question:Как восстановить силикагель?
answer:Силикагель можно восстановить, разогрев его до 120-150 градусов Цельсия на протяжении двух-трех часов. Это позволит удалить избыточную влагу, насытить десорбционные свойства силикагеля и восстановить его первоначальную активность. После охлаждения силикагель можно использовать снова.
question:With referenc to the attached Novec System and HVAC drawings please note that the rooms which are protected by Novec and Foam system there is no Motorized louvers or Motorized Dampers provided as per the available HVAC drawings . Please note that the Integrity test shall be conducted for the rooms protected with NOVEC system . Request you to confirm whether all Louvers, Passing ducts inside the rooms which are protected by NOVEC system shall be Motorized - GPT please correct the sentence.
answer:With reference to the attached Novec system and HVAC drawings, it is noted that motorized louvers or dampers are not provided in the rooms protected by the Novec and foam system. The integrity test will be conducted for the rooms protected by the Novec system. Please confirm whether all louvers, passing ducts within the Novec-protected rooms should be motorized. GPT, please confirm and correct the sentence as needed.
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