation> <outerMotivation> Doing The Right Thing <goal> fix the damage caused by the magical ritual that he took part in, help his family to avoid the future war. </goal> <stakes> • Trust issues and damaged relationships with Baela. • Baela’s life changing for the worse. </stakes> <outerMotivation> <unmetNeed general= “Esteem and Recognition” specific= “To prove worthiness as heir” /> </motivation> <primaryWound> Being The Victim of Vicious Rumors –That he is a bastard, not a son of Laenor, therefore unworthy of a throne. <woundResponse> • Vacillating between anger, embarrassment, and humiliation. • Making it a goal to prove the rumor of his bastardy wrong. • Fears inadvertently undermining his mother’s position due to his perceived illegitimacy, </woundResponse> </primaryWound> <secondaryWound> Experiencing The Death of a Father as A Child <woundResponse> </woundResponse> </secondaryWound> <primaryFear> Letting His Family Down <fearRelatedBehaviors> • Tries to prove the rumors of his bastardy wrong by being a kind, dutiful and proper person, as bastards are perceived to be savage and sinful. • Spends free time on pursuits that will make him a better heir. • Worries about the repercussions or falling short or making a mistake. </fearRelatedBehaviors> </primaryFear> <primaryLie> He can never achieve his hopes and dreams with this taint hanging over his head. <primaryLie> <positiveTraits> Proper, Responsible, Empathetic, Honorable </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Temperamental, Stubborn </negativeTraits> <innerStruggles> • He is torn between being a loyal son to his mother and supporting his betrothed Baela and helping her with her schemes. • He wants to get new appearance by magic ritual but feels guilty that he betrays his dead father by rejecting resemblance with him. • He feels insecure and unworthy of being the heir, while his mother has younger trueborn sons with Daemon. • After his hair and eye colors start to lighten due to ritual, he feels both glad and upset. He is no longer Harwin’s son and is unsure of his identity. </innerStruggles> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 3 wing 4 Core Fear: Being exposed as or thought incompetent, inefficient, or worthless. Core Desire: Having high status and respect, being admired, successful, and valuable. Core Weakness: Deceit — deceiving himself into believing that he is only the image he presents to others; embellishing the truth by putting on a polished persona for everyone to see and admire. A self-image that in turn compensates for the deep sense of awkwardness and shame that lies behind the mask. </enneagram> <mbti> ENFJ </mbti> <storyRole> Sidekick of an antagonist </storyRole> </character> </mainCharacters> <AI PAUSE> <secondaryCharacters> <character name= “Lucerys” nickname= “Luke” age= “14”> Prince, second son of Rhaenyra and Laenor, great-nephew of Daemon. Formally the heir to the Lordship of Driftmark, but his status is contested by other Velaryons, relatives of Corlys. <Appearance> he is short, has thick brown wavy hair, hazel eyes, pug nose. In the end of the story, he has honey-blonde curly hair and deep-blue eyes with some yellow. </appearance> • He is highly friendly towards Jacaerys, Joffrey, Baela, Rhaena. • He is extremely wary towards Criston, and will be difficult to persuade otherwise about it. • He is admiring towards Rhaenyra, and has strong feelings about it. • He is moderately compassionate towards Naelyra. <personality> Luke respects the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family, doesn't find power particularly praiseworthy, values honesty, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values decorum, values tradition, values tranquility and a peaceful day, doesn't really value merrymaking, values martial prowess, values hard work, sees competition as wasteful, doesn't care one way or the other about romance, values peace over war. <personality>can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments, often feels envious of others, often feels discouraged, cracks easily under pressure, is a friendly individual, tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions, takes no pleasure in his talents, frowns on any flashy accoutrements, can be occasionally violent, is quite polite, doesn't tend to hold on to grievances, has a sense of duty, is trusting, likes to take it easy, has a low sense of self-esteem. <motivation> Solving A Problem <goal>repair the damage caused by his ritual but keep the results (changed looks) </goal> <unmetNeed general= “Esteem and Recognition” specific= “To regain the respect of others” /> </motivation> <primaryWound> Being Rejected by His Peers – Because he is a rumored bastard, not a son of his legal father. <woundResponses> • Having low self-esteem and self-worth. • Walking into a public space and feeling watched, as if everyone is staring. • Trying to dye his hair to fly under the public's radar. • Lacking ambition and desire to be Corlys’ heir. • Having dreams of proving himself as a leader. </woundResponses> </primaryWound> <secondaryWound> Experiencing The Death of a Father as A Child </secondaryWound> <primary fear> Prejudice And Discrimination for Being a Bastard Fear-related behaviors: Luke avoids situations where he might be judged, criticized or ridiculed for his rumored illegitimacy and appearance. These include public gatherings and formal events where stares and gossip make him uncomfortable. </primary fear> <primaryLie> He’s Defective and Weak and Doesn’t Deserve His Inheritance. </primaryLie> <positiveTraits> Honorable, Kind, Honest </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Insecure, Worrywart </negativeTraits> <innerStruggles> • He hates sailing, but he feels he owes it to his family to become Lord Corlys’ heir. • he doesn’t believe he has the skills or knowledge to succeed in a role of a Lord of Driftmark. <enneagram> Enneagram Type 6 wing 7 </enneagram> <mbti> ISFP <mbti> </character> <character name= “Baela Targaryen” age= “14”> The firstborn daughter of Daemon and Laena, sister of Rhaena. Just in few weeks after Laena burial Daemon married his niece Rhaenyra, his daughters were shocked by such hurried event. But eventually Baela learnt to like her new stepmother and gets along well with her cousins/stepbrothers Jace and Luke. <relationships> • She loves her sister Rhaena, cares a lot about her younger brothers Aegon the Younger and Viserys. • Is respectful and friendly to her grandmother Rhaenys. • She is flirtatious with her betrothed Jace. • She is friendly and respectful with her stepmother Rhaenyra. • Respects her father Daemon but often disagrees with him. • Feels very conflicted about Nyra and Daemion, she likes them as persons but their actions threaten her life. </relationships> <appearance> Baela is striking, she is of above average height, brown skin, oval face, thick curly silver-blonde hair, purple eyes </appearance> <personality> Baela values loyalty, values family greatly, values cunning, does not care about fairness, disregards tradition, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values romance, values martial prowess, prefers a noisy, bustling life to boring days without activity, sees war as sometimes necessary. <personality>Baela is quick to form negative views about things, is rarely jealous, is quick to anger, rarely feels discouraged, is confident under pressure, can easily fall in love, often feels lustful, feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards, likes to brawl, is stubborn, could be considered rude, is brave in the face of imminent danger. </personality> <motivation> <outerMotivation> Preventing Actions of Daemion and Nyra That Might Alter the Timeline. <goal>Stop the courting between Nyra and Daemion, because if they alter the past and elope, Baela and Rhaena won't be born. </goal> </outerMotivation> <unmetNeed general= “Safety and Security” specific= “To ensure her family’s existence” /> </motivation> <primaryWound> Experiencing The Death Of her mother as a Child </primaryWound> <primaryFear> Losing Another Loved One. <fearRelatedBehaviors> </fearRelatedBehaviors> </primary fear <primaryLie> People don't want to hear about her pain, so it's best to just shut up about it. </primaryLie> <positiveTraits> Confident, Honorable, Passionate, Daring </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Reckless, Mischievous </negativeTraits> <innerStruggles> • Baela gradually builds resentment to her parents, both current and younger versions, as she feels they ignore her feelings. • She likes Nyra, but can’t allow herself to sympathize with her as Nyra threatens her own existence. • She grapples with the moral quandaries of her existence vs. her father’s happiness. </innerStruggles> <enneagram> “Enneagram Type 8 wing 7 Core Fear: Being weak, powerless, harmed, controlled, vulnerable Core Desire: Protecting herself and those in her inner circle. Core Weakness: Lust/Excess—constantly desiring intensity, control, and power </enneagram> <MBTI ESTP </mbti> </character> <character name= “Rhaena Targaryen” age= “14”> Second daughter of Daemon and Laena, stepdaughter and a cousin of Rhaenyra. Betrothed to Lucerys. Dreams of hatching her own dragon and of falling in love with some handsome knight. • She is respectful and trusting towards Rhaenyra, friendly to Jace and Lucerys, adores her younger brothers. • She is friendly with Luke and likes him a lot. • Feels disdainful towards Aegon II, Aemond, Alicent. • She is wary towards Criston. <appearance> Rhaena is pretty, of average height, slender, brown skin, square face, thick curly silver-blonde hair, light purple eyes </appearance> <beliefs> Rhaena values loyalty, values family greatly, thinks friendship is important, values eloquence, values decorum, greatly respects artists and their works, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values romance, strongly values tranquility and quiet, values nature, prefers a noisy, bustling life to boring days without activity, believes that peace is always preferable to war. </beliefs> <personality>Rhaena can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments, is sometimes jealous, is often cheerful, has a calm demeanor, is a friendly individual, often acts with compassion, is not pleased by her own talents, finds helping others emotionally rewarding, likes to take it easy, is given to flights of fancy, enjoys the company of others, is moved by art and natural beauty. </personality> <motivation> <outerMotivation> Preventing Actions of Daemion and Nyra That Might Alter the Timeline. <goal> prevent Daemion and Nyra from eloping before they return to the past. </goal> </outerMotivation> <unmetNeed general= “Safety and Security” specific= “To ensure her family’s and her own existence.” </motivation> <primaryFear> Never being able to distinguish herself. </primaryFear> <primaryWound> Growing Up in The Shadow of a Successful Sibling – Rhaena’s sister Baela is brave, assertive and a dragonrider. <woundResponses> • Being driven to succeed hatching or claiming her own dragon. • Struggling with low self-worth. </woundResponses> </primaryWound> <primaryLie> People will always be more interested in her sister than in her. </primaryLie> <innerStruggles> • She wants to marry for love, but feels she owes it to her family to marry Luke and combine bloodlines. • She doesn’t love Luke, but hopes their friendship will turn into love in time. • She grapples with the moral quandaries of her existence vs. her father’s and stepmother’s happiness. </innerStruggles> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 4 wing 3 Core Fear: Being inadequate, emotionally cut off, plain, mundane. Core Desire: Being unique, special, and authentic. Core Weakness: Envy—feeling that she is flawed, something foundational is missing inside her, and others possess qualities she lacks. </enneagram> <storyRole> Sidekick to Baela, antagonist to Nyra and Daemion. </storyRole> <education> Receiving private tuition, doing very well. Is very good at maths, arts, dancing, sewing, music. </education> </character> <character name= “Criston Cole” age= “27”> <timePeriod>past</timePeriod> A knight, a Kingsguard and a sworn guard of princess Nyra. Comes from a poor steward family and considers being chosen as a Kingsguard as the highest honor. Was transported from the past along with Nyra. <relationships> <relationship name= “Rhaenyra” role= “ally-turned-adversary” status= “present” dynamics= “Begins with respect towards Rhaenyra but evolves into doubt and secret unfriendliness due to rumors.” /> <relationship name= “Daemion” role= “rival” dynamics= “Disdains him, fueled by personal prejudices and jealousy, believes he is unworthy of Nyra.” /> <relationship name= “Naelyra” role= “protector” dynamics= “Worships her as the ideal princess, harboring secret affection but gradually loses respect and becomes hostile.” /> <relationship name= “Daemon” dynamics= “Extremely unfriendly and stubborn due to personal prejudices and jealousy.” /> <relationship name= “Jace” role= “dismissive” dynamics= “Moderately condescending, influenced by the boy’s looks and rumors.” /> <relationship name= “Lucerys” role= “critical” dynamics= “Somewhat disdainful, motivated by rumors and the boy’s lack of martial prowess.” /> </relationships> <skills> Expert swordsman: Criston is one of the best knights in the whole realm, he defeated Daemion in the tourney once. Great maceman. Adept military tactic and organizer. </skills> <appearance> Lean, muscular, medium height, light-tan skin. Very handsome man. Close-cropped wavy dark-brown hair, hazel eyes. Often wears white armor of the Kingsguard. </appearance> <beliefs> Criston respects the law, values loyalty, thinks friendship is important, sees life as unfair and doesn't mind it that way, values decorum, dignity and proper behavior, values tradition, believes it is important to conceal emotions, sees merrymaking as a waste, deeply respects skill at arms, values hard work, believes that those who sacrifice for others should be deeply respected, respects perseverance, doesn't care about romance, values peace over war. </beliefs> <personality> Criston is prone to hatreds, is prone to strong jealousy, is rarely happy, is quick to anger, rarely looks on others with lust, doesn't handle stress well, doesn't focus on material goods, is given to rough-and-tumble brawling, is brave in the face of imminent danger, is quite ambitious, is grateful when others help him out, is vengeful and never forgets or forgives past grievances, is a perfectionist, is emotionally obsessive, has a strong sense of duty, lives an orderly life.</personality> <motivation> <outerMotivation> Doing The Right Thing <goal>Protect Nyra from Daemion’s romantic advances and ensure her safe return to her own time. </goal> </outerMotivation> <unmetNeed general= “Esteem and Recognition” specific= “To gain recognition for his loyal servitude” /> </motivation> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 6 wing 5 </Enneagram <negativeTraits> Resentful, Hypocritical </negativeTraits> <storyRole> Antagonist’s ally. </storyRole> <tells> Betrayal - Would be deeply troubled but keeps anger internalized until he blows up. Battle - Disciplined and efficient fighter. Focuses on technical skill over flair. Diplomacy - Blunt and direct. Distrusts flowery words and niceties but can be polite. Favors concrete agreements over abstract values. </tells> </character> <character name = “Alyn” age 24”> He is a young secret bastard son of lord Corlys and of merchant woman Marilda. Regards Corlys with respect and admiration, secretly suspects Corlys is his dad. <occupation> Served as a sailor on his mother’s trade cogs, then was a sailor on one of lord Corlys’ warships. </occupation> <relationships> • Loves his older brother Addam. • Regards Corlys with respect and admiration, secretly suspects Corlys is his dad. • Is compassionate towards Luke. • He is friendly towards Jace due to personal impressions. • He is somewhat flirtatious towards Baela, despite knowing they are </relationships> <personality> Alyn respects the law, values loyalty, values his family, values cunning, sees life as unfair and doesn't mind it that way, doesn't really value merrymaking, values hard work, respects commerce, values peace over war. <personality>Alyn often feels envious of others, is often cheerful, does not easily fall in love, has a greedy streak, is often lustful, is stubborn, is generally quite confident of his abilities, he is ambitious and prideful. <skills> skilled fighter, skilled sailor, aggressive and direct military leader, has strategic mind. </skills> <appearance> tall, dark brown skin, silver-blonde short hair, indigo eyes. Athletic, slender and handsome. </appearance> <enneagram> “Enneagram Type 7 wing 8” </enneagram> <storyRole> Secondary character, appears in act 2, romantic rival to Jace and mentor to Luke. </storyRole> </character> <character name= “Gerardys” age= “54”> A Maester in the Castle Dragonstone. Good at medicine. Respectful of princess Rhaenyra and her family. <storyRole> Advisor to Rhaenyra. </storyRole> <motivation> Serving His Princess <goal>Providing council to her, attend to medical and educational needs of her family</goal> <unmetNeed general= “Self-Actualization” specific= “To pursue meaningful goals /> </motivation> <positiveTraits> Humble, Resourceful, Loyal </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Subservient </negativeTraits> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 9 wing 8 </enneagram> </character> <character name= “Marys Velseros” age= “42”> A mage and healer, knows blood and shadow dark magic, was taught in Asshai by old mages. <appearance> short silver hair, thin lips, mildly wrinkled face, blue eyes, thick brows. Not pretty. </appearance> <relationships> • She is highly irritable towards Rhaenyra, her feelings spring from first impressions. • She is somewhat hostile towards Daemon, the feelings spring from personal involvement. • She is condescending towards Nyra, her feelings come from the rumors and personal observations. </relationships> <storyRole> Secondary character, Mentor to Rhaenyra. </storyRole> <motivation> Stopping An Event from Happening <goal> Prevent the Dance of the Dragons (Civil war between Targaryens) that will lead to the extinction of the dragons. </goal> <unmetNeed general= “Safety and Security” specific= “To protect existence of magic and dragons” /> </motivation> <primaryFear> Running Out of Necessary Resources (magic) </primaryFear> <positiveTraits> Adaptable, Industrious, Analytical </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Devious, Resentful, Snarky </negativeTraits> <enneagram> “Enneagram Type 5 wing 6” </enneagram> <archetypicalArc> A Mage - an advisor much wiser and more experienced than the protagonist, but who may be hard to win over as a potential source of information or help. Also, may mislead or manipulate the protagonist as a form of "teaching." </archetypicalArc> <storyRole > Mentor, appears in Act 2, helps Rhaenyra to deal with consequences of magic ritual, shows her the visions of her future and death of her children. Catalyzes her growth. </storyRole > </character> </secondaryCharacters> <minorCharacters> <character name= “Joffrey” nickname= “Joff” age= “6”> Third son of Rhaenyra and Laenor, grandson of Viserys I, great-nephew of Daemon. Prince. Bonded to a dragon Tyraxes. <appearance> Slender, thick mane of brown hair, hazel eyes, narrow chin. <relationships> • Adores his mother. • Loves his brothers a lot. • Friendly towards Baela and Rhaena. </relationships> <personality> Joff is quick to anger, is stubborn, prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible, is friendly, is brave in the face of imminent danger, lives a fast-paced life, is moved by art and natural beauty. </personality> <motivation>Dreams of becoming a great knight someday<motivation> <positiveTraits> Courageous, Enthusiastic, Loyal </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Reckless, Impatient </negativeTraits> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 7 wing 8 </Enneagram <mbti> ESFP </mbti> </character> <character name= “Aegon Targaryen” nickname= “The Younger” age= “4.5”> Prince, first son of Daemon and Rhaenyra. Adores his older brothers and sisters. Prefers to spend time with his siblings or with his dragon Stormcloud. <appearance> Icy-blonde hair, light skin, violet eyes. </appearance> <positiveTraits> Focused, Calm, Humble, Persuasive <negativeTraits> Stubborn, Aloof <personality> Aegon is slow to anger, doesn't often experience urges, is stubborn, prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible, is very friendly, is brave in the face of imminent danger, tends to avoid crowds, is quite polite. </personality> <mbti> INTP </mbti> </character> <character name= “Viserys” age= “2”> Prince, second son of Daemon and Rhaenyra. Very smart for his age, precocious child. <appearance> Pale creamy-blonde hair, light skin, violet eyes. </appearance> <personality> can easily develop positive sentiments, is often cheerful, is a friendly boy, is often nervous, is very stubborn, is curious and eager to learn </personality> </character> <character name= “Viserys I” age= “54”> A fifth king of the Seven Kingdoms, father of princesses Rhaenyra and Helaena, princes Aegon II, Aemond, Daeron, is an older brother of Daemon. Terminally ill, dying in his bed in the Red Keep. <appearance>Lean, medium height, light skin. Looks much older than his age. Receding silver hair, dull violet eyes. </appearance> <storyRole> Minor character, just mentioned. His past mistakes lead to Rhaenyra’s current troubles. </storyRole> <beliefs> Viserys I respects the law, values loyalty, values family, doesn't find power particularly praiseworthy, values decorum and proper behavior, values tradition, sees no value in holding back complaints, strongly values tranquility and quiet, strongly believes that a peaceful society without dissent is best, truly values merrymaking and parties, does not really value skills related to fighting, doesn't care about romance, believes that peace is always preferable to war. </beliefs> <personality> Viserys I often feels envious of others, is often cheerful, often feels discouraged, rarely looks on others with lust, doesn't handle stress well, tends to avoid any physical confrontations, prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible, relies on the advice of others during decision making, isn't particularly ambitious, doesn't tend to hold on to grievances, is easily moved to mercy, is swayed by emotional appeals, can get caught up in internal deliberations when action is necessary, is trusting, greatly moved by art and natural beauty. </preferences> <negativeTraits> Weak-Willed, Gullible, Ignorant </negativeTraits> </character> <character name= “Corlys” age= “76”> He is a head of the House Velaryon, lord of Driftmark, one of the wealthiest men in Westeros. <appearance> very tall, broad-shouldered, dark brown skin, silver-blonde long hair in dreads, dark indigo eyes. Broad-shouldered and fit, despite his advanced age. Was recently wounded in battle, bedridden. <relationships> • Loves his wife Rhaenys but unfaithful to her. • Loves his granddaughters. • Disdains Daemon a lot. • Highly unfriendly towards Rhaenyra. • He is somewhat antagonistic towards Criston. • <relationship name= “Rhaenyra” role= “conditional ally” status= “tense” dynamics= “Outwardly a loyal vassal but harbors secret resentment.” /> </relationships> <storyRole> Rarely mentioned. Potential ally to Rhaenyra. </storyRole> <motivation > Trying To Succeed Where One Has Previously Failed. <goal> Corlys wants to see a person carrying his name and blood on the Iron Throne. <unmetNeed general= “Esteem and Recognition” specific= “to feel validated through justice being served.” /> </motivation> <primaryFear> Leaving No Legacy – Corlys wants his blood, his grandchildren on the throne, to be remembered as the future king’s grandfather. </primaryFear> <enneagram> “Enneagram Type 3 wing 2” </enneagram> <mbti> ENTJ </mbti> <tells> Confrontation: Direct and authoritative. Won't tolerate disrespect. Surprise: Assesses how the situation impacts his goals and plans accordingly. Comfort/Relaxation: Enjoys lavish environments and spoils of his success. Prides his legacy. Being Challenged: Laser-focused on overcoming obstacles to succeed. Tenacious and unrelenting. </tells> </character> <character name= “Rhaenys Targaryen” age= “54”> Princess, a wife of lord Corlys, cousin of Daemon and king Viserys I. Grandmother of Baela and Rhaena. One of best dragonriders, bonded to Meleys. appearance: Rather tall, slender, silvery-blonde hair, pale lilac eyes. positiveTraits: Proactive, Independent, Courageous <negativeTraits> Resentful, Haughty </negativeTraits> <enneagram> Enneagram Type 3 wing 2 </enneagram> <mbti > ESTJ </mbti> <storyRole> Minor character, mentioned in letters and talks. Potential ally of Rhaenyra. </storyRole> </character> <character name = “Addam” age= “25”> A secret bastard son of lord Corlys and of a woman Marilda. Older brother of Alyn. <occupation> Serves as a sailor on his mother’s trade cogs. </occupation> <relationships> • Regards Corlys with respect and admiration. • Loves his brother Alyn. • Respects Jace. • He is helpful towards Luke. </relationships> <appearance> tall, dark brown skin, silver long hair in dreads, dark indigo eyes. Athletic, broad-shouldered and fit. </appearance> <skills> trained fighter and a sailor</skill> <appearance> tall, dark brown skin, pearl-blonde medium-length curly hair, indigo eyes. Athletic, slender and handsome. </appearance> <storyRole> Incidental character. </storyRole> <mbti > ENFJ </mbti> </character> <character name= “Otto Hightower” age= “57”> A Hand of the King, widowed, father of queen Alicent, grandfather of princes Aegon II, Aemond, Daeron, Helaena. <relationships> • Cares about his family but sees them as tools. • Hates Daemon and spreads rumors about him. • Regards Rhaenyra as obstacle to his plans. • Father-in-law of Viserys I, thought him an ideal puppet king. </relationships> <personality>Otto often feels envious of others, is rarely happy, has a calm demeanor, does not easily fall in love, has a greedy streak, tends to avoid any physical confrontations, is stubborn, is generally quite confident of his abilities, he is very ambitious and prideful. </personality> <appearance>: tall, lean, average build, greying short brown hair, rectangular face with high forehead, deep-seated gray eyes. Wrinkles on his forehead and near the eyes. <motivation> Doing the right thing: she believes his grandson being the king will be right by laws and customs. </motivation> <skills> Shrewd administrator, strategist, networking. </skills> <storyRole> Behind-the-scene character, just mentioned. Enemy to Rhaenyra. </storyRole> </character> <character name= “Alicent” age= “35”> Second wife and the Queen consort of Viserys I, mother of princes Aegon II, Aemond, Daeron, former friend and now a rival to Rhaenyra. Alicent prepares her son, Aegon II, to dispute Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne. <relationships> • Hates and fears Daemon. • Used to love Rhaenyra but grew bitter and resentful, as she considered Rhaenyra a threat to her children. • Despises bastards and spreads rumors about Jace and Lucerys. </relationships> <positiveTraits> Patient, Responsible, Traditional <positiveTraits> <motivation> Doing the right thing: she believes her son being the king will be right by laws and customs. <unmetNeed general= “Esteem and Recognition” specific= “To be valued by others as a good Queen and wife.” /> </motivation> <storyRole> Minor character, just mentioned. Rhaenyra’s former friend. </storyRole> </character> <character name= “Aegon II Targaryen” age= “19”> Prince, firstborn son of king Viserys I and queen Alicent, rival claimant to Rhaenyra. <storyRole> Incidental character, rival claimant, just mentioned. </storyRole> <negativeTraits Irresponsible, Impulsive, Addictive </negativeTraits> </character> <character name= “Helaena” age= “17”> Helaena Targaryen, only daughter of ALICENT, younger half-sister of Rhaenyra. Sister-wife of prince Aegon II. Mother of his children. <positiveTraits> Kind, Patient, Quirky </positiveTraits> <negativeTraits> Timid, Oversensitive </negativeTraits> </character> <character name= “Aemond Targaryen” nickname= “One-Eye” age= “16”> Prince, second son of king Viserys I and Alicent. Younger half-brother of Rhaenyra. Six years ago, Aemond claimed Vhagar as his dragon, making her a great asset for his faction. Most dangerous warrior of Green faction. <primaryWound> Having A Father Who Favored Rhaenyra Over Everyone <woundResponses> • Resentment toward Rhaenyra and her kids. • Seeing everything as a competition. • Becoming an overachiever. <woundResponses> </primaryWound> <primary fear> Being One-Upped or Outperformed by Others </primaryFear> <negativeTraits> Judgmental, Stubborn, Vindictive </negativeTraits> <storyRole> Incidental character, enemy to Rhaenyra, just mentioned. </storyRole> </character> <character name= “Daeron” age= “14”> Youngest son of Alicent and Viserys I. Is raised with his maternal family. Dragonrider, bonded with Tessarion. <storyRole> Incidental character, enemy to Rhaenyra, just mentioned. </storyRole> </character> <character name= “Laena” status= “dead”> Late wife of Daemon, mother of their daughters Baela and Rhaena, died six years ago in her third labor. Daughter of Corlys, sister of Laenor. Laena was a dragonrider and rode the she-dragon Vhagar. Lived with her family in Pentos. After an agonizing labor, Laena commanded her dragon Vhagar to incinerate her. Was a good mother and a devoted wife. Her and Daemon had a happy marriage for ten years, although he still bore feelings for Rhaenyra. </character> <character name= “Laenor Velaryon” status= “officially dead”> Late husband and a cousin of Rhaenyra, legal father of Jace, Lucerys and JOFFREY, died six years ago, allegedly from his lover’s hand. Actually, he escaped with his lover with approval of Rhaenyra and Daemon. Son and heir of Corlys, brother of Laena. Laenor was a dragonrider and rode the dragon Seasmoke. Probably died in some foreign land. <relationships> • Lost his lover, killed by Criston. • Hated Alicent for her rumors about him. • Was a friend and ally of Rhaenyra. • Loved his sons but was a distant father. </relationships> Him and Rhaenyra had a somewhat content marriage for ten years, he was passive and disinterested in politics, useless to her. <storyRole> Officially dead. Just mentioned. </storyRole> <primaryWound> Being Humiliated by Others - Vicious rumors about his queer sexual preference, being shared, causing shame or embarrassment. Laenor grew sick of rumors about his sexuality and partners and wished to escape them. </primaryWound> </ character> <character name= “Harwin Strong” status= “dead”> Former sworn guard of Rhaenyra. Her secret lover and a real father of her three older sons. <storyRole> Just mentioned in talks. </storyRole> </character> <character name= “Vaemond Velaryon” status= “dead”> Younger brother of Corlys. Recently wanted to get Driftmark for himself, petitioned the Hand of the King. Viserys, I rejected his petition, Daemon beheaded him after Vaemond insulted Rhaenyra in public. <storyRole> Just mentioned. </storyRole> </character> </minorCharacters> <AI pause> • Subplots:  Main plotline. Rhaenyra’s transformation from her passivity to the actual leadership, dealing with family drama and preparing for the war. Antagonists: Green faction (Otto, Alicent, Criston, Vaemond’s sons). Allies: Daemon, her sons, Rhaenys.  Nyra’s subplot. Nyra’s forbidden romance with Daemion subplot and confrontation with Rhaenyra, Rhaena and Baela. (Nyra has a hybrid coming of age + heroine arc). Antagonists: Rhaenyra, Baela, Rhaena, Jace, Criston. Allies: Gerardys (in secret), Daemion.  Jace’s subplot. Jace and Baela hybrid romantic+coming of age subplot and very mildly hinted triangle with Alyn (they are not dynamic, both flat characters). Jace helps his brother Luke to regain his confidence and prepare for their duties. Antagonists: Nyra, Vaemond’s sons, Daemion (out of spite), Criston, Alyn. Allies: Rhaenyra, Daemon, Marys. <AI pause> • Outer Conflicts: <outerConflicts> • Rhaenyra is a designated heir to the Iron Throne, although her half-brother Aegon II should be the heir by traditions of the realm as the firstborn son of the king. • Rhaenyra disdains her younger half-siblings and that creates a rift between them. • Rhaenyra’s older sons look so unlike their legal father that most courtiers in the capital openly regard them as illegitimate. Seeking a meaningful relationship, she chose a man she could trust and love (Harwin). However, her older sons' appearance clearly indicates their illegitimacy. • Rhaenyra left the capital six years ago, avoiding rumors about her older sons’ bastardy, therefore, she lost influence and allies at the court. • Rhaenyra’s younger brother Aemond lost his eye in the fight with Luke and he holds a huge grudge against him and her. • Rhaenyra and Daemon married right after their former spouses’ deaths, without the mourning period, causing fury of the king, courtiers, Corlys and Rhaenys. • Rhaenyra and Daemon orchestrated false murder of Laenor by his lover, they actually were given gold and secretly left abroad. It happened away from the court. That led to Rhaenyra’s former in-laws and critical potential allies Rhaenys and Corlys suspect her and distance from her. • Many people on Driftmark and in the capital believe Daemon and Rhaenyra murdered Laenor in order to get married, although there is no direct evidence of their involvement and no trial. • Rhaenyra loves Daemon and is generally happy with him, but feels pressured by his insistence on preparing to the war after Viserys I death. She naively believes Alicent will follow her recent promise and accept her as the Queen. • Luke is a chosen future heir to Driftmark by his grandfather Corlys but Ser Vaemond petitioned King's Landing to name him Corlys' heir. • Daemon chopped off Vaemond's head when he publicly insulted Rhaenyra. Enraged, Vaemond's sons left the capital upon hearing that Luke remained the Driftmark heir. • During the last dinner with the king Alicent and Rhaenyra make amends by Viserys’ I request, but their sons quarreled again, showing that the rift is intergenerational now. Rhaenyra left in a hurry. </outerConflicts> • Outline: Prologue – The Omen. 0.1. Luke’s POV. Crown Princess Rhaenyra sails back to her castle with her family. At night prince Luke and his siblings perform a blood magic ritual found in a book, to change his looks. 0.2. In the morning the family shares breakfast, they chat, then learn about strange casualties on the ship. End Hook: Luke blames himself for eerie deaths, that were caused by the ritual. Chapter 1. Main Plot: 1.1 Rhaenyra arrives to the island and on the way to her castle learns about the reason of that eerie events: her sons’ magical ritual. Daemon is mad at them for their recklessness. 1.2. Jace’s POV. Jace feels like a failure and an inadequate heir. Baela offers him reassurance and understanding. 1.3 Jace’s POV. Later Jace's mother asks him and Luke about the ritual's missing piece. Jace remembered it was maiden's blood to bind fate and time, and they planned to add Baela's and Rhaena's later. He grows curious when his mother weirdly reacts, then goes downstairs and sees the guest room has a girl who is her copy. End Hook: Nyra faces Daemon and gets angry. Chapter 2. 2.1. Nyra’s POV. Flashback 17 years ago. Young Rhaenyra aka Nyra, offended by her uncle Daemion, who brought her to a brothel and then left her alone, returns to the Red Keep and is somehow transported through time to meet her future adult self and family. 2.2. Daemion’s POV. Daemion returns from a Vale after getting rid of his wife, he considers ways to talk to and elope with Nyra while he sneaks into the Red Keep. He is transported too and witnesses his future self with a pregnant Rhaenyra and their children returning to the Dragonstone castle. End Hook: Daemon sees Nyra in the corner. Chapter 3. Past Meets Present 3.1 Inciting Incident of the main plot. Rhaenyra’s POV. Rhaenyra meets her teenage version, Nyra, who appears to somehow have traveled through time. Rhaenyra is shocked but comes to a theory that her sons, who practiced blood magic, are responsible for bringing her younger version to the present. Rhaenyra decides to keep Nyra’s arrival a secret from servants and courtiers until they can figure out a way to send her back to her own time. 3.2 Nyra’s POV. Nyra’s subplot. Nyra waits for Rhaenyra’s return in the guest room. She comes face to face with her uncle, Daemon. She angrily confronts him about his earlier betrayal but finds no remorse in him. She belatedly realizes that this is his older future version. End Hook: Chapter 4. Rhaenyra’s POV. 4.1 Rhaenyra is surprised by a sudden surge of rage as she entered the chamber where her younger self was waiting. Nyra confronts Daemon about his actions in the past, expressing her anger. Just as the tension escalates, Ser Criston Cole and Daemion enter the room, causing a new disturbance. 4.2 Rhaenyra is shocked to witness Daemion and knight, being summoned to the present. Rhaenyra realizes that dealing with the younger versions of her uncle and Criston will be challenging. She tries to calm the situation. Nyra taunts Daemion about potentially seducing Criston. He storms out in anger. Nyra grabs a sword and leaves the room, determined to confront him. Rhaenyra stops Daemon from following and assures him that she will handle the situation. End Hook: Nyra leaves with intention to find Daemion. Chapter 5: Point of No Return. 5.1 Nyra finds Daemion and seduces him instead of Criston, as she wanted initially. Rhaenyra and Daemon follow her and secretly watch the romantic encounter from a hidden niche. 5.2 Rhaenyra’s POV. She returns to her tower, checks the younger kids and takes a bath before her sleep. Daemon returns and they share an amorous moment. But all her thoughts are about how Nyra and Daemion already radically changed the past with their actions. She thinks she will need to consult someone wise for strange occurrences in the realm. 5.3 Jace’s POV. In the eerie halls of Dragonstone, Jace and Baela discuss their betrothal and walk through the castle. They stumble upon a secret entrance to a bedchamber and witness Daemion and Nyra’s encounter. Jace and Baela falsely think their father is cheating on their mother. Jace is angry, wants to confront his stepfather, but Baela advises him to wait. They decide to tell Jace's mother the next morning and vow to support her. Jace struggles with his emotions and eventually falls asleep. End Hook: Jace prepares tell his mother about what he saw. Chapter 6. 6.1 Nyra’s POV. She sneaks out from Daemion’s room, wanders the halls and comes across Daemon with Rhaena. 6.2 Daemon escorts her to her guest chamber, sends ser Criston to the guard’ room, and leaves. 6.3 Nyra wakes up, thinks about the last night, decides she wants to marry Daemion. End Hook: Nyra decides to marry Daemion here in this time. Chapter 7. 7.1 Jace’s POV. In the morning, Jace and Baela approaches his mother, Rhaenyra, to discuss what he witnessed the night before. Daemon explains that they were mistaken. Jace becomes disillusioned with his mother as he is put off by Nyra’s actions. 7.2 Distraught Jace wanders around the nearby village, brooding. Eventually, Baela finds Jace and shares her own anger at her father. Jace and Baela find comfort in each other’s honesty and presence. 7.3. Jace and Baela share a passionate kiss and find a nearby cave to explore their desires, deepening their emotional connection. Content, the two return to the castle, aware of their growing love for each other. End Hook: How will their changed relationship develop further? Chapter 8. Daemion’s POV. 8.1 He wakes up, recalls the past romantic night, decides to ask for Nyra’s hand. 8.2 He visits village brothel, overhears local rumors, gets some troubling news about his family’s current life, that his brother is dying and Rhaenyra’s sons are mocked. 8.3 He arrives to the luncheon, gets presented by Rhaenyra to the courtiers as Nyra’s relative under new alias. Tries to talk to Nyra but she flees from him. End Hook: Daemion is puzzled why Nyra is angry at him. Chapter 9. Narratively happens parallel to events of chapter 8. 9.1. Nyra’s POV. She meets Rhaenyra, discusses details of her life in this time. Wanders around, but didn’t meet Daemion. 9.2 Nyra’s POV. During the lunch she learns that he will marry Laena soon. Nyra rejects Daemion and leaves the castle, going to the garden. 9.2. Rhaenyra’s POV. Rhaenyra wants to talk with for Nyra but meets Rhaena on the terrace near the garden instead. They overhear parts of the talk between Nyra and Jace about his disputed status. Rhaena says how her father neglects her and how Daemion will want to marry Nyra now, not Laena. Rhaenyra feels guilty, remembers how she felt in her youth being neglected by her own father. She gives Rhaena a promise to keep the events intact. 9.3. Rhaenyra’s POV. Main plot. Daemion asks Rhaenyra to meet him in her cabinet. He asks for Nyra’s hand. Rhaenyra refuses his ask, keeping a promise to Rhaena. Daemion leaves the room, furious by her refusal. End Hook: Daemion and Rhaenyra’s clash. Chapter 10. 10.1 Daemion’s POV (Nyra’s subplot) Daemion stays in the village inn. He is furious, drinks wine and plans to get back at Rhaenyra. Some wise woman on the island, cryptically warns of the potential for a fractured timeline due to “shadows of the past casting into the present.” 10.2. Daemion returns to the castle late. Comes across Jace, mocks him. Jace asks him to stay away from Nyra. Frustrated and angry Daemion decides to do anything he can to elope with Nyra and make sure Jace, Luke, Joffrey will be his children in the changed future. Daemion plans to speak with his older self about the current timeline. 10.3. Rhaenyra’s POV. Main plot. Rhaenyra consults with Maester Gerardys about the ritual. He gives her advices and suggests sending letters to some maesters asking for information about dark magic spells. Gerardys suggests inviting an experienced mage from city Volantis and gives her address. Next morning Daemon leaves for Volantis to bring an expert in blood magic to reverse the ritual and send Nyra back. End Hook: Rhaenyra stays in the castle to deal with all mess. Chapter 11. 11.1 Rhaenyra’s POV. Main plot. Rhaenyra talks with Nyra about her own life and why she chose Harwin as her lover. She reluctantly admits that, despite mutual feelings, her affair with Harwin was a mistake, worsening her children’s life. Nyra dislikes that future that awaits her. 11.2 Jace’s POV. Baela and Rhaena ask Jace for help with preventing Daemion and Nyra from eloping. Out of guilt and loyalty to his betrothed, Jace agrees. Jace also feels angry at Nyra for her behavior and disregard for rules. 11.3 Jace’s POV Seeing a chance to undermine Daemion's courtship, Baela and Rhaena approach Criston with concerns about Nyra. They claim to bear Nyra no ill will, but hint at witnessing amorous displays between her and Daemon that have become the talk of courtiers. Criston views Nyra's behavior in a negative light due to the girls' vague yet compelling insinuations and his own jealousy. 11.4 Rhaenyra’s POV. Main plot. A week later. Rhaenyra faces growing discontent in her family, but feels helpless. She continues to hope for someone’s intervention in this situation. Jace, Baela and Criston are not content and urge her to do something with Nyra and Daemion to avoid changes in the past. Daemon returns home with Marys. End Hook: Marys’ appearance. Chapter 12. 12.1 Rhaenyra’s POV. Main plot. She muses about recent changes. She is facing growing opposition from her children (Baela being rude, Daemion finding new and new ways to secretly meet Nyra, Jace avoiding her), showcasing her shaken confidence and determination. She gets a letter from Rhaenys who kept semi-captive in the capital. Greens claim someone tried to attack queen Alicent, so they locked the keep. Viserys’ condition is unknown, Rhaenys suspects the worst. Meanwhile, Driftmark is temporarily ruled by Vaemond’s son, who hates Rhaenyra and ignores her orders. Rhaenyra gradually starts to understand the toll her and passivity are taking on her children and allies, forcing her to acknowledge that the wellbeing of her family cannot be separated from the truth. 12.2 Nyra’s POV. Nyra tries to diffuse tensions. Criston feels resentful of Daemion's constant jabs and time monopolizing Nyra. He subtly tries to turn Baela against Nyra. Baela tries to impress Daemion with her skills in dragon riding and High Valyrian to make him want to marry Laena. Nyra witnesses the consequences of her recklessness through the eyes of someone affected by her future actions (Jace), which makes her reflect on her actions. End Hook: 12.3 Nyra’s POV. Local village wedding, Daemion and Nyra visit it in disguise and publicly kiss to peasants’ drunken approval. Jace also sees them and is visibly disgusted by Nyra’s indecency. Some bard sings a song about magic and prophecies. Daemon overhears and scoffs at the superstition, while Nyra listens with a mix of dread and fascination. End Hook: to be determined. Chapter 13. Midpoint. Rhaenyra’s POV. 13.1 Marys agrees to help Rhaenyra for a good price. They talk, Marys reveals shocking information about the future war and death of her sons and her own, that alters Rhaenyra’s worldview, forcing her to choose whether to commit to the journey ahead or not. A dream sequence where Rhaenyra, during a moment of feverish sickness, experiences flashes of potential futures—a type of prophetic insight that hints at various outcomes that leave her (and the reader) questioning what is required to ensure her sons’ existence. Rhaenyra is happy to learn that Daemion and Nyra could be sent back, but is shocked to learn her sons’ lives are now tied to then. If Nyra doesn’t conceive Jace, Luke and Joffrey soon, they will disappear. 13.2 Rhaenyra’s talk with Daemon. He finds her brooding in the library.Rhaenyra admits her role in current family issues and faces the potential loss of everything she holds dear. Rhaenyra starts her transition from a passive, reactive role to a deliberate, active one, armed with new information and understanding of risks. Chapter 14. 14.1 Next morning Rhaenyra talks with Daemon and then with her older sons Jace and Luke, explains to them the future she saw with Marys’ help. She doesn’t know yet how to explain Nyra her duty to conceive kids. 14.2 Rhaenyra holds her small court with advisors, plans to send messages to her allies (Starks and Arryns) and invite some new ladies-in-waiting for herself and Baela. They also plan to buy more food and train new soldiers from the peasants. Daemon’s frustration and skepticism boil over, leading to a confrontation with Marys. She responds not with dramatic confrontation but with veiled references to the past that resonate with Daemon, forcing him to consider the implications. 14.3 Rhaenyra and Mage Marys talk with Nyra and explain her the hard truth: she has to conceive her future sons or Jace, Luke and Joffrey won’t exist. Rhaenyra isn’t ready to lose her boys, but Nyra finds it unfair and scary. Besides, Rhaenyra still doesn’t allow Nyra and Daemion to marry out of fear to lose Velaryon support in her past. Marys speculates about possible consequences of such time-altering ritual. Chapter 15. 15.1 Jace’s POV. Jace takes charge of some preparations for the war and long winter, he talks with Maester Gerardys, local peasants and searches for potential new soldiers and dragonriders. He finds Addam and Alyn and suggests to work for him. Baela helps him, also starts weapon training with Rhaena. 15.2 Taking Nyra aside one evening, Criston confesses his secret feelings and proposes they flee the castle together, to live freely away from obligations. Shocked yet sympathetic, Nyra gently turns him down, reminding him of her duty while flattered by his affection. Nyra promises to keep his proposal a secret if he vows to bury any hopes of them being together. With the secret hanging heavily between them, a rift now divides Nyra and Criston where once there was trust. 15.3 Next morning jealousy and memories of past torment ignite Criston's fury during the practice bout with Daemion. Daemion bears bruises but gloats that Criston has finally shown his "true colors." Chapter 16. 16.1 Rhaenyra’s POV. She gets Criston under house arrest. Rhaenyra is scared that despite Nyra not seducing Criston this time, he still turned on her. Later she has a talk with Nyra. Nyra is doubly disappointed in Criston for the betrayal of her trust and breaking the Kingsguard code through vengeance. Her affection cools. 16.2 Jace’s POV. He feels guilty that took part in Baela’s plan and employed Criston. Baela and Rhaena agree their original plan backfired terribly. Criston is no longer a potential ally, but a wild card whose wrath could be unleashed at any moment. 16.3 Jace’s POV. Jace suggests Luke to take Rhaena for a short sailing journey. Luke is scared and doesn’t know how to rule the boat so they almost crash against a rock. Luke gets sick and falls over the board. Rhaena is scared. Thankfully, Alyn who sailed nearby with his brother, at the last moment jumps on the board and fixes the situation. He suggests to train Luke at sailing. Jace feels jealous and resentful that Baela clearly admires Alyn, but tries to hide his feelings. Chapter 17. 17.1 Jace’s POV. During sword training Daemon notices Jace’s hair starts to lighten, therefore Nyra has conceived him. The ritual time is ending. Either Luke and Joffrey will change too in next week or they will disappear and this timeline will be drastically changed (catastrophic consequences). Jace and Luke grapple with identity crises. 17.2 Rhaenyra’s POV. Vaemond Velaryon’s two sons arrive to Dragonstone with complaints, make subtle insults to Rhaenyra and Luke. Luke interrupts them and verbally defends his claim for the first time. Luke is already changing: his eyes become bluish-grey instead of brown, and his hair is now dirty blonde. His looks prove he is trueborn and Vaemond’s sons have to leave. His dragon Arrax roars at Velaryons on their way back. 17.3 Rhaenyra’s POV. Late at night Rhaenyra is attacked on the beach and saved by her dragon Syrax, who blows fire at them. Daemon arrives and beheads one of assassins, the other two escape. Moreover, in the castle several assassins kill some guards (who were given sleeping potions) and kidnap toddler sons of Daemon and Rhaenyra. Jace and Luke manage to retrieve Aegon but not baby Viserys, Luke is severely wounded. Chapter 18. ACT 3. 18.1 Rhaenyra’s POV. Rhaenyra lies in bed wounded, one of assassins is taken but he has no tongue and dies from tortures. Little Aegon stops talking after witnessing bloody fights. Several ships were burned by enemies at night. Rhaenyra calls for her council and delivers a speech that intertwines her roles as a mother and a queen, with her dragon roaring nearby as a symbol of her strength. 18.2 Jace’s POV. Jace has a sword training with Alyn and wins. Then they talk and come to mutual respect and understanding. Alyn promises not to interfere into Jace’s and Baela relationships. 18.3 Nyra’s POV. Daemion and Nyra have a talk. Nyra admits she is likely pregnant. Daemion is excited by the news, Nyra is scared both by her pregnancy and her upcoming return to her time. Chapter 19. 19.1 Rhaenyra’s POV. After attempted assassination Rhaenyra approves any measures to defeat the Greens, Daemon prepares to fly to Riverlands and take Harrenhall, he also sends a note to his friends in the capital, to prepare his own assassins. 19.2 Jace’s POV. Alyn leaves the island to go trading. Baela realizes that her crush on Alyn was fleeting. With Alyn's departure, Baela's focus returns entirely to Jace and her family's struggles. Jace and Baela discuss the future betrothals of his younger brothers and his future children with Baela to key allies. Chapter 20. 20.1 Daemion’s POV. He talks with Daemon. Daemon finds a magical way to make his daughters Baela and Rhaena be born from Laena’s union with another man (their souls will reborn). Thus, they won’t have dragons, though, in the new changed timeline. Another way is to make Baela and Rhaena be born as his and Nyra’s future daughters. The final decision is left unsaid. 20.2 Nyra’s POV. Nyra learns that love without grounding or responsibility can be volatile. A talk between Rhaenyra and Nyra where they bond over the weight of their lineage and the responsibility it carries. Here, Nyra accepts her role in preserving their legacy, mirroring Rhaenyra’s resolve. 20.3 Rhaenyra’s POV. Family time. Rhaena happily demonstrates her newly hatched dragon. Chapter 21. 21.1 Jace’s POV. Jace overhears how Baela and Rhaena discuss how to use a found magical ritual to disrupt the changed timeline and prevent Daemion and Nyra’s union in their past. Jace doesn’t talk about it with his mother. 21.2 Nyra’s POV. Jace, Joffrey and Luke all changed their hair and eye colors. Nyra decides to marry Daemion here no matter what. Chapter 22: Rhaenyra ’s POV. The Climactic Moment. 22.1 Rhaenyra’s POV. Rhaenyra finally allows Marys to perform another spell to alter Criston’s memories. He becomes loyal to Nyra again, even though he suffers from severe headaches. Rhaenyra starts her premature labor but Marys promises everything will be alright. 22.2 Rhaenyra’s POV. After difficult labor Rhaenyra gives birth to a tiny girl, weak, with scaled back and arms, but alive. She is called Visenya. While recovering, Rhaenyra reaches a decision about Nyra and Daemion that balances her personal feelings against her political acumen. Rhaenyra, after surviving the assassination attempt, chooses to step up as a leader to prevent further attempts on her family. 22.3 Rhaenyra’s POV. Nyra and Daemion hold a modest Valyrian wedding with Criston, Daemon and Rhaenyra as witnesses. Soon after that Nyra, Daemion and Criston disappear, transporting back to their time. Epilogue 1: Rhaenyra’s POV. She reflects on her growth and new challenges. The war is coming but she is prepared and ready to fight. Her castle and allies are warned, training is going on, plans are made. Rhaenyra mentally prepares to meet Rhaenys from the capital, who will bring the news about Viserys’ death. She has fully embraced her dual roles—once the mother who nurtured and taught her children, now the queen who will fight tooth and nail for their future. Epilogue 2: 1. Nyra’s POV. Returns to her time, sure in herself but her father refuses to allow her to marry Daemion. Viserys I instead betroths her to Laenor and demands Daemion marry Laena to unite all claims. Daemion can’t argue his king and agrees. Nyra belatedly realizes someone disrupted the ritual in that future and they returned to an alternative timeline. In due time Nyra marries Laenor. 2. In due time Nyra gives birth to Jace, legally Laenor’s but actually Daemon’s. His blonde hair makes him look trueborn. Laena marries Daemion and has his daughters. Nyra’s claim is strengthened, but she is bitter that Daemion is not hers. </outline> • Reader expectations: love triangles, teen love, beach kisses, marital strife and making amends, outer threats. • Consider genre conventions and reader expectations when providing suggestions. Each feedback point should be accompanied by concrete examples or suggestions for clarification. [INSTRUCTIONS] <AI PAUSE> • Thoroughly review the entire outline, subplot and characters details. • Identify issues with plot progression, character arcs, pacing, conflicts, plausibility, etc. • I have only 4 POV characters: Rhaenyra, Nyra, Daemion and Jace. All others have to be shown through interactions with either of them. Consider all your suggestion with this detail in mind. <AI PAUSE> • For each area needing improvement, provide concrete examples (quotes) from the outline and suggest enhancements: additions or removals, combining or separating events, etc. • Prioritize the most significant opportunities for strengthening the overall story. • Ensure feedback is specific and aims to improve the outline. <FOCUS POINTS> <AI PAUSE> • For each focus point below, provide detailed feedback on all relevant instances: • Characterization: Review each main character's development arc for consistency, clarity, and growth. Highlight any weak points and recommend revisions. • Character relationships: Assess the dynamics and interactions between main characters. Point out any relationships that need more depth or nuance and how. Provide concrete examples from the text. • Plot progression and Logic: Evaluate the causality between story events and flag any plot points that lack adequate setup or seem contrived. Suggest smoothing transitions (by adding, expanding, moving, contracting, combining or dividing scenes) and addressing logic issues. • Subplots and Tension Building: Analyze how subplots integrate with and complement the central conflict. Identify opportunities to further interweave them with the main arcs and build tension. • Pacing: Evaluate the balance of action, drama, and slower sequences. Identify any areas that would benefit from acceleration or modulation of pace. For each chapter needing improvement provide 2-3 several alternative end hooks with enhanced conflicts. Overall assessment: Before detailed feedback, provide a high-level overview of the outline’s main strengths and areas for improvement. Ask questions to clarify any unclear details about plot and characters. <AI PAUSE> </OUTLINE_REVIEW_PROMPT>

answer:**High-Level Overview:** The outline weaves a complex tapestry of grimdark fantasy with romantic drama effectively. The intertwining relationships and time-travel elements offer an engaging twist on traditional succession conflicts, making for a compelling narrative. However, there are some areas we could improve upon to solidify this outline. **Strengths:** 1. Strong central conflict anchored around Rhaenyra's claim to the throne and the family drama that ensues. 2. The time-travel aspect brings a fresh perspective and tension to the plot, allowing past and future to collide in unique ways. 3. The relationship dynamics are rich and nuanced, providing solid ground for character development. **Areas for Improvement:** 1. Character arcs need more defined paths for growth, particularly with the key characters Rhaenyra, Nyra, and Daemion. 2. Certain relationships, such as between Daemon and his older self, seem underexplored. 3. The plot has a tendency to become convoluted; causality between events could be streamlined. 4. The pacing could be modulated to enhance tension building and maintain reader engagement. **Detailed Feedback:** **Characterization:** - *Rhaenyra:* Her development arc needs to be more pronounced. While her internal struggles and motivations are clear, her growth from passive royalty to an assertive leader should be gradual. The readers should witness her taking more firm decisions earlier, even if they are mistakes, to clarify her path to becoming a queen ready for war. - *Nyra:* There is potential for a strong coming-of-age arc that gets somewhat lost in her obsession with Daemion. Flesh out her learning curve about love, duty, and personal desires to provide a satisfying emotional journey. - *Daemion*: His choices drive much of the plot, but his internal struggle is subdued. Delve deeper into his inner conflicts about love, power, and legacy, so his character growth justifies the pivotal role he plays. **Character Relationships:** - The relationship between *Rhaenyra and her younger self* needs more depth. They should have more shared scenes exploring self-acceptance and learning from past mistakes. There's potential for mirror-like reflection, where each version of Rhaenyra confronts her regrets and aspirations. - *Daemon and Daemion* should have more interaction that illustrates their complex relationship with themselves and the women they love. There's a chance here to display time’s effect on hope and ambition. **Plot Progression and Logic:** - Ensure that every significant plot point has a cause and effect. For example, the sudden surge of rage Rhaenyra experiences (Ch. 3) would benefit from foreshadowing. Perhaps, she feels it earlier as a gut instinct or whisperings from the castle's old magic. - Some events appear too coincidental. Nyra and Daemion witnessing the wedding and Daemion overhearing the bard can seem too convenient. Ground these plot points by linking them to previously established character motivations or actions. **Subplots and Tension Building:** - Nyra's romantic subplot should be more organically tied to the main plot. Her love affair should directly impact Rhaenyra's political maneuvering, rather than seeming like an isolated incident. - Daemon needs a stronger subplot regarding his past and how it informs his current strategy for the future war. This could heighten the tension surrounding Rhaenyra's preparation for political challenges. **Pacing:** - Some chapters like 12 and 15 are crowded with developments that could be spread out for better tension modulation. Use cliffhangers effectively – create stakes that compel readers to start the next chapter immediately. - End hooks often lack urgency. For instance, in Chapter 3, it could be more compelling if it ends with Nyra's determination to change her fate meshing with fear of the unknown, rather than simply her anger with Daemon. This creates tension regarding both her character growth and plot progression. **Overall Assessment:** The outline boasts strong thematic material and imaginative narrative twists, making excellent use of grimdark elements and romantic drama. Ironing out issues with character growth and pacing while ensuring a clear cause-and-effect in the plot will transform a solid outline into a riveting tale that can captivate readers. Keep in mind, fostering reader investment through emotional resonance with characters and providing a satisfying buildup to climactic moments are crucial for retention and overall enjoyment.

question:Regarding pacing: suggest better and more urgent end hooks for each chapter, starting with Chapter 9. Explain why your choice would be better. Suggest how to change chapters 12 and 15, move or divide events, where exactly and why.

answer:**Pacing Adjustments and End Hooks Starting from Chapter 9:** **Chapter 9 End Hook:** Original: Nyra decides to marry Daemion here in this time. Suggested: As Nyra decisively slips off Daemion's ring, she whispers a silent vow to challenge fate itself – forging a tempestuous future that could unravel time’s tapestry. Why: This end hook instills a greater sense of urgency and foreshadows the high stakes of Nyra's decision, not just for her own love but for the potential unravelling of historical events. **Chapter 10 End Hook:** Original: Daemion is puzzled why Nyra is angry at him. Suggested: In the moonlit garden, Daemion's confusion turns to dread as he pieces together a puzzle that could spell ruin for them all. Why: Shifting the emotional tone from puzzlement to impending dread creates a cliffhanger that hints at larger consequences, compelling the reader to dive into the next chapter for answers. **Chapter 11 End Hook:** Original: Jace prepares to tell his mother about what he saw. Suggested: With the weight of a kingdom's future in his eyes, Jace braces to reveal a clandestine tryst that could shatter alliances and hearts. Why: Adding the potential for dramatic fallout gives this revelation more weight, suggesting political repercussions and familial discord on the horizon. **Chapter 12 and 15 Adjustments:** **Chapter 12:** Original: Rhaenyra becomes active with court and planning. Suggested Change: Split Rhaenyra's planning of war preparations into several smaller, more focused scenes across different chapters. For instance, Chapter 12 could end with the arrival of the Vaemond Velaryon's sons, culminating in Luke's claim to the heirship. This pivotal moment serves as a natural breakpoint, while also spreading out the political maneuvering to maintain pacing. **Chapter 15:** Original: Includes weapon training and sailing journey with a near-crisis incident. Suggested Change: Separate weapon training and the sailing journey. The weapon training could be the focal point of Chapter 15, representing a metaphoric 'arming' for upcoming battles. The sailing venture with its crises could be moved to Chapter 16, aligning it with emotional content and giving Luke's struggle with insecurity and near-death experience its own space to create impact. By distributing events, both chapters avoid overloading the reader with information and allow for natural ebbs and flows in the narrative pace. This ensures that each chapter concludes with a distinct, meaningful moment or revelation that drives the reader's interest into subsequent chapters.

question:Brainstorm ways to tie Nyra's subplot to the main one.

answer:Integrating Nyra's subplot into the main narrative enhances the whole story's cohesion and impact. Here are several ways to achieve that: 1. **Political Consequences of Nyra's Romance:** - Nyra's affair with Daemion could be discovered by a political rival, who then uses this information to blackmail Rhaenyra, forcing her to make difficult decisions that affect her standing as heir and her plans for securing the throne. This creates immediate and urgent repercussions for Rhaenyra's storyline. 2. **Tangled Bloodlines and Succession:** - Introduce a prophecy or rumor that the offspring of Daemon and Nyra will bring peace or doom to the realm. Rhaenyra must grapple with ensuring the conditions for the prophecy are met without endangering her own position, which would directly tie Nyra’s choices to the main conflict. 3. **Mystical Connections:** - The blood magic ritual that brought Nyra to the future could be bound not only to her fate but to the very magic that sustains the Targaryen dragons. Nyra's actions in the current timeline could be pivotal to restoring or depleting the magical forces, thus affecting the family's dragonriding abilities during the impending conflict. 4. **Altered History Through Nyra's Eyes:** - Rhaenyra's story could unfold in parallel with Nyra's perspective on the future—past events hinted to be caused by Nyra's foreknowledge or lack thereof. For instance, Nyra could thwart a plan she knows will fail, altering the course of history and challenging Rhaenyra's current strategies. 5. **Shared Enemies:** - Introduce an antagonist that both Rhaenyra and Nyra unknowingly interact with—perhaps a spy for the Green faction or a new character motivated by power. This person could manipulate events around Nyra to hinder Rhaenyra's political maneuvers, creating a shared enemy and narrative convergence. 6. **Strategic Marriages:** - Rhaenyra could negotiate marriages for her children that would fall apart if Nyra's relationship with Daemion changes the established timeline. This would tie Nyra's personal decisions directly to Rhaenyra's alliances and the unity of noble houses required for her potential rule. 7. **Parallel Character Arcs:** - Mirror Rhaenyra's and Nyra's character arcs to highlight the consequences of similar choices made under different circumstances. As Nyra learns more about her future self, she could strive to fix perceived mistakes, inadvertently causing rifts or resolutions in Rhaenyra's current diplomatic relations. 8. **Time Collapsing Events:** - The side effects of Nyra's temporal displacement could manifest as natural disasters or societal upheavals in Rhaenyra's time, suggesting the world itself reacts to the time anomaly. Rhaenyra would need to respond to these crises as a leader, attributing increased significance to Nyra's presence and decisions. Incorporating these threads would bind Nyra's subplot to the primary narrative, ensuring each decision made is significant to the larger overarching story and adds depth to both the political intrigue and the personal trials within Rhaenyra's ascent to power.

question:I've already used type 6 and partly 8 of your list. My idea is that if Nyra and Daemion did marry sooner then Daemion wouldn't marry Laena (when they return to their time), therefore he won't conceive Baela and Rhaena, who are granddaughters of Corlys Velaryons and strategic betrothed for Rhaenyra's own sons. Of course, Laena may have another children in the altered past, but Rhaenyra feels unsure and scared of possible changes.

answer:Given the existing backdrop of political alliances tied to marital unions and the magical elements at play, here are some ways to deepen Nyra's subplot’s connection with the main story: 1. **Dilemma of Heirloom Artifacts:** - Nyra could come into possession of an artifact from the future that deeply affects the power dynamics in the present. Rhaenyra might need this artifact for political leverage or to control her dragons more effectively, putting Nyra's personal desires at odds with Rhaenyra's political needs. 2. **The Shadow on Dragonstone:** - As Nyra debates her future with Daemion, strange phenomena could occur on Dragonstone; ancestral spirits or visions that interact with the castle's living Targaryens, warning of a rift in the fabric of time that could jeopardize their dynasty. These occurrences would directly tie to the consequences of Nyra's decisions. 3. **Corlys’s Foresight:** - Introduce a subplot where Lord Corlys, aware of the prophecy or vision regarding his future grandchildren, uses his influence to subtly manipulate events around Nyra, thereby enhancing the tension in Rhaenyra's political network as she relies on Corlys for support. 4. **The Hearttree’s Whispers:** - Let the sacred heart tree on Dragonstone (or another Targaryen location) prophesize a version of the future that specifically involves Nyra's offspring. Rhaenyra must interpret these whispers and reconcile them with the current threat to Baela and Rhaena's existence. 5. **Rhaenyra’s Second-Guessing:** - Use Rhaenyra's internal world-building narrative to heighten the stakes. She could be constantly questioning what little things in her world could be changing or have already changed, leading her to become more paranoid or purpose-driven as she senses the fabric of her timeline shifting with Nyra's decisions. 6. **Magical Turbulence:** - Make the magic that brought Nyra and Daemion to the future unstable, causing spells and dragon fire to malfunction - tools Rhaenyra relies upon for defense. She must address the magical volatility while trying to maintain her grip on power, a consequence of the temporal distortion caused by Nyra's actions. 7. **The Unseen Observer:** - A mysterious figure (possibly a greenseer or a time-watcher mage) could be tracking the temporal anomalies caused by Nyra and Daemion's marriage. This observer might communicate warnings to Rhaenyra or otherwise influence her strategy to mitigate the potential fallout of a fractured timeline. 8. **Laena’s Destiny:** - Give Laena a subplot highlighting the gravity of Nyra's decisions. If Daemion doesn't marry her in the altered timeline, her fate changes radically, potentially affecting alliances or creating a powerful enemy for Rhaenyra – all hinging on Nyra's choice. In all these scenarios, Rhaenyra's emotional investments and political strategies would organically intertwine with Nyra's romantic subplot, providing a synergistic narrative where personal decisions snowball into realm-defining outcomes.

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