question:안 보면 찜찜하잖아? 일단, 첫 번째로 정한 작품에 관한 정보를 보기 위해 우진이 흰 사각형들 앞에 멈췄다. 여러 작품 중 가장 끝에 우진이 선택한 작품이 보였다. -[11/시나리오(제목: 쥬라기 랜드4), B급] -[*완성도가 매우 높은 시나리오입니다. 100% 리딩이 가능합니다.] 첫 번째 검증은 당연히 ‘쥬라기 랜드4’였다. 보자마자 우진이 작게 미소를 지었다. “B급? 하- 진짜 좀 애매하네. 근데 이 영화 등급은 국내, 해외 포함인가?” 어느 쪽이 됐든 B급은 평타였다. 거기다 ‘쥬라기 랜드4’ 측이 제안한 건 조연급 배역. 슬슬 우진의 무게가 별로인 쪽으로 기울었다. ‘쥬라기 랜드4’의 등급이 최소 A급만 됐어도 욕심이 났겠지만, B급이라면 굳이? 정도의 느낌이 들어서였다. “화제야 터지겠지, 근데 영화 자체가 잔잔하게 성공하면 좀 그렇잖아. 내 필모도 갑자기 좀 곤두박질치고.” 아쉬움이 묻긴 했지만, 강우진은 일단 현 기분을 지워낸 뒤 ‘쥬라기 랜드4’의 흰 사각형을 선택했다. 영화를 하든 안 하든 우진은 지금 명확한 목적 두 가지가 있었다. 하나는. “어쨌든 시바 공룡을 직접 볼 기회. 이건 진짜 못 참아.” 공룡이란 존재를 실제로 경험하는 것이고, 다른 하나는. “보자- 배역 이름이 아마 ‘후안 곤잘레스’였지?” 추측한 새로운 능력 각인이었다. 작품 속 배역 중 ‘후안 곤잘레스’라는 인물. 그리고 그의 대사에는. [“‘E:후안 곤잘레스’ 리딩 준비 중······”] [“기본 언어 외의 새로운 언어가 감지됩니다. ‘스페인어’를 먼저 습득합니다.”] ‘스페인어’가 포함이었다. 시간이 얼마나 지났을까? 앞의 시야가 온통 검다. 강우진의 얘기였다. 습하다. 그리고 뜨겁다. 피부에 닿는 상당히 높은 온도. 묘한 냄새가 난다. 푸르른 향내와 군내가 섞였다. 귓가에 벌레 소리가 들렸다. 위이잉이 아니었다. 퍼더덕이었다. 벌레가 맞나? 뭔가 컹컹 거리는 소음도 하늘에서 들려온다. 새? 아니면 다른 그 무언가? 대체로 지금 우진의 오감은 유별났다. 익숙하면서도 낯설다. 바닥이 질퍽인다. 심장이 뛴다. 강우진이 눈을 떴다. -스윽. 검던 시야가 회색으로 변했다가 그마저도 점차 희미해졌다. 색깔이 그의 눈에 담기기 시작했다. 가장 강렬한 색은 초록색. 그래, 여긴 숲속이었다. 눈을 뜬 우진이 고개를 천천히 돌렸다. 숲속? 여긴 진짜 숲속이 맞나? 눈동자는 맞다고 하는데 뇌가 거부하는 기분이었다. 처음 보는 식물이 많았으니까. 땅에 박힌 나무들은 어떤가? 죄다 하늘에 닿을 듯 어마어마한 길이를 자랑한다. 모조리 최소 1000년은 살았을 듯싶다. 그런 나무와 처음 본 풀들이 응집된 곳에 강우진이 서 있었다. “······세상에.” 감격과 탄성이 섞인 우진의 혼잣말. 한국어도, 영어도, 불어도 아닌 스페인어였다. 강우진은 지금 ‘후안 곤잘레스’의 세상을 가진 상태였으니까. 또 다른 세계, 각인된 그의 눈을 통해 보는 현실. 강우진 또는 ‘후안 곤잘레스’의 심장은 쉴 새 없이 두쿵대고 있었다. 어찌나 심한지 귀와 머리가 웅웅 울릴 지경. “후웁- 후- 지, 진짜 있는 건가? 그것이?” 읊조린 우진의 볼을 따로 땀이 주르륵 흘렀다. 꽤 큰 사파리 모자에 반팔 그리고 청바지. 한 손엔 검은색 카메라를 들었다. -스윽. 긴장과 기대가 팽배한 그가 한 걸음 움직여 바로 앞 거대한 나무에 붙었다. 사람 몸통에 5배는 넘어 보이는 넓이에, 위로는 그 끝이 보이지 않을 정도의 나무. 그런 것이 시야에 수도 없이 박혀 있다. 분명, 어디서나 볼법한 숲이 아니었다. 카메라를 든 우진이 광활한 숲속과 나무 사진을 찍었다. 시간이 갈수록 땀이 비 오듯 흘렀다. 허억 거릴 정도로 심장박동수도 치솟는다. 여긴 공기가 부족한가? 하지만 참는다. 이미 이 경이로운 광경에 아드레날린이 쏟아지는 중이니까. 그때. -푸드드! 오른쪽 팔뚝이 따끔하며 소름이 돋았다. 우진은 자연스레 고개를 오른쪽으로 돌렸다가. “흐아아악!!” 화들짝 놀랐다. 날개가 손바닥만 한 벌레가 팔뚝에 붙어 있었기에. 모기를 닮았지만 크기가 사람의 몸통만 했다. 악소리를 지른 강우진이 팔을 거칠게 휘적이며 엉덩방아를 찧었다. 물컹한 바닥 덕분에 아픔은 적었지만, 엉덩이에 차가운 수분이 스며드는 게 생생히 느껴졌다. -푸드드드드! 괴물 모기가 하늘 위로 올라가는 것을 본 뒤에야 우진이 안도했다. “하- 후, 빌어먹을.” 손과 발이 떨렸다. 충격에 들고 있던 카메라가 바닥에 박힌 것을 발견했다. 우진이 얼굴을 타고 흐른 땀을 닦은 뒤 카메라를 집기 위해 손을 뻗었다. 이 순간. -바지직! 뭔가 강렬한 인기척이 들렸다. 이어서 풀들이 서로를 때리는 소음까지. 그런 뒤에 미약하게 땅이 울렸다. 움찔한 우진이 느릿하게 얼굴을 뒤쪽으로 돌렸다. 하지만 그 전에 웅장한 몸통들이 그의 양옆을 스쳤다. -우우우우큽. 오묘한 울음소리, 딱딱한 피부, 짧은 네 발, 뾰족하면서도 길쭉한 두 개의 뿔. 언뜻 코뿔소처럼 보이는 존재들. 하지만 코뿔소일 리가 없다. 크기가 사람의 10배는 족히 넘으니까. 한 마리가 아닌 여럿. 8마리의 무리. 여전히 엉덩이를 땅에 붙인 강우진은 저도 모르게 입을 쩍 벌렸다. “아-” 푸스스 숨소리를 내며 우진을 스치는 존재들이 발을 내디딜 때마다 쿵쿵 소음이 들렸다. 혼 빠진 얼굴로 본인 양옆의 거대한 존재들에게 우진이 다시 말했다, “트리케라톱스······” 트리케라톱스. 즉, 공룡을 말하는 것. 그러다 멈칫. 트리케라톱스 중 선두가 멈추자 무리들 모두가 움직임이 멎었다. 그리곤 트리케라톱스들은 주변의 풀을 뜯기 시작했다. 이 얼마나 기이하면서도 경이로운 광경인가? 눈동자는 터질 듯 커진 우진의 입가엔 광기 비슷한 미소가 번졌고, 아주 조금씩 바닥에 붙인 엉덩이를 들었다. 곧, 트리케라톱스의 다리보다 살짝 큰 우진이, 바로 앞에서 풀을 뜯는 트리케라톱스의 배에 손을 뻗었다. -스으. 까글하며 딱딱한 피부. 하지만 물렁했다. 트리케라톱스가 숨 쉴 때마다 배가 팽창했다. 푸스- 소음을 내며 풀 뜯던 놈이 강우진에게 머리통을 돌렸다. 두 개의 뿔이 허공을 가리며 바람 소리가 들린다. “······” 다행히 트리케라톱스는 강우진을 신경 쓰지 않고 다시금 풀을 뜯었다. “하···하하.” 황당하면서도 믿기지 않는다는 헛웃음을 짓던 강우진. 그가 떨리는 손으로 바닥에 박힌 카메라를 집었다. 그리곤 바로 앞의 거대한 트리케라톱스를 찍으려던 때였다. 바닥이 떨렸다. 기분 탓인가 했지만 아니었다. 또 바닥이 진동했다. 떨림이 점점 심해지며 가까워진다. 추가로. -···쿵, 쿵, 쿵! 뭉뚝한 폭발음까지. 그 순간. -우어어어어! 풀 뜯던 트리케라톱스들이 우르르 뛴다. 그 충격에 강우진이 재차 바닥에 엎어졌다. 앞으로 넘어지는 바람에 진흙이 얼굴이 묻었다. 바로 그쯤. -쿵!! 쿠쾅!! 바닥이 갈라지는 굉음이 뒤통수에서 들렸다. 앞으로 엎어진 강우진의 몸이 자연스레 벌벌 떨렸다. 두 손도 마찬가지. 빠지직. 나무가 부러졌다. 있다, 분명 뒤에 엄청난 것이 있다. -그으으으으으흐. 태풍 소리처럼 들렸으나 아니었다. 뒤쪽 뭔가의 숨소리였다. 우진의 아랫도리가 축축했다. 수분이 스며든것도 있겠지만, 솔직히 조금 지린 그였다. 앞으로 엎어진 채 굳어 있던 그가 느릿하게 고개를 뒤쪽으로 돌렸다. “······허헙.” 빌딩만 한 괴물이 엎어진 강우진을 내리보고 있었다. 팔은 심히 짧지만 머리통이 직전의 트리케라톱스만 했다. 놈이 급작스레 표효했다. -갸아아아아아아아아아!!! 강우진이 반사적으로 훅 일어나 뛰었다. “으아아아아어아아아아악!!!!!” 놈은 티라노사우루스였다. < 연쇄 (3) > 끝
answer:You seem to have provided a passage in Korean, which appears to be from a novel or a story. Here is the English translation: "Don't you feel uneasy if you don't check? First, to see the information about the work he had decided on, Woojin stopped in front of the white squares. Among the various works, the one Woojin had chosen was at the very end. -[11/Scenario (Title: Jurassic Land 4), Grade B] -[*The scenario is of very high completion. 100% reading is possible.] The first verification was, of course, 'Jurassic Land 4'. As soon as he saw it, Woojin smiled faintly. "B grade? Ha- It's really a bit ambiguous. But does this movie rating include both domestic and international?" Either way, a B grade was average. Moreover, the role offered by 'Jurassic Land 4' was a supporting character. Gradually, Woojin's interest was leaning towards the less impressive side. He would have been greedy if the rating of 'Jurassic Land 4' was at least A grade, but with a B grade, it felt more like 'why bother?' "It would definitely cause a stir, but if the movie itself is only moderately successful, that's a bit disappointing. My filmography might take a sudden dive too." Although he felt a tinge of regret, Kang Woojin selected the white square of 'Jurassic Land 4', pushing aside his current feelings. Whether he did the movie or not, Woojin had two clear goals at the moment. One was: "Anyway, the chance to see a Shiba dinosaur in person. I really can't resist that." It was the experience of encountering dinosaurs in reality, and the other was: "Let's see- the character's name was 'Juan Gonzales', right?" It was the engraving of a new ability he had guessed. A character named 'Juan Gonzales' in the work. And in his lines: ["'E: Juan Gonzales' reading preparation in progress······"] ["A new language other than the basic language is detected. 'Spanish' will be acquired first."] It included 'Spanish'. How much time had passed? Everything in front of him was pitch black. It was Kang Woojin's story. It was humid. And hot. The temperature touching his skin was quite high. There was a strange smell. A mix of fresh and foul odors. He heard the sound of insects in his ears. It wasn't a buzzing. It was a fluttering. Was it really an insect? There was also a clucking noise coming from the sky. Birds? Or something else? Generally, Woojin's senses were extraordinary at the moment. Familiar yet strange. The ground was soggy. His heart was pounding. Kang Woojin opened his eyes. -Swish. The dark view turned gray and then gradually faded. Colors began to fill his eyes. The most intense color was green. Yes, he was in the middle of a forest. Woojin, with his eyes open, slowly turned his head. The forest? Was this really a forest? His eyes said yes, but his brain felt like it was rejecting it. There were many plants he had never seen before. What about the trees rooted in the ground? They all boasted enormous lengths, seemingly reaching the sky, each one appearing to be at least a thousand years old. Kang Woojin was standing in a place where such trees and unfamiliar grasses were clustered. "······My goodness." Woojin's mutter was a mix of emotion and exclamation. It was not Korean, English, or French, but Spanish. Kang Woojin was now in the world of 'Juan Gonzales'. Another world, reality seen through the eyes of the engraved him. The heart of Kang Woojin, or 'Juan Gonzales', was pounding incessantly. So violently that his ears and head were ringing. "Huff- Hu- Is it really there? That thing?" As Woojin muttered, sweat streamed down his cheeks. He wore a large safari hat, a short-sleeved shirt, and jeans. In one hand, he held a black camera. -Swish. The tense and expectant Woojin took a step and clung to a huge tree right in front of him. The width of the tree seemed to be more than five times the size of a human body, and the top was so high that it was out of sight. Such trees were planted countless times in his view. Clearly, this was not a forest that could be seen just anywhere. Woojin, holding the camera, took pictures of the vast forest and trees. As time passed, sweat poured down like rain. His heart rate also soared to the point of panting. Was the air here thin? But he endured it. Adrenaline was already pouring into this wondrous sight. Then. -Thud! His right forearm tingled and goosebumps rose. Woojin naturally turned his head to the right and then... "Hyaaah!!" He was startled. A bug with wings as big as a palm was attached to his forearm. It resembled a mosquito but was the size of a human torso. Kang Woojin screamed and flailed his arm roughly, falling on his buttocks. The soft ground lessened the pain, but he vividly felt the cold moisture seeping into his buttocks. -Thudding! After seeing the monster mosquito fly up into the sky, Woojin breathed a sigh of relief. "Ha- Damn it." His hands and feet were shaking. He noticed the camera he had been holding had hit the ground. Woojin wiped the sweat off his face and reached out to pick up the camera. At that moment. -Crackling! He heard a strong presence. Then, the sound of grass hitting each other followed. And then the ground faintly trembled. Woojin flinched and slowly turned his face backward. But before that, majestic bodies brushed past him on both sides. -Uuuuuk. A strange cry, hard skin, short four legs, two sharp and elongated horns. Beings that looked somewhat like rhinoceroses. But they couldn't be rhinoceroses. They were at least ten times the size of a human. Not just one, but many. A herd of eight. Still with his buttocks on the ground, Kang Woojin unwittingly opened his mouth wide. "Ah-" As the beings that brushed past Woojin stepped, a thumping noise was heard. With a stunned face, Woojin spoke again to the giant beings on either side of him, "Triceratops······" Triceratops. In other words, dinosaurs. Then he paused. When the leading triceratops stopped, the whole herd stopped moving. Then the triceratops began to graze on the surrounding grass. What a strange and wondrous sight this was? Woojin's eyes were wide open, and a smile akin to madness spread across his lips. He slowly lifted his buttocks off the ground. Soon, Woojin, slightly larger than the leg of a triceratops, reached out his hand to the belly of a triceratops grazing in front of him. -Sss. Rough and hard skin. But it was soft. The belly of the triceratops expanded with each breath. The creature that had been grazing turned its head towards Kang Woojin. The two horns pointed into the air, and the sound of the wind was heard. "······" Fortunately, the triceratops ignored Woojin and continued to graze. "Ha...haha." Woojin, laughing in disbelief and astonishment, picked up the camera that had fallen to the ground with trembling hands. He was about to take a picture of the giant triceratops in front of him when the ground shook. It felt like an illusion, but it wasn't. The ground vibrated again. The trembling grew stronger and closer. Additionally. -...Thump, thump, thump! A dull explosion was heard. At that moment. -Uuuuuuuu! The grazing triceratops suddenly ran off. The impact made Kang Woojin fall to the ground again. Falling forward, his face was smeared with mud. Right around that time. -Thump!! Boom!! A loud noise of the ground splitting was heard from behind his head. Kang Woojin, who had fallen forward, naturally trembled. His hands did the same. Crack. A tree broke. There was definitely something enormous behind him. -Groooooooh. It sounded like a typhoon, but it wasn't. It was the breathing of something behind him. Woojin's lower body was soaked. It was damp from the moisture, but honestly, he was a bit scared. As he lay frozen on the ground, he slowly turned his head backward. "······Huh." A monster as tall as a building was looking down at the fallen Kang Woojin. Its arms were extremely short, but its head was as big as the previous triceratops. The creature suddenly roared. -Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Kang Woojin reflexively jumped up and ran. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!" The creature was a Tyrannosaurus. < Chain (3) > End"
question:곧, 강우진이 손에 쥔 ‘쥬라기 랜드4’ 시나리오를 내린 뒤 다른 것을 들었다. -푹! 그의 현실의 시간이 다시금 멈췄다. 이틀 뒤, 20일 수요일. 일본 도쿄. 시간은 아침 11시쯤. 도쿄역 근방에 있는 커다란 영화관. 평일 늦은 아침임에도 영화관 내의 가장 큰 상영관이 붐볐다. 500석 넘는 좌석에 관객이 가득 찬 것. 다만 이 상영관에서는 영화 상영이 주가 되는 건 아니었다. 큰 행사가 잡혀 있었으니까. 수백 관객이 보는 정면 초대형 스크린에 일본어로 된 주제가 출력되는 중. -[‘낯선 이의 기괴한 희생’ 관객 시사회] 일반 대중들이 포함된 ‘낯기생’의 관객 시사회였다. 정식 개봉이 약 일주도 안 남은 상황임에도 ‘낯기생’은 마지막까지 홍보·마케팅을 늦추지 않았다. 오히려 박차를 가했다. 가뜩이나 언론 시사회에 참석했던 기자들이 미친 듯 기사를 쏴대는 중에, 최근 세계를 뒤집었던 강우진의 칸 ‘남우주연상’ 이슈로 ‘낯기생’이 받는 관심은 핵폭탄 수준. 어쨌든 ‘낯기생’의 관객 시사회에 참석한 500명 인원들은 각양각색이었다. 어그로에 이끌렸거나 SNS 이벤트에 당첨돼 별 생각 없이 온 인원, ‘낯기생’ 원작의 강성 팬들, ‘낯기생’에 반감을 가진 이들, 강우진의 일본 팬들, 일본 배우들의 팬들 등등. 생각이 전혀 다른 500명 관객이기에 상영 전 대화들도 판이했다. “어우- 기대돼, 강우진이 연기를 어떻게 했을까?” “칸에서 남우주연상을 받았잖아. 분명, 우리 상상을 가볍게 뛰어넘을걸? ‘남사친’이랑은 전혀 다른 캐릭터라 더 궁금해.” “영화 보기 전에 ‘낯기생’ 원작 소설 복습하고 왔는데···기자들이 난리더라. 원작팬들 배신이네 어쩌네 하면서.” “아 그거 나도 봤어.” 우진의 팬들은 기대감이 넘쳤지만, ‘낯기생’의 강성 팬들이나 반감을 가진 이들은 불만 가득이었다. “얼마나 원작을 망쳐놓은 거야? 기사들 몇 개 보니까 충격적이라던데. 하- 짜증나.” “이걸 대체 왜 개봉시키는 거냐고.” “그 강우진이 칸에서 이름을 날렸으니까 더 개봉시키려는 거겠지.” “강우진, 강우진. 지겨워. 애초 ‘낯기생’의 주연이 한국배우인 게 말이 되냐구.” “그러면서 정작 강우진은 ‘낯기생’ 홍보 기간 얼굴 한 번 안 내밀었다며?” “이제 세계급이 됐다 이거겠지.” “흥, 급이 단숨에 엄청 높아진 건 인정하는데 너무 무책임하네.” 수백 관객들은 ‘낯기생’ 상영을 기다리며 끝없이 웅성거렸다. 제각각 다른 말들로 시끄러웠지만 하나 공통점이 있다면 강우진이었다. “오늘 ‘낯기생’ 배우들 무대 인사 있댔지? 역시 강우진은 안 오는 건가?” “글로벌 스타 됐는데 여길 오겠어?” 이때. -스으. 대형 상영관의 조명이 컴컴해지며. -♬♪ ‘낯기생’이 본격적으로 출력되기 시작했다. 500명 관객들의 표정은 시시각각 변했다. 눈이 커지거나, 미간을 좁히거나, 놀라거나, 충격받거나, 소름 돋거나, 입을 막거나. 약 두 시간이 넘는 러닝타임 동안 단 한 번도 잔잔한 리액션은 없었고. “······” “······” 초대형 스크린에 떴던 ‘이요타 키요시’. 즉, 강우진의 클로즈업된 얼굴을 끝으로 ‘낯기생’이 막을 내렸다. 인과응보 따윈 개나 주라는 듯 부정했고 원작 ‘낯기생’과는 전혀 다른 결말. 곧, 수백 관객들 대부분이 술렁였다. “···말이 돼? 대체 저게 뭐야?” 특히, 원작 ‘낯기생’ 강성 팬들의 흥분도가 치솟았다. “아니야! 저건 ‘낯기생’이 아니라고!” “어이가 없어, 이상하다고 저 영화는!” 조명 켜진 커다란 상영관이 왁자지껄하기 시작했다. 별생각 없이 왔거나 강우진의 팬들 외의 백여 명은 조용했으나, 나머지 300명 넘는 관객들이 발작했으니까. 이쯤 상영관 앞쪽 초대형 스크린 쪽으로 덩치 좋은 가드들 몇몇이 등장했다. -스윽. 그 뒤로 새치 가득한 쿄타로 감독과 일본 배우들이 따랐다. 마나 코사쿠나 우라마츠 미후유 외의 주요 배우들이 나왔지만 강우진은 없었다. 원래도 올 예정은 없었던 모양. 곧, 쿄타로 감독과 모든 일본 배우들이 500명 관객들 앞에 일자로 섰다. 쿄타로 감독이 정면 수백 관객들을 보며 낮게 침음을 뱉는다. “음.” 표정들이 퍽 삭막했으니까. 허나 분위기가 별로라도 피할 이유가 없었다. 최소 쿄타로 감독과 ‘낯기생’의 일본 배우들의 생각은 그랬다. 영화를 보는 시각은 누구나 다를 수 있고 그것을 감내하는 것 역시 이들의 역할. 더불어 여기서 도망친다면 영화 ‘낯기생’ 전체를 부정하는 것과 같다. 그렇게 시작된 ‘낯기생’ 시사회의 무대 인사. 처음으로 마이크를 쥔 것은 일본의 거장 타노구치 쿄타로 감독이었다. “안녕하세요, ‘낯기생’의 감독을 맡은 타노구치 쿄타로입니다.” 그의 인사가 끝나자마자 관객석 중앙에 있던 여자가 벌떡 일어나 과격하게 외쳤다. “저걸 영화라고 찍었어요??! 원작을 전부 뭉개트렸잖아!!” 흥분한 그녀는 계속해서 고래고래 소리 질렀지만 이내 가드 둘에게 정중하게 끌려나갔다. 하지만 분위기는 더 험악해졌다. 끌려나간 여자가 시발탄이었고, 남은 ‘낯기생’ 원작의 강성 팬들이 하나둘 외쳐댔다. “‘낯기생’이 아니야 저건!!” “왜 마음대로 결말을 바꾼 겁니까?!” “원작 그대로 했어도 아무 문제 없었잖아요! 뭐예요, 이게!” “안 돼! 이걸 개봉시키는 건!” 점점 더 격해진다. 몇몇 관객들은 자리를 피하기도했다. 그러거나 말거나 강성 팬들의 언성은 높아졌고, 가드들과 영화관 측 직원들이 쿄타로 감독과 ‘낯기생’ 배우들에게 일단 피하자는 손짓을 보냈다. 이 순간. “아.” “······어?” “저기.” 고성방가를 하던 수백 관객들 대부분이 대뜸 괴성을 뚝 멈췄다. 그리곤 하나같이 정면 스크린의 입구 쪽을 바라본다. 재밌는 얼굴들. 직전까지 붉으락푸르락하던 수백 관객들은 작게 입을 벌리거나 눈이 커졌다. 급작스레 고요해진 분위기에 고개를 갸웃한 쿄타로 감독이나. “음?” ‘낯기생’의 일본 배우들이 관객들이 보는 곳으로 고개를 돌렸다. 검은색 트렌치코트에 시니컬함이 진한 남자가 걸어오고 있었다. 곧, 쿄타로 감독이나 일본 배우들도 움찔하며 놀랐다. “우, 우진씨?” 돌연 강우진이 등장했으니까. 반면, 무심한 듯 걷던 우진은 벙찐 쿄타로 감독에게 작게 인사한 뒤. “감독님.” 손을 내밀었다. 마이크를 달라는 것. 얼결에 마이크를 넘긴 쿄타로 감독. 이어 강우진이 수백 관객들에게 인사했다. “안녕하세요, ‘낯기생’에서 ‘이요타 키요시’를 맡은 강우진입니다.” 내리깔린 톤의 세상 유창한 일본어. 하지만 좀 전까지 발광하던 수백 관객들은 그 누구도 입을 열지 못했다. “······” “······” “······” ‘칸의 남자’ 강우진의 포스와 아우라가. “···와- 강우진 쟤가 뭐가 다르긴 하네.” 모두의 입을 다물게 했으니까. < 연쇄 (4) > 끝
answer:Soon, Kang Woojin put down the 'Jurassic Land 4' scenario he was holding and picked up something else. -Thump! Time in his reality paused once again. Two days later, Wednesday the 20th, in Tokyo, Japan. It was around 11 a.m. A large movie theater near Tokyo Station. Despite it being a late weekday morning, the largest screening room in the cinema was bustling. The room, with over 500 seats, was filled with an audience. However, this screening room wasn't primarily for showing movies. There was a big event scheduled. On the giant screen in front of hundreds of spectators, a theme in Japanese was displayed. -[‘The Bizarre Sacrifice of a Stranger’ Audience Preview] It was an audience preview of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' that included the general public. Even though the official release was just about a week away, 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' did not slow down its promotion and marketing until the last minute. On the contrary, it accelerated. Especially since the journalists who attended the press preview were furiously writing articles, and with Kang Woojin's recent Cannes 'Best Actor' issue turning the world upside down, the interest in 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' was at the level of a nuclear bomb. Anyway, the 500 attendees at the 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' audience preview were diverse. There were those who were drawn by the hype or won an SNS event and came without much thought, hardcore fans of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' original work, those who had a dislike for 'The Bizarre Sacrifice', fans of Kang Woojin in Japan, fans of Japanese actors, and so on. Since the 500 audience members had entirely different thoughts, the conversations before the screening varied greatly. "Ah- I'm excited, how did Kang Woojin act?" "He won Best Actor at Cannes. Surely, he'll easily surpass our expectations, right? I'm even more curious because it's a completely different character from 'Male Friend'." "I reviewed the original novel of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' before watching the movie... The journalists were going crazy. They were saying it's a betrayal of the original fans." "Oh, I saw that too." Woojin's fans were full of anticipation, but the hardcore fans of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' and those who had a dislike for it were full of complaints. "How much did they ruin the original? I read a few articles and they said it was shocking. Ugh, it's annoying." "Why are they even releasing this?" "They're probably releasing it because Kang Woojin made a name for himself at Cannes." "Kang Woojin, Kang Woojin. I'm sick of it. Does it even make sense for the lead of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' to be a Korean actor?" "And yet, Kang Woojin didn't even show his face during the promotion period of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice', did he?" "Now he's become world-class, that's what it is." "Hmph, I admit his status has risen dramatically, but he's too irresponsible." Hundreds of spectators buzzed endlessly while waiting for 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' to be shown. Although they were noisy with various different words, they had one thing in common: Kang Woojin. "Today there's a stage greeting from the actors of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice', right? Is Kang Woojin not coming after all?" "He's become a global star, why would he come here?" At that moment. -Swish. The lights in the large screening room dimmed. -♬♪ 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' began to be projected in earnest. The expressions of the 500 audience members changed moment by moment. Their eyes widened, brows furrowed, they were surprised, shocked, got goosebumps, covered their mouths. During the running time of over two hours, there was not a single moment of calm reaction. "······" "······" With the close-up face of 'Iyota Kiyoshi', that is, Kang Woojin, 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' came to an end. It denied the concept of poetic justice and had a completely different ending from the original 'The Bizarre Sacrifice'. Soon, most of the hundreds of spectators were stirring. "...Does that make sense? What the heck is that?" Especially, the excitement level of the hardcore fans of the original 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' soared. "No! That's not 'The Bizarre Sacrifice'!" "It's ridiculous, that movie is strange!" The lights turned on in the large screening room, which began to get noisy. While the hundred or so who came without much thought or were fans of Kang Woojin remained quiet, the rest of the audience, over 300 people, were having an outburst. At this point, several burly guards appeared in front of the giant screen. -Swish. Following them were the director Kyotaro with a head full of gray hair and Japanese actors. Main actors like Mana Kosakuna and Uramatsu Mihuyu appeared, but Kang Woojin was not there. It seemed he was never scheduled to come in the first place. Soon, Director Kyotaro and all the Japanese actors stood in a line in front of the 500 spectators. Director Kyotaro looked at the hundreds of spectators in front of him and let out a low sigh. "Hmm." Their expressions were quite grim. However, there was no reason to avoid the situation, even if the atmosphere was not great. At least that's what Director Kyotaro and the Japanese actors of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' thought. Everyone can have a different view of a movie, and enduring that is also their role. Moreover, running away from here would be like denying the entire movie 'The Bizarre Sacrifice'. Thus began the stage greeting of the 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' preview. The first to hold the microphone was the Japanese master director, Tanoguchi Kyotaro. "Hello, I am <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_PERSON>, the director of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice'." As soon as his greeting ended, a woman in the center of the audience stood up abruptly and shouted aggressively. "Did you call that a movie??! You've completely crushed the original!!" The excited woman continued to scream loudly but was soon politely escorted out by two guards. However, the atmosphere became even more hostile. The woman who was dragged out was the starting point, and the remaining hardcore fans of the original 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' began to shout one by one. "That's not 'The Bizarre Sacrifice'!!" "Why did you change the ending on your own?!" "It wouldn't have been a problem if you had followed the original! What is this?!" "No! You can't release this!" The situation became increasingly intense. Some spectators even left their seats. Regardless, the voices of the hardcore fans grew louder, and the guards and cinema staff signaled to Director Kyotaro and the actors of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' to step back for now. At this moment. "Ah." "······Huh?" "Over there." The hundreds of spectators who had been making a racket suddenly stopped their outbursts and looked towards the entrance of the screen. Their faces were interesting. The hundreds of spectators, who had been red-faced until just a moment ago, either opened their mouths slightly or their eyes widened. Director Kyotaro, who tilted his head at the suddenly quiet atmosphere. "Hmm?" The Japanese actors of 'The Bizarre Sacrifice' turned their heads to where the audience was looking. A man in a black trench coat with a strong air of cynicism was walking in. Soon, Director Kyotaro and the Japanese actors also flinched in surprise. "Wo, Woojin-san?" Kang Woojin had suddenly appeared. Meanwhile, Woojin, who had been walking indifferently, gave a small greeting to the stunned Director Kyotaro. "Director." He extended his hand. Asking for the microphone. Director Kyotaro handed over the microphone somewhat reflexively. Then Kang Woojin greeted the hundreds of spectators. "Hello, I am Kang Woojin, who played 'Iyota Kiyoshi' in 'The Bizarre Sacrifice'." His tone was subdued, and his Japanese was fluently worldly. However, the hundreds of spectators who had been raging until just a moment ago could not open their mouths. "······" "······" "······" The presence and aura of 'The Man of Cannes', Kang Woojin. "...Wow- Kang Woojin really is different." Silenced everyone's mouths. < Chain (4) > End
question:Why proper introduction of oneself and others matters in diplomacy?
answer:Proper introduction of oneself and others is crucial in diplomacy for several reasons: 1. Establishing credibility: Introducing oneself and others in a diplomatic setting helps build credibility and trust. It allows participants to understand each other's background, position, and expertise, which can enhance the legitimacy and authority of the person being introduced. This credibility is essential for effective negotiations and the successful implementation of diplomatic agreements. 2. Showing respect and cultural sensitivity: Diplomatic interactions often involve individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. A proper introduction demonstrates respect for protocol, cultural norms, and formalities. It shows an understanding of the importance given to hierarchy, titles, and formalities in different societies. A failure to introduce oneself and others appropriately may be seen as disrespectful and can harm relationships and the perception of the diplomat's professionalism. 3. Facilitating communication and understanding: Introductions in diplomacy create a foundation for effective communication. By introducing oneself and others, diplomats establish a common ground and initiate a dialogue based on mutual recognition. This helps to mitigate misunderstandings, encourages a positive atmosphere, and lays the groundwork for productive negotiations by providing valuable contextual information about each participant. 4. Establishing roles and responsibilities: Introducing oneself and others allows for the clarification of roles and responsibilities within the diplomatic setting. It helps to identify key decision-makers, experts, and representatives, ensuring that the appropriate individuals are engaged in the conversation and enabling effective delegation and coordination. This clarity enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of diplomatic efforts. 5. Building diplomatic networks: Diplomacy often involves building networks of connections and relationships. Proper introductions contribute to the formation of these networks by allowing diplomats to identify potential allies, collaborators, and resources. Relationships and trust developed through proper introductions can be valuable in achieving diplomatic objectives in the future. In summary, proper introductions in diplomacy are crucial for establishing credibility, showing respect and cultural sensitivity, facilitating communication and understanding, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and building valuable diplomatic networks. These elements significantly contribute to the success of diplomatic efforts.
question:what are common mistakes in introducing oneself and others?
answer:Some common mistakes in introducing oneself and others in diplomacy include: 1. Failing to provide sufficient information: Introductions should include relevant information about oneself and others, such as name, title, organization, and role. Omitting these details can create confusion and hinder effective communication. 2. Mispronouncing names: Proper pronunciation is essential when introducing oneself and others. Mispronouncing names can be seen as disrespectful and may create a negative impression. 3. Neglecting cultural considerations: Different cultures have varying norms regarding introductions and formalities. Failing to respect and follow these cultural considerations may offend others and damage relationships. 4. Disregarding official titles and positions: Diplomatic settings often involve individuals with specific titles and positions. Ignoring or misrepresenting these titles can be seen as a sign of disrespect and may undermine the credibility of the individuals being introduced. 5. Lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities: Introducing individuals without clearly defining their roles and responsibilities within the diplomatic context can lead to confusion and hinder a productive dialogue. 6. Overlooking the importance of context: Proper introductions should consider the specific context and purpose of the diplomatic interaction. Failing to provide relevant contextual information may hinder understanding and effective communication. 7. Rushing the introduction: Introductions should be conducted in a thoughtful and deliberate manner. Rushing through introductions or failing to allow each individual to introduce themselves can create an impression of disorganization and lack of respect. 8. Ignoring diplomatic protocol: Diplomatic settings often have specific protocols that need to be followed during introductions. Ignoring these protocols may be seen as a breach of diplomatic etiquette and may harm relationships and the overall effectiveness of diplomatic efforts. By being mindful of these common mistakes, diplomats can ensure that introductions are conducted with professionalism, respect, and cultural sensitivity, thereby facilitating effective communication and fostering positive relationships.