question:Sources (task 1) BBC: Wikipedia: Box office: BBFC: Google Play store: Box office: Task 1 Introduction Teens are currently one of the most prominent media users out of any age group. In the United States teens use media an average of 9hrs a day which does not include use in schools or doing homework. This has led to many media products being created with teens as the primary target audience. I will be analysing 3 of these media products from each of the sectors to find their purpose to the audience and the producers, relationship with audiences and how audiences may interpret and respond to them. Audio Moving image: The Hunger Games (Warning Spoilers) Inserting image... The audio Moving Image media product that I will be analysing at is The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a dystopian film set in the future world in a country called Panem. This country is divided into 12 districts which are each ruled by the capitol. Each year 2 tributes from 12-18 years old are selected from each district for a fight to the death in the annual Hunger Games. The film is set in district 12 on the day of reaping (when they select the tributes). The main character is 16 years old and called Katniss Everdeen and her sister, Primrose Everdeen, is 12 years old. Primrose is selected and Katniss volunteers to take her place. After around a week they are placed in the games and begin the battle. Katniss manages to retrieve a few of the supplies located at the centre of the arena. This country is divided into 12 districts which are each ruled by the capitol. Each year 2 tributes from 12-18 years old are selected from each district for a fight to the death in the annual Hunger Games. The film is set in district 12 on the day of reaping (when they select the tributes). The main character is 16 years old and called Katniss Everdeen and her sister, Primrose Everdeen, is 12 years old. Primrose is selected and Katniss volunteers to take her place. After around a week they are placed in the games and begin the battle. Katniss manages to retrieve a few of the supplies located at the centre narrowly escaping death. The games continue with only 11/24 of the tributes surviving the first day. Katniss makes multiple allies and friends throughout the game but eventually, they all suffer death until it is just Katniss and Peeta Mellark (the other person from her district). They both decide to try and kill themselves so there is not winner, or the organisers decides to let them both win. They are both allowed to be victors and are taken back to district 12 being given each a life of luxury. Overall, the film was a remarkable success for Lionsgate which was the company that produced it generating 694,394,724 across the world with a budget of only 78,000,000. The film was released on the 8th of March 2012 with the primary target audience being 12 to 25 years old and the secondary audience being anyone above 25 or below 12 years old. This is mainly because the film is not overly violent, it has a 12A BBFC rating and the main character is a 16-year-old girl. Interactive: Discord Inserting image... Discord is a free interactive media product that is used for communication and to create groups for people to join. Discord can also be used as a chat service while in video games. It has over 100M+ downloads on android alone without adding web users or iPhone users with an age rating on the play store as a teen. Discord is cross-platform and free, allowing everyone to have access to it so long as they have a device and internet connection. This means that it has become incredibly popular. Discord does not fit into one of the UGT (Uses and Gratification Theories) exactly and fits mostly into all 4 with people being able to speak to each other, inform each other, make personal relationships, and have an online identity. I asked 13 people within the age range of 13-16 if they use Discord and how much they use it. From my results I have seen that 7 of them use it daily and 2 use it weekly. This shows that a majority of teens use discord daily and most of them see it as a useful application. Print: The Mario movie film posters Inserting image...Inserting image...English Source French The Mario movie is a film based on the series on Mario games released by Nintendo. The film has so far been a tremendous success for Nintendo and illumination film studios earning them a huge ÂŁ702,834,966 (Box Office) since the film's release on the 5th of April 2023. The film came with multiple posters for different countries as shown above. The poster on the left is the English version shown in countries such as the UK and USA and the poster on the right is the French poster shown in countries such as France. In the French poster the rainbow road from Mario Kart covers a large area of it which could be because a large amount of French people play Mario Kart and it may make the poster more iconic in France. I interviewed 50 pupils within the age range of 13 – 16 years old and 48% of them have seen the film so far. I asked two of them what they thought of the 2 posters and both students preferred the English poster over the French one. This was mainly because they thought it “represented the film better” with all the characters shown and the “locations are displayed in the background.” The English film poster has a design where the protagonists are shown at the bottom with the antagonists shown above looking more menacing. The characters also appear to be separating the evil left side from the positive right side of the poster which allows it to include multiple areas in the film. The French poster includes Princess Peach as the main character instead of Mario. This may be more representative of the Mario game which the French people know. Sources Task 2 Task 2 (Back to the Future) Introduction Back to the Future is a film about a 17-year-old teen (Marty McFly) who is sent 30 years into the past by his friend (Doc Brown) in a time machine called the DeLorean. He nearly disrupts his parents meeting and must make sure that they do to not cause a paradox. He then must find past Doc for the Delorean to be fixed and to travel back to the present. Marty and Doc then produce a genius plan to give the DeLorean the power it needs using lightning. The film was made and set in 1985 and targeted primarily at people who like science fiction and people who are teens and children. This is mainly because the rating is PG with a sci-fi adventure genre. Codes and Conventions of the Genre (The Delorean) Source: Back to the future film The movie's codes and conventions are clearly influenced by science fiction and adventure genres. One of the essential conventions of science fiction is the concept of time travel, which is an integral part of "Back to the Future." The time-traveling DeLorean is a significant aspect of the movie, and it is given detailed attention to explain how it operates, how it is powered, and what are its limitations. The film uses scientific jargon and concepts to make time travel plausible, such as the "flux capacitor" and the "88 miles per hour" requirement for time travel. Moreover, the story follows a time loop, where the characters’ actions in the past have consequences in the future, which is another common convention of the science-fiction genre. Another convention of science fiction is the use of futuristic technology, which is also present in Back to the Future. The DeLorean time machine is a futuristic car with features that were not yet available in the 1980s, such as a remote-controlled door and a built-in time circuit display. Moreover, the movie features other futuristic gadgets, such as a hoverboard and a self-tying shoe, which add to the film's science-fiction elements Lastly, the adventure genre conventions are also evident in Back to the Future. The movie follows the classic structure, where the protagonist, Marty, is called to an adventure, faces challenges, and returns home transformed. The story also includes a classic villain, Biff Tannen, who creates obstacles for the hero. The film's action sequences, and suspenseful moments also contribute to the adventure genre's conventions. Back to the Future is a perfect example of how the codes and conventions of science fiction and adventure genres can work together to create an amazing film. The use of futuristic technology, time travel, and structure all add to its popularity. Production Techniques Camera Work Source Back to the future uses many different production techniques such as close-up shots which in image 1 shows the main character (Marty McFly’s) nervousness and how the entire film led up to this moment. The lightning was about to strike the clock tower and the audience knows this making the audience mimic his feelings and engage the audience. The lighting and sound are also examples of production techniques such as the sound of thunder and lightning as shown in image 2. Sound Sound is used in many ways in the film to engage the audience and generate meaning for them. There are 2 different types of sound, diegetic and non-diegetic. Diegetic sounds are sounds that the characters inside the media can hear and non-diegetic are sounds that the characters cannot hear. An example of non-diegetic sound could be the music in back to the future which engages the audience by making them feel like they are on the edge of their seat with a dramatic scene or by making the film more memorable with a theme song. A theme song may also generate meaning for the audience allowing them to remember the film better and talk about it with their friends or family. This may also drive more attention to the film therefore making it more popular. Lighting (Lightning lighting up the clock tower) Source: In the clock tower scene of Back to the Future, lighting is used to engage the audience and generate meaning in several ways. First, it creates a sense of urgency and suspense as Marty McFly tries to get back to his own time before he is stuck in 1955 forever. The lightning strike is also used as a plot device to power the DeLorean time machine and send Marty back to 1985. Lighting in this scene also creates a sense of danger and excitement as Doc Brown hangs from the clock tower while trying to connect the wires that will power the DeLorean. The use of shadows and silhouettes adds to this effect by creating a sense of mystery and tension. Overall, the lighting in this scene helps to create a sense of urgency, danger, and excitement that engages the audience and generates meaning for the story. MĂse en scene (setting the stage) (Road from back to the future 1955 – next to the clock tower) Source: Back to the Future Film MĂse en scene is how props, costumes, makeup, setting and the stage itself. This film is set in 1985 in a small town in California, USA however due to the nature of the film the main year changes to 1955 for a portion of it. In 1985 the props and costumes are completely different to the costumes in 1955 which creates a more convincing scene for the audience to watch. The DeLorean, however, looks out of place due to its more futuristic design which subconsciously reminds the audience of sci-fi side of the film. (Marty McFly sweating as he approaches 88mph in the DeLorean) Source: Back to the future film In this scene you can clearly see the sweat on Marty’s face in the close-up shot which shows his emotions. I interviewed a Year 10 teen what he would describe him in this image as “extremely nervous and anxious.” This shows how the effect of makeup can immediately generate meaning for the audience and give them an insight to the characters feelings. This engages the audience as it gives them a closer link to the character with them being able to know them better. Narrative Source Back to the future closely follows Todorov’s narrative structure of equilibrium. The film begins in a state of equilibrium where not everything is perfect, but nothing is in danger. The second and third stages however both happen at the same time as the disruption and recognition of the disruption happen at the same time when he becomes stuck in the past with almost no way to get back. This may make the audience feel more nervous and sympathetic to his situation keeping them engaged in the film. The film continues to stick to the narrative structure where Marty and Doc both try and solve the disruption with a plan that sounds impossible. This creates a feeling of anxiousness and engages the audience making them think to look at how they could be able to pull it off. The second disruption that occurs when Marty accidentally interferes with his parents' meeting creates conflict and tension. This engages the audience by introducing a second problem that needs to be solved. Marty must ensure that his parents fall in love, otherwise he will cease to exist. This generates meaning by showing the consequences of Marty's actions and the importance of his mission. The audience is invested in Marty's success and wants to see him overcome this challenge. The recognition happens when Marty realizes the gravity of the situation and understands that he must ensure his parents fall in love. This engages the audience by providing a clear goal for the protagonist to achieve. Marty must use his knowledge of the future to help his parents fall in love. This generates meaning by showing the importance of Marty's actions and how they can change the course of history. The resolution occurs when Marty successfully brings his parents together and returns to 1985. This engages the audience by providing a satisfying conclusion to the story. Marty has overcome the challenges and achieved his goal. This generates meaning by showing how Marty's actions have resolved the conflict and restored the equilibrium. The new equilibrium is established when Marty wakes up to find that his actions in the past have improved his family's life in the present. This engages the audience by providing a successful conclusion to the film. Marty's family is now successful and happy, and he has a new truck waiting for him. This generates meaning by showing how Marty's actions have had a positive impact on his life and how small actions can have big consequences. Representation In the back to the future many of the characters are represented with stereotypes that are common in the film industry. Doc Brown (Doc Brown) Source: Back to the future film Doc Brown is presented as a “Mad Scientist” in Back to the Future with many common stereotypes such as the balding head with semi-long, grey hair and the white lab coat. All of these help the audience easily separate him from the other characters in the film. Doc Brown is also shown to be very clever with him being the creator of the DeLorean which also gives the audience a sense of trust in him. Marty McFly (Marty McFly) Source: Back to the future film Back to the Future presents Marty McFly as a stereotypical 17 year old teen. In the film he can’t stand being called “Chicken” in the film which shows his nature of being.
answer:Marty is also shown to have a love for music and is often seen playing the guitar, which fits in with the youth culture of the 1980s. He is depicted as being a bit of a rebel and is often seen standing up to authority figures such as his principal and Biff Tannen. This representation of the rebellious teen is common in films targeted at the youth audience. Biff Tannen (Biff Tannen) Source: Back to the future film Biff Tannen is presented as the antagonist of Back to the Future and is depicted as a stereotypical bully. He is often seen wearing a leather jacket and has a group of followers who obey his every command. This representation of the bully is a common trope in teen movies and helps to create a clear villain for the audience to root against. Conclusion In conclusion, Back to the Future is a classic example of how production techniques, genre conventions, narrative structure, and representation can all work together to create a successful film that engages and entertains its audience. The film's use of science-fiction and adventure conventions, its attention to detail in production techniques, and its well-structured narrative all contribute to its popularity. The film's representation of stereotypical characters also helps to create a clear hero and villain for the audience to root for and against, which adds to the excitement of the film. Overall, Back to the Future remains a beloved classic that has stood the test of time.
question:Canon eos 600d vs sony a5000Detailed comparison
answer:The Canon EOS 600D and the Sony A5000 are both popular cameras in the entry-level DSLR/mirrorless market. Both cameras have unique features and advantages over one another. Let's take a detailed look at the features and specifications of both cameras. Canon EOS 600D: 1. Image sensor: The Canon EOS 600D uses an 18-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor. 2. Image processor: The camera uses Canon's DIGIC 4 image processor. 3. Autofocus system: The camera has a 9-point autofocus system, which is decent for an entry-level DSLR. 4. ISO range: The Canon EOS 600D has an ISO range of 100-6400, which can be expanded up to 12800. 5. LCD screen: The camera has a tilt-swivel 3-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 1,040,000 dots. 6. Video recording: The camera can record full HD videos at 30 fps. 7. Battery life: The camera has a battery life of around 440 shots per charge. Sony A5000: 1. Image sensor: The Sony A5000 uses a 20-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor. 2. Image processor: The camera uses Sony's BIONZ X image processor. 3. Autofocus system: The camera has a 25-point contrast detection autofocus system, which is much better than the Canon EOS 600D's autofocus. 4. ISO range: The Sony A5000 has an ISO range of 100-16000, which is better than the Canon EOS 600D's ISO range. 5. LCD screen: The camera has a 3-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 460,800 dots. 6. Video recording: The camera can record full HD videos at 60i/24p. 7. Battery life: The camera has a battery life of around 420 shots per charge. In conclusion, both cameras have their own unique features and advantages. The Canon EOS 600D has a tilt-swivel LCD screen, a decent autofocus system, and a good battery life. On the other hand, the Sony A5000 has a better autofocus system, a higher ISO range, and can record full HD videos at 60i/24p. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose the camera that suits you the most.
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question:How are investors and insurers pressurizing organizations to act on climate change? By adjusting their portfolios toward companies and products that integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their operations and decision-making processes By prompting demand shifts toward more responsible products, services, and brands By pushing suppliers and other value chain partners to provide cleaner products and services By framing regulations and policies to force companies into action
answer:By engaging in shareholder activism and leveraging their voting power to push for climate action By increasing transparency and disclosure requirements around climate-related risks and opportunities By divesting from companies that don't align with their sustainability values or have high carbon footprints By offering incentives for companies to adopt sustainable practices, such as lower insurance premiums for green buildings or renewable energy investments.