question:using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] [RequireComponent(typeof(CapsuleCollider))] public class EnemyActions : MonoBehaviour { [Space(10)] [Header ("Linked components")] public GameObject target; //current target public UnitAnimator animator; //animator component public GameObject GFX; //GFX of this unit public Rigidbody rb; //rigidbody component public CapsuleCollider capsule; //capsule collider [Header("Attack Data")] public DamageObject[] AttackList; //a list of attacks public bool PickRandomAttack; //choose a random attack from the list public float hitZRange = 2; //the z range of all attacks public float defendChance = 0; //the chance that an incoming attack is defended % public float hitRecoveryTime = .4f; //the timeout after a hit before the enemy can do an action public float standUpTime = 1.1f; //the time it takes for this enemy to stand up public bool canDefendDuringAttack; //true if the enemy is able to defend an incoming attack while he is doing his own attack public bool AttackPlayerAirborne; //attack a player while he is in the air private DamageObject lastAttack; //data from the last attack that has taken place private int AttackCounter = 0; //current attack number public bool canHitEnemies; //true is this enemy can hit other enemies public bool canHitDestroyableObjects; //true is this enemy can hit destroyable objects like crates, barrels. [HideInInspector] public float lastAttackTime; //time of the last attack [Header ("Settings")] public bool pickARandomName; //assign a random name public TextAsset enemyNamesList; //the list of enemy names public string enemyName = ""; //the name of this enemy public float attackRangeDistance = 1.4f; //the distance from the target where the enemy is able to attack public float closeRangeDistance = 2f; //the distance from the target at close range public float midRangeDistance = 3f; //the distance from the target at mid range public float farRangeDistance = 4.5f; //the distance from the target at far range public float RangeMarging = 1f; //the amount of space that is allowed between the player and enemy before we reposition ourselves public float walkSpeed = 1.95f; //the speed of a walk public float walkBackwardSpeed = 1.2f; //the speed of walking backwards public float sightDistance = 10f; //the distance when we can see the target public float attackInterval = 1.2f; //the time inbetween attacking public float rotationSpeed = 15f; //the rotation speed when switching directions public float lookaheadDistance; //the distance at which we check for obstacles in from of us public bool ignoreCliffs; //ignore cliff detection public float KnockdownTimeout = 0f; //the time before we stand up after a knockdown public float KnockdownUpForce = 5f; //the up force of a knockDown public float KnockbackForce = 4; //the horizontal force of a knockDown private LayerMask HitLayerMask; //the layermask for damagable objects public LayerMask CollisionLayer; //the layers we check collisions with public bool randomizeValues = true; //randomize values to avoid enemy synchronization [HideInInspector] public float zSpreadMultiplier = 2f; //multiplyer for the z distance between enemies [Header ("Stats")] public RANGE range; public ENEMYTACTIC enemyTactic; public UNITSTATE enemyState; public DIRECTION currentDirection; public bool targetSpotted; public bool cliffSpotted; public bool wallspotted; public bool isGrounded; public bool isDead; private Vector3 moveDirection; public float distance; private Vector3 fixedVelocity; private bool updateVelocity; //list of states where the enemy cannot move private List<UNITSTATE> NoMovementStates = new List<UNITSTATE> { UNITSTATE.DEATH, UNITSTATE.ATTACK, UNITSTATE.DEFEND, UNITSTATE.GROUNDHIT, UNITSTATE.HIT, UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED, UNITSTATE.STANDUP, }; //list of states where the player can be hit private List<UNITSTATE> HitableStates = new List<UNITSTATE> { UNITSTATE.ATTACK, UNITSTATE.DEFEND, UNITSTATE.HIT, UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.KICK, UNITSTATE.PUNCH, UNITSTATE.STANDUP, UNITSTATE.WALK, UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED, }; [HideInInspector] public float ZSpread; //the distance between enemies on the z-axis //[HideInInspector] public Vector3 distanceToTarget; private List<UNITSTATE> defendableStates = new List<UNITSTATE> { UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.WALK, UNITSTATE.DEFEND }; //a list of states where the enemy is able to defend an incoming attack //global event handler for enemies public delegate void UnitEventHandler(GameObject Unit); //global event Handler for destroying units public static event UnitEventHandler OnUnitDestroy; //--- public void OnStart(){ //assign a name to this enemy if(pickARandomName) enemyName = GetRandomName(); //set player as target if(target == null) target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //tell enemymanager to update the list of active enemies EnemyManager.getActiveEnemies(); //enable defending during an attack if (canDefendDuringAttack) defendableStates.Add (UNITSTATE.ATTACK); //set up HitLayerMask HitLayerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player"); if(canHitEnemies)HitLayerMask |= (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy")); if(canHitDestroyableObjects)HitLayerMask |= (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("DestroyableObject")); } #region Update //late Update public void OnLateUpdate(){ //apply any root motion offsets to parent if(animator && animator.GetComponent<Animator>().applyRootMotion && animator.transform.localPosition != { Vector3 offset = animator.transform.localPosition; animator.transform.localPosition =; transform.position += offset * (int)currentDirection; } } //physics update public void OnFixedUpdate() { if(updateVelocity) { rb.velocity = fixedVelocity; updateVelocity = false; } } //set velocity on next fixed update void SetVelocity(Vector3 velocity) { fixedVelocity = velocity; updateVelocity = true; } #endregion #region Attack //Attack public void ATTACK() { //don't attack when player is jumping var playerMovement = target.GetComponent<PlayerMovement>(); if (!AttackPlayerAirborne && playerMovement != null && playerMovement.jumpInProgress) { return; } else { //init enemyState = UNITSTATE.ATTACK; Move(, 0f); LookAtTarget(target.transform); TurnToDir(currentDirection); //pick random attack if (PickRandomAttack) AttackCounter = Random.Range (0, AttackList.Length); //play animation animator.SetAnimatorTrigger (AttackList[AttackCounter].animTrigger); //go to the next attack in the list if (!PickRandomAttack) { AttackCounter += 1; if (AttackCounter >= AttackList.Length) AttackCounter = 0; } lastAttackTime = Time.time; lastAttack = AttackList [AttackCounter]; lastAttack.inflictor = gameObject; //resume Invoke ("Ready", AttackList [AttackCounter].duration); } } #endregion #region We are Hit //Unit was hit public void Hit(DamageObject d){ if(HitableStates.Contains(enemyState)) { //only allow ground attacks to hit us when we are knocked down if(enemyState == UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED && !d.isGroundAttack) return; CancelInvoke(); StopAllCoroutines(); animator.StopAllCoroutines(); Move(, 0f); //add attack time out so this enemy cannot attack instantly after a hit lastAttackTime = Time.time; //don't hit this unit when it's allready down if((enemyState == UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED || enemyState == UNITSTATE.GROUNDHIT) && !d.isGroundAttack) return; //defend an incoming attack if(!d.DefenceOverride && defendableStates.Contains(enemyState)) { int rand = Random.Range(0, 100); if(rand < defendChance) { Defend(); return; } } //hit sfx GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition(d.hitSFX, transform.position); //hit particle effect ShowHitEffectAtPosition(new Vector3(transform.position.x, d.inflictor.transform.position.y + d.collHeight, transform.position.z)); //camera Shake CamShake camShake = Camera.main.GetComponent<CamShake>(); if(camShake != null) camShake.Shake(.1f); //activate slow motion camera if(d.slowMotionEffect) { CamSlowMotionDelay cmd = Camera.main.GetComponent<CamSlowMotionDelay>(); if(cmd != null) cmd.StartSlowMotionDelay(.2f); } //substract health HealthSystem hs = GetComponent<HealthSystem>(); if(hs != null) { hs.SubstractHealth(d.damage); if(hs.CurrentHp == 0) return; } //ground attack if(enemyState == UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED) { StopAllCoroutines(); enemyState = UNITSTATE.GROUNDHIT; StartCoroutine(GroundHit()); return; } //turn towards the direction of the incoming attack int dir = d.inflictor.transform.position.x > transform.position.x? 1 : -1; TurnToDir((DIRECTION)dir); //check for a knockdown if(d.knockDown) { StartCoroutine(KnockDownSequence(d.inflictor)); return; } else { //default hit int rand = Random.Range(1, 3); animator.SetAnimatorTrigger("Hit" + rand); enemyState = UNITSTATE.HIT; //add small force from the impact LookAtTarget(d.inflictor.transform); animator.AddForce(-KnockbackForce); //switch enemy state from passive to aggressive when attacked if(enemyTactic != ENEMYTACTIC.ENGAGE) { EnemyManager.setAgressive(gameObject); } Invoke("Ready", hitRecoveryTime); return; } } } //Defend void Defend(){ enemyState = UNITSTATE.DEFEND; animator.ShowDefendEffect(); animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("Defend"); GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFX ("DefendHit"); animator.SetDirection (currentDirection); } #endregion #region Check for hit //checks if we have hit something (Animation Event) public void CheckForHit() { //draws a hitbox in front of the character to see which objects are overlapping it Vector3 boxPosition = transform.position + (Vector3.up * lastAttack.collHeight) + Vector3.right * ((int)currentDirection * lastAttack.collDistance); Vector3 boxSize = new Vector3 (lastAttack.CollSize/2, lastAttack.CollSize/2, hitZRange/2); Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(boxPosition, boxSize, Quaternion.identity, HitLayerMask); int i=0; while (i < hitColliders.Length) { //hit a damagable object IDamagable<DamageObject> damagableObject = hitColliders[i].GetComponent(typeof(IDamagable<DamageObject>)) as IDamagable<DamageObject>; if (damagableObject != null && damagableObject != (IDamagable<DamageObject>)this) { damagableObject.Hit(lastAttack); } i++; } } //Display hit box + lookahead sphere in Unity Editor (Debug) #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnDrawGizmos(){ //visualize hitbox if (lastAttack != null && (Time.time - lastAttackTime) < lastAttack.duration) { Gizmos.color =; Vector3 boxPosition = transform.position + (Vector3.up * lastAttack.collHeight) + Vector3.right * ((int)currentDirection * lastAttack.collDistance); Vector3 boxSize = new Vector3 (lastAttack.CollSize, lastAttack.CollSize, hitZRange); Gizmos.DrawWireCube (boxPosition, boxSize); } //visualize lookahead sphere Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Vector3 offset = -moveDirection.normalized * lookaheadDistance; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (transform.position + - offset, capsule.radius); } #endif #endregion #region KnockDown Sequence //knockDown sequence IEnumerator KnockDownSequence(GameObject inflictor) { enemyState = UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWN; yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); //look towards the direction of the incoming attack int dir = 1; if(inflictor != null) dir = inflictor.transform.position.x > transform.position.x? 1 : -1; currentDirection = (DIRECTION)dir; animator.SetDirection(currentDirection); TurnToDir(currentDirection); //add knockback force animator.SetAnimatorTrigger("KnockDown_Up"); while(IsGrounded()){ SetVelocity(new Vector3(KnockbackForce * -dir, KnockdownUpForce, 0)); yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } //going up... while(rb.velocity.y >= 0) yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); //going down animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("KnockDown_Down"); while(!IsGrounded()) yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); //hit ground animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("KnockDown_End"); GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition("Drop", transform.position); animator.SetAnimatorFloat ("MovementSpeed", 0f); animator.ShowDustEffectLand(); enemyState = UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED; Move(, 0f); //cam shake CamShake camShake = Camera.main.GetComponent<CamShake>(); if (camShake != null) camShake.Shake(.3f); //dust effect animator.ShowDustEffectLand(); //stop sliding float t = 0; float speed = 2; Vector3 fromVelocity = rb.velocity; while (t<1){ SetVelocity(Vector3.Lerp (new Vector3(fromVelocity.x, rb.velocity.y + Physics.gravity.y * Time.fixedDeltaTime, fromVelocity.z), new Vector3(0, rb.velocity.y, 0), t)); t += Time.deltaTime * speed; yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } //knockDown Timeout Move(, 0f); yield return new WaitForSeconds(KnockdownTimeout); //stand up enemyState = UNITSTATE.STANDUP; animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("StandUp"); Invoke("Ready", standUpTime); } //ground hit public IEnumerator GroundHit(){ CancelInvoke(); GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition ("EnemyGroundPunchHit", transform.position); animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("GroundHit"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(KnockdownTimeout); if(!isDead) animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("StandUp"); Invoke("Ready", standUpTime); } #endregion #region Movement //walk to target public void WalkTo(float proximityRange, float movementMargin){ Vector3 dirToTarget; LookAtTarget(target.transform); enemyState = UNITSTATE.WALK; //clamp zspread to attackDistance when ENGAGED, otherwise we might not be able to reach the player at all if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.ENGAGE) { dirToTarget = target.transform.position - (transform.position + new Vector3 (0, 0, Mathf.Clamp(ZSpread, 0, attackRangeDistance))); } else { dirToTarget = target.transform.position - (transform.position + new Vector3 (0, 0, ZSpread)); } //we are too far away, move closer if (distance >= proximityRange ) { moveDirection = new Vector3(dirToTarget.x,0,dirToTarget.z); if (IsGrounded() && !WallSpotted() && !PitfallSpotted()) { Move(moveDirection.normalized, walkSpeed); animator.SetAnimatorFloat ("MovementSpeed", rb.velocity.sqrMagnitude); return; } } //we are too close, move away if (distance <= proximityRange - movementMargin) { moveDirection = new Vector3(-dirToTarget.x,0,0); if (IsGrounded() && !WallSpotted() && !PitfallSpotted()) { Move(moveDirection.normalized, walkBackwardSpeed); animator.SetAnimatorFloat ("MovementSpeed", -rb.velocity.sqrMagnitude); return; } } //otherwise do nothing Move(, 0f); animator.SetAnimatorFloat ("MovementSpeed", 0); } //move towards a vector public void Move(Vector3 vector, float speed){ if(!NoMovementStates.Contains(enemyState)) { SetVelocity(new Vector3(vector.x * speed, rb.velocity.y + Physics.gravity.y * Time.fixedDeltaTime, vector.z * speed)); } else { SetVelocity(; } } //returns true if there is an environment collider in front of us bool WallSpotted(){ Vector3 Offset = moveDirection.normalized * lookaheadDistance; Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (transform.position + + Offset, capsule.radius, CollisionLayer); int i = 0; bool hasHitwall = false; while (i < hitColliders.Length) { if(CollisionLayer == (CollisionLayer | 1 << hitColliders[i].gameObject.layer)) { hasHitwall = true; } i++; } wallspotted = hasHitwall; return hasHitwall; } //returns true if there is a cliff in front of us bool PitfallSpotted(){ if (!ignoreCliffs) { float lookDownDistance = 1f; Vector3 StartPoint = transform.position + (Vector3.up * .3f) + (Vector3.right * (capsule.radius + lookaheadDistance) * moveDirection.normalized.x); RaycastHit hit; #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.DrawRay (StartPoint, Vector3.down * lookDownDistance,; #endif if (!Physics.Raycast (StartPoint, Vector3.down, out hit, lookDownDistance, CollisionLayer)) { cliffSpotted = true; return true; } } cliffSpotted = false; return false; } //returns true if this unit is grounded public bool IsGrounded(){ float colliderSize = capsule.bounds.extents.y - .1f; if (Physics.CheckCapsule (, + Vector3.down*colliderSize, capsule.radius, CollisionLayer)) { isGrounded = true; return true; } else { isGrounded = false; return false; } } //turn towards a direction public void TurnToDir(DIRECTION dir) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward * (int)dir); } #endregion //show hit effect public void ShowHitEffectAtPosition(Vector3 pos) { GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("HitEffect"), pos, Quaternion.identity); } //unit is ready for new actions public void Ready() { enemyState = UNITSTATE.IDLE; animator.SetAnimatorTrigger("Idle"); animator.SetAnimatorFloat ("MovementSpeed", 0f); Move(, 0f); } //look at the current target public void LookAtTarget(Transform _target){ if(_target != null){ Vector3 newDir =; int dir = _target.transform.position.x >= transform.position.x ? 1 : -1; currentDirection = (DIRECTION)dir; if (animator != null) animator.currentDirection = currentDirection; newDir = Vector3.RotateTowards(transform.forward, Vector3.forward * dir, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDir); } } //randomizes values public void SetRandomValues(){ walkSpeed *= Random.Range(.8f, 1.2f); walkBackwardSpeed *= Random.Range(.8f, 1.2f); attackInterval *= Random.Range(.7f, 1.5f); KnockdownTimeout *= Random.Range(.7f, 1.5f); KnockdownUpForce *= Random.Range(.8f, 1.2f); KnockbackForce *= Random.Range(.7f, 1.5f); } //destroy event public void DestroyUnit(){ if(OnUnitDestroy != null) OnUnitDestroy(gameObject); } //returns a random name string GetRandomName(){ if(enemyNamesList == null) { Debug.Log("no list of names was found, please create 'EnemyNames.txt' that contains a list of enemy names and put it in the 'Resources' folder."); return ""; } //convert the lines of the txt file to an array string data = enemyNamesList.ToString(); string cReturns = System.Environment.NewLine + "n" + "r"; string[] lines = data.Split(cReturns.ToCharArray()); //pick a random name from the list string name = ""; int cnt = 0; while(name.Length == 0 && cnt < 100) { int rand = Random.Range(0, lines.Length); name = lines[rand]; cnt += 1; } return name; } }
answer:This script provides functionality for Unity's enemy character actions, including attack, defend, hit, movement, and knockdown behavior. It uses various fields, methods, events, and enumerations for managing states and actions of the enemy. The script is well-commented, making it easier to understand the various logic and functionalities for the enemy character management. Various configurable settings such as attack range, walk speed, sight distance, rotation speed, and more are provided, allowing customization based on specific game requirements.
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answer:The title font on the popover is too large.
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answer:Didn't we agree to use the init function instead of a provider?