question:Write an article about child labor during 1890-1920
answer:Title: Child Labor Exploitation: Unmasking the Suffering of Young Souls in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century Introduction: The late 19th and early 20th centuries marked a period of tremendous industrial growth and societal transformation in the United States. However, this era also witnessed the disturbing prevalence of child labor, an exploitation that scarred the lives of millions of young souls. During this period, countless children were subjected to hazardous working conditions, prolonged hours, and lost opportunities for education. Their plight became a rallying cry for reformers and laid the groundwork for significant changes to protect future generations. Child Labor at its Peak: Between 1890 and 1920, the dark reality of child labor reached its apex in America. At the turn of the 20th century, an estimated two million children, mostly between the ages of 10 and 16, were toiling away in various industries. Whether it was coal mines, textile factories, or agricultural fields, young limbs were being worn out at the expense of their education, health, and overall well-being. Causes and Consequences: Industrialization, rapid urbanization, and the emergence of manufacturing hubs were key contributors to the widespread use of child labor during this period. With the promise of cheaper labor, factory and mine owners saw children as a vital resource to yield maximum profits. Poverty, minimal labor regulations, and the absence of compulsory schooling laws further perpetuated the vicious cycle of child labor, as families often had no choice but to depend on their children's income. Reform Movements and Activism: The appalling conditions faced by child laborers caught the attention of compassionate reformers, activists, and investigative journalists who were determined to bring about change. They believed that the dignity of children should not be sacrificed for economic gain. Reform organizations and unions, such as the National Child Labor Committee (NCLC), worked tirelessly to end this exploitative practice and alter public opinion. Journalism: A Catalyst for Change: One of the most influential catalysts for change during this period was the power of journalism. Journalists, such as Jacob Riis, Lewis Hine, and Florence Kelley, exposed the harsh realities of child labor through impactful photographs, eyewitness accounts, and powerful articles published in leading newspapers and magazines. Their work shed light on the inhumane conditions and sparked public outrage, forcing society to confront this grave social injustice. Legal Pushback and Progressive Laws: Despite initial resistance, the outcry against child labor eventually led to the passage of several progressive laws. In 1904, the National Child Labor Committee and other reformers successfully lobbied for the establishment of state child labor commissions aimed at enacting stronger regulations. Various states gradually began imposing restrictions on child labor hours, conditions, and minimum working ages. Federal Actions: The Keating-Owen Act: The collective efforts of activists led to a watershed moment in 1916 with the development and passage of the Keating-Owen Act. This federal legislation sought to prevent the interstate commerce of goods produced using child labor. While later declared unconstitutional, the act marked a significant step forward in recognizing child labor as a national issue that required federal attention. Legacy and Lasting Impact: The fight against child labor during the period from 1890 to 1920 laid the foundation for transformative change. While the complete eradication of child labor took many more years, the efforts of reformers during this era brought the issue to the forefront of public consciousness. Their work paved the way for future legislation, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which eventually established a federal framework for protecting the rights and dignity of working children. Conclusion: The child labor exploitation that occurred during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in America remains a somber reminder of the cost of unchecked industrialization and dehumanizing practices. However, this period also witnessed the emergence of valiant reformers who fought tirelessly to rescue children from the clutches of labor exploitation. The collective efforts during this era set in motion a sea change in public opinion and ultimately led to the protection and welfare of future generations. Today, we owe a debt of gratitude to these reformers who paved the way for the safety, education, and freedom of children everywhere.
question:a,b ve c gerçel sayılar olmak üzere la-1l=2 l2bl=4 lc+al = 3 egitlikieri veriliyor. a-b+c ifadeinin alabilecegi en küçük deger m ve en büyük deger n'dir Buna gôre, n- m farki kactir?
answer:Eşitlikleri sırasıyla inceleyelim: - |a-1| = 2 Bu eşitlikten a-1 = 2 veya a-1 = -2 elde ederiz. - |2b| = 4 Bu eşitlikten 2b = 4 veya 2b = -4 elde ederiz. - |c+a| = 3 Bu eşitlikten c+a = 3 veya c+a = -3 elde ederiz. 1. Durum: a-1 = 2 ve 2b = 4 ve c+a = 3 Bu durumda a = 3 ve c=0 olur. a-b+c = 3-b = 3 olmalıdır. En küçük değeri almak için b'nin en büyük olması gerekmektedir. Ancak |2b| = 4 eşitliğinden b=-2 veya b=2 elde ederiz. Bu durumda b=-2 alırsak, a-b+c = 3-(-2) = 5 olur. 2. Durum: a-1 = 2 ve 2b = -4 ve c+a = 3 Bu durumda a = 3 ve c=0 olur. a-b+c = 3-b = 3 olmalıdır. En büyük değeri almak için b'nin en küçük olması gerekmektedir. Ancak |2b| = 4 eşitliğinden b=-2 veya b=2 elde ederiz. Bu durumda b=2 alırsak, a-b+c = 3-2 = 1 olur. 3. Durum: a-1 = -2 ve 2b = 4 ve c+a = -3 Bu durumda a = -1 ve c=-4 olur. a-b+c = -1-b-4 = -5-b olmalıdır. Bu ifadenin en küçük değeri alabilmesi için b en büyük olmalıdır. Ancak |2b| = 4 eşitliğinden b=-2 veya b=2 elde ederiz. Bu durumda b=-2 alırsak, a-b+c = -5-(-2) = -3 olur. 4. Durum: a-1 = -2 ve 2b = -4 ve c+a = -3 Bu durumda a = -1 ve c= -4 olur. a-b+c = -1-b-4 = -5-b olmalıdır. Bu ifadenin en büyük değeri alabilmesi için b en küçük olmalıdır. Ancak |2b| = 4 eşitliğinden b=-2 veya b=2 elde ederiz. Bu durumda b=2 alırsak, a-b+c = -5-2 = -7 olur. Sonuç olarak, a-b+c ifadesinin alabileceği en küçük değer -7 ve en büyük değer 5 olur. Yani n-m = 5-(-7) = 12 olur.
question:Cevap yanlış
answer:Özür dilerim, hatalı bir cevap verdim. Doğru çözüm aşağıdaki gibi olacaktır: 1. Durum: a-1 = 2, 2b = 4, c+a = 3 Bu durumda a=3, b=2 ve c=0 olur. a-b+c = 3-2+0 = 1 2. Durum: a-1 = 2, 2b = 4, c+a = -3 Bu durumda a=-1, b=2 ve c=-4 olur. a-b+c = -1-2+(-4) = -7 3. Durum: a-1 = -2, 2b = -4, c+a = 3 Bu durumda a=-1, b=-2 ve c=4 olur. a-b+c = -1-(-2)+4 = 5 4. Durum: a-1 = -2, 2b = -4, c+a = -3 Bu durumda a=-1, b=-2 ve c=-4 olur. a-b+c = -1-(-2)+(-4) = -3 Sonuç olarak, a-b+c ifadesinin alabileceği en küçük değer -7 ve en büyük değer 5 olur. Yani n-m = 5-(-7) = 12 olur.
question:Şıklar bunlar A) O B)7 C) 10 D) 14 E) 15
answer:Eşitlikleri sırasıyla inceleyelim: 1. Durum: a-1 = 2, 2b = 4, c+a = 3 Bu durumda a=3, b=2 ve c=0 olur. a-b+c = 3-2+0 = 1 2. Durum: a-1 = 2, 2b = 4, c+a = -3 Bu durumda a=-1, b=2 ve c=-4 olur. a-b+c = -1-2+(-4) = -7 3. Durum: a-1 = -2, 2b = -4, c+a = 3 Bu durumda a=-1, b=-2 ve c=4 olur. a-b+c = -1-(-2)+4 = 5 4. Durum: a-1 = -2, 2b = -4, c+a = -3 Bu durumda a=-1, b=-2 ve c=-4 olur. a-b+c = -1-(-2)+(-4) = -3 En küçük değer -7, en büyük değer ise 5 olur. Buna göre, n-m = 5 - (-7) = 5 + 7 = 12 olur. Cevap şıklarda verilmediği için bu problem için bir çözüm bulunamamaktadır.