question:тестирование windows server 2016 калькулятора на удаленном сервере с помощью appium по rdp python
answer:Для тестирования Windows Server 2016 калькулятора на удаленном сервере с помощью Appium по RDP вам потребуется настроить удаленное подключение к серверу через RDP и подготовить среду для выполнения тестов на языке Python. Шаги для настройки и выполнения тестов: 1. Установите Python и настройте среду разработки на своем локальном компьютере. 2. Установите Appium с помощью следующей команды в терминале: ``` pip install Appium-Python-Client ``` 3. Установите другие необходимые зависимости для тестирования Windows приложений: - Windows SDK - WinAppDriver ( 4. Установите и настройте соединение RDP на удаленном сервере, на котором находится калькулятор для тестирования. 5. Запустите WinAppDriver на удаленном сервере с помощью команды в командной строке (команда может отличаться в зависимости от расположения WinAppDriver): ``` "C:Program Files (x86)Windows Application DriverWinAppDriver.exe" ``` 6. Создайте новую Python-скриптовую программу и подключитесь к удаленному серверу с помощью модуля `webdriver` из Appium-Python-Client. Пример кода: ```python from appium import webdriver caps = { "platformName": "Windows", "deviceName": "WindowsPC", "app": "C:WindowsSystem32calc.exe" } driver = webdriver.Remote("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub", caps) ``` 7. Напишите тесты калькулятора с использованием методов `driver.find_element_by` и `driver.find_elements_by` для поиска элементов на экране калькулятора и методов `` и `element.send_keys()` для взаимодействия с элементами. Пример кода: ```python # Находим элементы калькулятора digit_one = driver.find_element_by_name("1") digit_two = driver.find_element_by_name("2") operator_plus = driver.find_element_by_name("Plus") equals = driver.find_element_by_name("Equals") result = driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id("CalculatorResults") # Взаимодействуем с элементами калькулятора # Проверяем результат assert result.text == "3" ``` 8. Запустите тесты, отправив программу Python на удаленный сервер и выполните ее с помощью команды `python`. Учтите, что данная инструкция предоставляет только общую информацию о процессе тестирования Windows Server 2016 калькулятора на удаленном сервере с помощью Appium по RDP. Вам может потребоваться адаптировать и доработать код и настройки для вашей конкретной ситуации.
question:(In the cavern where the Mana Spirits live…) Wisp: (waking up) “Good morning, fellow Mana Spirits!” Gnome: “Well…it’s better than getting eaten by Jewel Eater!” Jinn: “Man, I slept good!” Shade: “Ugh…five more minutes.” Undine: “Well, that was refreshing.” Salamander: “Let’s get this started! I’m ready to TURN UP THE HEAT!!!” Luna: (still snoring due to how far along she is in her pregnancy) Dryad: “Is she always this sleepy?” Wisp: “Well, she’s carrying the next generation of Mana Spirits, so I guess it’s understandable for her to be tired.” Gnome: “Yeah, being a pregnant Mana Spirit must be exhausting.” Jinn: “We should let her rest, she needs all the energy she can get.” Shade: “Agreed. Luna has an important role to play. We should take care of her.” Undine: “Let’s make sure she’s comfortable and has everything she needs.” Salamander: “And once she wakes up, we’ll make sure she’s well-fed. She needs all the nutrients for the little ones.” Dryad: “I’ll gather some soothing herbs and create a calm atmosphere for her.” Wisp: “Sounds like a plan, everyone. Let’s take care of Luna and make sure she’s comfortable during this crucial time.” (They all work together to create a peaceful and restful environment for Luna, making sure she has everything she needs. They understand the importance of her role in continuing the cycle of Mana Spirits. But just a few minutes later…) Luna: (waking up to her babies kicking) “Oh…! Oh!”
answer:Salamander: "Luna, are you okay?" Luna: "Yes, I'm fine. It's just that the babies are getting quite active." Undine: "That's normal during pregnancy. They are growing stronger each day." Dryad: "We've prepared some soothing herbs for you, Luna. Would you like us to bring them?" Luna: "Yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you, Dryad." (Wisp and Salamander bring over the soothing herbs while Gnome and Jinn adjust the temperature to make it more comfortable for Luna.) Wisp: "Here you go, Luna. These herbs will help relax your muscles and calm your nerves." Luna: "Thank you, Wisp. I appreciate it." Salamander: "And we've adjusted the temperature to a more comfortable level for you." Luna: "You all are so thoughtful. I'm grateful to have such caring friends." Shade: "Well, we understand the importance of your role, Luna. We want to make sure you have everything you need." Undine: "And once the babies arrive, we'll be here to help you take care of them. You won't be alone." Luna: "Thank you, everyone. I feel blessed to have all of you by my side. Let's continue to protect the cycle of Mana Spirits together." (The Mana Spirits gather around Luna, radiating their supportive energy towards her as she continues her journey of motherhood.)
question:Power Query need to have lookup in another table
answer:In Power Query, you can perform a lookup in another table using the "Merge" or "Join" operation. Here are the steps to accomplish this: 1. Open Power Query Editor by selecting "Edit Queries" in the Home tab of the Power Query ribbon. 2. Import both the tables that you want to perform the lookup on. 3. Select the primary table (where you want to add the lookup values) in the Queries pane. 4. In the Home tab, click on "Merge Queries" drop-down menu and select "Merge Queries as New". 5. In the Merge dialog box, select the lookup table from the drop-down menu for "Table" (the table which contains the values you want to lookup). 6. Select the common column between the primary table and the lookup table under "Column". 7. Choose the join type (e.g., Left Outer Join, Inner Join, etc.) based on your requirements. 8. Click on "OK" to perform the merge operation. 9. The merged table will be created with the added lookup values. 10. Expand the columns containing the lookup values by clicking on the expand button in the header of the respective column. 11. Select the columns you want to include in the final result and click on "OK". Now, you have the primary table with the lookup values from the other table. You can further process or manipulate the data using Power Query transformations, filtering, or sorting before loading it into the destination (such as Excel or Power BI).
question:getting error: DataFormat.Error: We couldn't convert to Number. Details: ControlDimension
answer:The error you are encountering, "DataFormat.Error: We couldn't convert to Number," suggests that there is an issue with the data type in the column you are trying to merge or join on. To resolve this error, you can follow these steps: 1. Open Power Query Editor and locate the tables you want to merge. 2. Check the data types of the common columns in both tables. It is crucial that they have the same data type. 3. If the data types differ, you need to convert them to a compatible data type. Here's how you can do that: - Select the table with the incompatible data type column. - Right-click on the column header and choose "Change Type." - From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate data type (e.g., Number). - Repeat this process for other tables if required. 4. After ensuring that the data types are compatible, retry the merge/join operation. Additionally, if you believe the column causing the error doesn't contain valid data, you can apply data cleansing techniques such as removing non-numeric characters, replacing missing values, or handling data outliers.