question:(I started to wonder as to who the father of Sayori’s baby is. After all, I was a little shocked when Sayori announced her pregnancy last month - and Monika was, too. Just then, Natsuki enters the room.) Natsuki: “Hey, guys! Sorry I’m late. I had some personal things back home.” Monika: “It’s okay, Natsuki.” Sayori: “Jeez…my cravings are just out of control today.” Monika: “Of course they are. So…how are you feeling, Yuri?” (I felt like I was going to throw up, but decided to hide the fact I was sick.) Yuri: “I’m feeling okay. How about you, Natsuki?” Natsuki: “I’m good. So, what are we talking about?” Sayori: “Well, we were just wondering who the father of my baby is.” Natsuki: “Oh, wow. That’s a big question.” Monika: “Yes, it is. Sayori hasn’t told us yet.” Sayori: “That’s because I don’t know who the father is.” Yuri: “What do you mean you don’t know?” Sayori: “I mean, it could be one of three guys.” Natsuki: “Three guys?! Sayori, how could you not know?” Sayori: “I know, I know. But I was going through a rough patch and was feeling pretty reckless. I don’t even remember who I was with when I got pregnant.” Monika: “This is not good, Sayori. You need to talk to each of them and find out who is the father.” Sayori: “I know, I know. I’m just scared and not sure how to bring it up.” Yuri: “We’ll help you, Sayori. Just tell us who they are.” Sayori: “Okay, well…there’s Mark, Jake, and David.” Natsuki: “I know Mark. He’s not the most responsible guy.” Monika: “Jake is a nice guy, but he’s not really looking for a relationship right now.” Yuri: “David is more mature, but he’s also been in a long-term relationship. Maybe he’s not the best option.” Sayori: “I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be a burden on anyone.” Natsuki: “You’re not a burden, Sayori. We’re here for you.” Monika: “Yes, we are. And we’ll help you figure it out.” Yuri: “We love you, Sayori. And we’ll support you no matter what.” Sayori: “Thank you all so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” Natsuki: “Don’t worry, Sayori. We’ll get through this together.” (Just then, my phone started ringing. It was Ayano - one of my friends from the school I used to attend before I joined the literature club.) Yuri: “Excuse me, I’m getting a call.” (I step outside to answer the call.) Yuri: “Hello?” Ayano: (in the dance studio, rubbing her friend’s massive triplet bump) “Hey, Yuri. Long time no talk.” Yuri: “Ayano, it’s nice to hear from you. How have you been?” Ayano: “I’ve been good. Busy with the dance studio lately. Kokona wants to talk, too.” (Kokona grabs the phone from Ayano.) Kokona: “Hello, Yuri!” Yuri: “Hey, Kokona! How are you feeling?” Kokona: “Well, I’m a little tired, but otherwise good. The triplets are moving around a lot.” Yuri: “Oh, that’s good to hear. How many weeks are you now?” Kokona: “I’m at 36 weeks now, so it won’t be long until they’re here. So how are you feeling, Yuri?” (I still felt like I was going to throw up, but I knew Ayano and Kokona were worried about me.) Yuri: “I’m fine, just a little tired. But I’m happy to hear that you’re doing well, Kokona.” Kokona: “Thanks, Yuri. We should all catch up soon.” Ayano: “Yeah, we could go out for lunch or something.” Yuri: “That sounds great. Let me know when you’re free.” Kokona: “We will. Take care, Yuri.” Ayano: “Bye!” (Yuri hangs up the phone and heads back inside.) Yuri: “Sorry about that. It was Ayano and Kokona.” Natsuki: “How are they doing?” Yuri: “Kokona is still pregnant with triplets. They’re due in a few weeks.” Sayori: “Wow, triplets. That’s amazing.” Monika: “We should definitely all go out and celebrate once the babies are born.” Yuri: “Yes, that would be nice.” (Suddenly, I feel the urge to throw up again. But this time, I can’t hold it in any longer.) Yuri: “I’m sorry, I have to go. I’m feeling really sick.” Natsuki: “Are you okay, Yuri?” Yuri: (running out of the room) “I’ll be fine, I just need to go lie down for a bit.” (Sayori, Natsuki, and Monika exchange worried glances before deciding to check up on me later. As I run to the bathroom to throw up, I can’t help but wonder if I was experiencing pregnancy symptoms - even though I hadn’t been with anyone. And three weeks later, I decided to call Ayano and Kokona and update them on how I was doing. But when I called, Ayano was crying - and she was in the dance studio with Kokona. Kokona, however, sounded totally fine - she wasn’t labor at all, and she sounded…calm for some reason.) Yuri: “Ayano, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Ayano: “I…I wanted to tell you this two months ago. You know my boyfriend?” Yuri: “Yes…what about him?” Ayano: “He…he dumped me. All because I told him something that he didn’t want to hear.” Yuri: “Oh no, Ayano. I’m so sorry. What did you tell him?” Ayano: “I told him that I was pregnant.” Yuri: “Oh…my. Ayano, are you okay?” Ayano: “No…I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared and alone.” Kokona: “Yuri, can I talk to you for a moment?” Yuri: “Sure, Kokona. What’s going on?” Kokona: “I…I don’t know how to say this, but…Ayano’s not the only one who recently got pregnant. You know Musume?” (Just the mere mention of Musume’s name sent a shiver down the spine. She always bullied me for my royal purple eyes.) Yuri: “Yes, I remember her. What about her?” Kokona: “She’s also pregnant…and the father is your ex-boyfriend.” (I felt furious at the mention of my ex-boyfriend. He dumped me 5 months ago, saying he didn’t want to be with a girl with a knife collection.) Yuri: “What?! That…that can’t be true.” Kokona: “I’m sorry, Yuri. I overheard Musume talking about it to her friends. I thought you should know.” Yuri: “No, it’s fine. Thank you for telling me.” Ayano: “Yuri, are you still there?” Yuri: “Yes, I’m here. Ayano, I’m sorry for what you’re going through. But I have to go now.” Ayano: “Okay…thanks for listening.” Yuri: “Anytime, Ayano.” (I hang up the phone, feeling a mix of emotions. Anger towards my ex-boyfriend for getting Musume pregnant, and sympathy towards Ayano for going through the same thing. But I also couldn’t help but wonder if I was also pregnant - and if my ex-boyfriend was the father. The thought made me feel sick to my stomach. But when I took a pregnancy test, there was just one red line. I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn’t pregnant - at least not yet. But the thought of my ex-boyfriend being the father of Musume’s child still bothered me.) Yuri: “I need to clear my head. I’m going for a walk.” Natsuki: “Do you want some company?” Yuri: “No, it’s fine. I need some alone time.” (So I left the house and wandered aimlessly around the neighborhood. The fresh air and exercise helped clear my mind a little bit, but I still couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease.) Yuri: (thinking to myself) “Why do I care so much? He’s not my problem anymore. I should just focus on myself and my friends.” (As I walked, I saw a nearby park and decided to sit on a bench. That’s when I noticed a man walking towards me - it was my ex-boyfriend. I felt a mix of emotions - anger, sadness, and confusion.) Ex-Boyfriend: “Hey, Yuri. Fancy seeing you here.” Yuri: “What do you want?” Ex-Boyfriend: “Just to talk. I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been thinking about you.” Yuri: “Really? You didn’t seem to care when you broke up with me.” Ex-Boyfriend: “I know, and I’m sorry about that. I was going through a lot of personal stuff at the time.” Yuri: (sarcastically) “Oh, how convenient.” Ex-Boyfriend: “I know it sounds like an excuse, but it’s the truth. I see you’re doing well, though.” Yuri: “What do you mean?” Ex-Boyfriend: “I heard from Musume that you’re part of a literature club now. That’s great.” Yuri: “Yes, it is. I’m happy with my life now. A life without YOU.” Ex-Boyfriend: “Yuri, please. Hear me out.” Yuri: “I don’t want to hear anything from you. You hurt me, and now you’re going around getting other girls pregnant.” Ex-Boyfriend: “What are you talking about?” Yuri: “Don’t play dumb. I know you got Musume pregnant.” Ex-Boyfriend: “Well, you’re right about me being the father of Musume’s father. After all, I’m her boyfriend now.” Yuri: “I can’t believe you! You make it seem like it’s no big deal to get someone pregnant and walk away from your responsibilities.” Ex-Boyfriend: “It’s not like that. I’m trying to do the right thing and be there for her and the baby.” Yuri: “Just stop. You can’t just walk back into my life and expect everything to be okay. I’ve moved on and you need to as well.” (Just then, Musume walked in - her baby bump indicating she was having quintuplets. I always hated her - mainly because she’s always called me “purple-eyes”.) Musume: “Well, well, well. If it isn't purple-eyes!”
answer:Yuri: (coldly) “Musume.” Musume: “What a surprise. You and my man talking things out?” Yuri: “We have nothing to talk about.” Ex-Boyfriend: “Musume, can we talk privately?” Musume: “Sure, baby.” (Musume and my ex-boyfriend walk away, leaving me sitting on the bench feeling angry and hurt. But I also felt relieved - relieved that I had moved on from him and the toxic relationship we had.) Yuri: (thinking to myself) “I don’t need him or his drama in my life anymore. I have my friends and my own future to think about. And as for Musume…well, I’ll just have to deal with her when the time comes.”
answer:您好! 有什么问题或需要帮助的吗?
answer:很抱歉听到您的心情不好。有时候我们会感到沮丧或情绪低落,这是很正常的情况。以下是一些可以改善心情的方法: - 思考一些积极的事情:回顾一下自己过去的成功和成就,或者想想那些让你感到幸福的事情,可能会让你感到更好。 - 与亲友交流:与亲友聊天、分享感受、寻求建议或安慰,或进行其他愉悦活动,可以让您放松身心。 - 感恩与感激:尽管你可能会感到不舒服,但感激身边的人和事情是一种积极的习惯,它可以使你的心理状态更稳定。 - 运动:锻炼身体可以释放出好的化学物质,这有助于提高您的情绪。 如果您感觉情绪方面无法控制,请寻求专业医疗人员的帮助。
answer:赚钱的方法有很多,以下是一些常见的方法: 1. 找工作:通过求职网站、社交媒体或人力资源咨询机构寻找工作机会,获得固定薪资。 2. 自由职业:通过自主工作或在网上平台上找到雇主提供的自由职业项目,获得报酬。 3. 远程工作:如果您拥有一些特定的技能和能力,例如编程、设计、写作等,您可以通过远程平台寻找工作机会,获得报酬。 4. 投资:通过投资股票、基金、房地产等资产,赚取投资收益。 5. 创业:通过自己的努力和创意,创立自己的企业,从中获得利润。 无论选择何种赚钱方式,都需要付出努力和时间,同时也需要考虑自己的喜好、兴趣和能力,以确保能够长期持续地从中获得利益。