answer:下面是更正后的代码: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Node { string name; vector<Node*> neighbors; }; void bfs(Node *start) { cout << "----------Breadth First Search----------" << endl; queue<Node*> q; vector<string> visited; Node *temp = start; if (temp == NULL) return; // 检查起始节点是否为空 q.push(temp); while (!q.empty()) { Node *temp = q.front(); q.pop(); if (find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), temp->name) != visited.end()) continue; // 如果节点已被访问过则跳过 cout << temp->name << endl; visited.push_back(temp->name); for (int i=0; i<temp->neighbors.size(); i++) { if (find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), temp->neighbors[i]->name) == visited.end()) { q.push(temp->neighbors[i]); visited.push_back(temp->neighbors[i]->name); } } } } int main() { Node* nA = new Node(); nA->name = "A"; Node* nB = new Node(); nB->name = "B"; Node* nC = new Node(); nC->name = "C"; Node* nD = new Node(); nD->name = "D"; Node* nE = new Node(); nE->name = "E"; nA->neighbors.push_back(nB); nA->neighbors.push_back(nC); nB->neighbors.push_back(nD); nC->neighbors.push_back(nD); nD->neighbors.push_back(nE); bfs(nA); return 0; } ``` 更正后的代码中: 1. 包含了所需的头文件:`<iostream>`、`<queue>`、`<vector>`、`<string>`。 2. 使用 `queue<Node*>` 来保存节点,使用 `vector<string>` 来保存已访问节点的名称。 3. 添加了检查起始节点是否为空的代码(如为空则直接返回)。 4. 添加了检查节点是否已访问过的代码,以跳过已访问过的节点。 5. 在添加节点到队列时,也添加到已访问列表中,这样可以避免重复添加节点。
question:Eliminate the recursion from the implementation of depthFirstSearch by using a stack to store the unexplored nodes. At the beginning of the algorithm, you simply push the starting node on the stack. Then, until the stack is empty, you repeat the following operations: 1. Pop the topmost node from the stack. 2. Visit that node. 3. Push its neighbors on the stack. Requirement Please complete the function dfs in the file p2Traverse.cpp using stack
answer:下面是使用栈实现深度优先遍历的代码: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Node { string name; vector<Node*> neighbors; }; void dfs(Node *start) { cout << "----------Depth First Search----------" << endl; stack<Node*> s; vector<string> visited; s.push(start); while (!s.empty()) { Node *temp =; s.pop(); if (find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), temp->name) != visited.end()) continue; // 已被访问过则跳过 cout << temp->name << endl; visited.push_back(temp->name); for (int i=temp->neighbors.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { // 从右往左遍历邻居 if (find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), temp->neighbors[i]->name) == visited.end()) { s.push(temp->neighbors[i]); } } } } int main() { Node* nA = new Node(); nA->name = "A"; Node* nB = new Node(); nB->name = "B"; Node* nC = new Node(); nC->name = "C"; Node* nD = new Node(); nD->name = "D"; Node* nE = new Node(); nE->name = "E"; nA->neighbors.push_back(nB); nA->neighbors.push_back(nC); nB->neighbors.push_back(nD); nC->neighbors.push_back(nD); nD->neighbors.push_back(nE); dfs(nA); return 0; } ``` 在更正后的代码中,使用 `stack<Node*>` 来保存节点,使用 `vector<string>` 来保存已访问节点的名称。遍历节点时,从右往左遍历邻居,并在栈中添加未被访问的邻居。
question:I want to create a table in sql server TransTbl where TransID is the PK , CustID is FK form CustomerTbl, CustName is another FK, ProductID is another FK from ProductTbl, ProductName another FK, Product QTY another FK and ProductMFee another FK
answer:. Here is the SQL script to create the TransTbl table with the specified columns: ``` CREATE TABLE TransTbl( TransID INT PRIMARY KEY, CustID INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES CustomerTbl(CustID), CustName VARCHAR(50) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES CustomerTbl(CustName), ProductID INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductID), ProductName VARCHAR(50) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductName), ProductQTY INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductQTY), ProductMFee DECIMAL(10,2) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductMFee) ); ``` Note: Please make sure that the CustomerTbl and ProductTbl tables with the necessary columns exist in your database before executing this script. Also, adjust the data types and sizes of the columns based on your specific requirements.
question:can you make it varchar30 instead
answer:Sure! Here's the modified SQL script with varchar(30) instead of varchar(50): ``` CREATE TABLE TransTbl( TransID INT PRIMARY KEY, CustID INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES CustomerTbl(CustID), CustName VARCHAR(30) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES CustomerTbl(CustName), ProductID INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductID), ProductName VARCHAR(30) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductName), ProductQTY INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductQTY), ProductMFee DECIMAL(10,2) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductTbl(ProductMFee) ); ``` Just make sure to adjust the size of the varchar columns based on your specific needs.