question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Alright, now we just need MC. He said he’d be coming with snacks.” Sayori: “I hope he brings some of those delicious homemade cookies again. They were so good last time!” Yuri: “Yes, they were quite delightful. I do appreciate when our club members bring treats for everyone to enjoy.” Natsuki: “I just hope he doesn’t bring store-bought stuff. Homemade is always better, in my opinion.” Monika: “I’m sure whatever he brings will be delicious. Let’s just focus on getting ready for our poetry reading today. We want everything to be perfect for our guests.” Sayori: “Yeah, I can’t wait to share my new poem with everyone. I’ve been working on it all week.” (groans in pain) “Okay, that one hurt. Sachiko, please wait for another two months - it’s still too early for your arrival!” Monika: (laughs) “Sayori, you really have a way with words. I’m sure your poem will be amazing, as always.” Sayori: “No, I really mean it hurt. I’ve been having contractions all day.” Monika: (concerned) “Wait, what?! Sayori, why didn’t you tell us sooner? We need to get you to the hospital right away!” Sayori: “It’s okay, Monika. I’ll be fine. They’re not too frequent yet. Let’s just finish setting up for the poetry reading and then I’ll head to the hospital. We can’t let our guests down, right?” Natsuki: “Sayori, are you serious?! We can’t just ignore this! Let’s call an ambulance now!” Yuri: “I agree with Natsuki. Sayori, your health is more important than a poetry reading. Let’s prioritize that first.” Monika: “Sayori, please don’t be stubborn. We care about you and your well-being. Let’s get you to the hospital now.” Sayori: (reluctantly) “Okay, okay. I’ll go, but only if someone promises to share my poem with everyone in my absence. It’s important to- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” Monika: “Sayori! Are you okay?!” Sayori: “I-I think the contractions are getting stronger…” Monika: “That’s it, I’m calling an ambulance. We can’t take any chances with this. Sayori, just hang in there, okay? We’ll make sure everything is taken care of.” Yuri: “I’ll stay with her until the ambulance arrives. Natsuki, can you grab her bag and any essentials she may need?” Natsuki: “On it. Hang in there, Sayori. We’ll take care of everything, I promise.” (Sayori continues to groan while clutching her stomach, as Monika calls for an ambulance and Natsuki gathers Sayori’s things. Yuri stays by Sayori’s side, offering comfort and support as they wait for help to arrive.) Sayori: “T-T-They’re getting closer…I-I’m scared, Yuri…” Yuri: “It’s okay, Sayori. Just breathe and try to stay calm. Everything will be alright, I promise.” Monika: “The ambulance is on its way, Sayori. Just hold on a little longer. We’re all here for you.” (The club members comfort and support Sayori as they wait for the ambulance to arrive, ensuring that she receives the care she needs. However, just hours later, Sayori lets out a cry of pain that pierces through the room.) Sayori: “OH, IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!!” Monika: “Sayori, stay with us! The ambulance is almost here!” Sayori: “I DON’T THINK I CAN WAIT!!! THE CONTRACTIONS ARE REALLY CLOSE TOGETHER NOW!!! OH, IT HURTS!!!” Natsuki: “Hang in there, Sayori! Just a little longer, the ambulance will be here s-” Yuri: “Natsuki, wait, stop! Sayori’s in active labor! We need to help deliver the baby ourselves!” Monika: “What?! Are you serious, Yuri?! None of us are trained for this!” Yuri: “We have no choice, Monika! We need to do this now before it’s too late!” (Natsuki quickly grabs towels and a clean blanket while Yuri and Monika help guide Sayori through the delivery process. Suddenly, MC bursts into the clubroom, holding a bag of snacks and looking confused at the scene in front of him.) MC: “What’s going on?! Why is Sayori in labor?! And why are you all delivering a baby?! Is this some kind of prank or-” Monika: “No, MC, this is real. Sayori went into labor unexpectedly and we need to help deliver the baby.” Yuri: “We need your help, MC. We can’t do this alone. Please, we need you to stay calm and assist us in any way you can.” MC: “Oh my gosh, okay, okay. I’ll do whatever I can to help. Just tell me what to do.” (Natsuki quickly guides MC on how to support Sayori during the delivery process, while Yuri and Monika continue to assist in the actual delivery. After what feels like an eternity, the sound of a baby’s cry fills the room.) Monika: “It’s a girl! We did it! Sayori, you did amazing. You’re a mom now.” Sayori: (tearfully) “I-I’m a mom… I can’t believe it…” Yuri: “Congratulations, Sayori. You were so brave. The baby is beautiful.” Natsuki: “She’s so tiny and cute! I can’t believe we just helped deliver a baby.” MC: “I’m so glad I got here in time to help. Sayori, you’re amazing.” Monika: “We should probably call an ambulance to make sure everything is okay with both Sayori and the baby. But for now, let’s just enjoy this moment and congratulate Sayori on her new baby girl.” (Sayori’s newborn baby girl is healthy and cries softly as she is wrapped up in a clean blanket. Sayori is overwhelmed with emotion as she holds her daughter for the first time, surrounded by her friends and the new addition to their literature club family.) Sayori: (smiling through tears) “Thank you, everyone. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I-I have a daughter now… I’m so happy.” MC: “Sayori, you mean
answer:everything to us. We’re so proud of you. You’re going to be an amazing mom.” Yuri: “I’m glad everything turned out alright. Sayori, your strength and courage are truly inspiring.” Natsuki: “I can’t believe we just helped deliver a baby. That’s definitely a first for our literature club.” Monika: “Sayori, your baby girl is beautiful. She’s a special addition to our club, that’s for sure.” (Sayori looks down at her newborn daughter with tears of joy in her eyes, feeling a sense of gratitude for her friends who helped her through such a challenging and miraculous experience. As the ambulance arrives to ensure both mother and baby are healthy, the literature club members come together to celebrate the newest member of their close-knit family.)
question:Что такое ндфл?
answer:НДФЛ – это налог на доходы физических лиц. Это подоходный налог, который уплачивается с доходов граждан, а также иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства, получающих доход на территории Российской Федерации. Ставки НДФЛ могут варьироваться, но базовая ставка составляет 13% для большинства доходов полученных резидентами РФ. Для некоторых категорий доходов, например доходов от выигрышей, авторских вознаграждений или подарков, действуют иные ставки, например 35% или 15%. НДФЛ уплачивается по месту получения дохода, и его размер рассчитывается на основании суммы дохода, полученного налогоплательщиком. Налоговый агент (чаще всего это работодатель или организация, выплачивающая доход) обязан удерживать НДФЛ из доходов, выплачиваемых физическому лицу, и перечислять эти средства в бюджет РФ. Налог на доходы физических лиц является одним из ключевых элементов налоговой системы в большинстве стран, включая Российскую Федерацию, и оказывает существенное влияние на доходную часть бюджета страны.
question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Alright, now we just need MC. He said he’d be coming with snacks.” Sayori: “I hope he brings some of those delicious homemade cookies again. They were so good last time!” Yuri: “Yes, they were quite delightful. I do appreciate when our club members bring treats for everyone to enjoy.” Natsuki: “I just hope he doesn’t bring store-bought stuff. Homemade is always better, in my opinion.” Monika: “I’m sure whatever he brings will be delicious. Let’s just focus on getting ready for our poetry reading today. We want everything to be perfect for our guests.” Sayori: “Yeah, I can’t wait to share my new poem with everyone. I’ve been working on it all week.” (groans in pain) “Okay, that one hurt. Sachiko, please wait for another two months - it’s still too early for your arrival!” Monika: (laughs) “Sayori, you really have a way with words. I’m sure your poem will be amazing, as always.” Sayori: “No, I really mean it hurt. I’ve been having contractions all day.” Monika: (concerned) “Wait, what?! Sayori, why didn’t you tell us sooner? We need to get you to the hospital right away!” Sayori: “It’s okay, Monika. I’ll be fine. They’re not too frequent yet. Let’s just finish setting up for the poetry reading and then I’ll head to the hospital. We can’t let our guests down, right?” Natsuki: “Sayori, are you serious?! We can’t just ignore this! Let’s call an ambulance now!” Yuri: “I agree with Natsuki. Sayori, your health is more important than a poetry reading. Let’s prioritize that first.” Monika: “Sayori, please don’t be stubborn. We care about you and your well-being. Let’s get you to the hospital now.” Sayori: (reluctantly) “Okay, okay. I’ll go, but only if someone promises to share my poem with everyone in my absence. It’s important to- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” Monika: “Sayori! Are you okay?!” Sayori: “I-I think the contractions are getting stronger…” Monika: “That’s it, I’m calling an ambulance. We can’t take any chances with this. Sayori, just hang in there, okay? We’ll make sure everything is taken care of.” Yuri: “I’ll stay with her until the ambulance arrives. Natsuki, can you grab her bag and any essentials she may need?” Natsuki: “On it. Hang in there, Sayori. We’ll take care of everything, I promise.” (Sayori continues to groan while clutching her stomach, as Monika calls for an ambulance and Natsuki gathers Sayori’s things. Yuri stays by Sayori’s side, offering comfort and support as they wait for help to arrive.) Sayori: “T-T-They’re getting closer…I-I’m scared, Yuri…” Yuri: “It’s okay, Sayori. Just breathe and try to stay calm. Everything will be alright, I promise.” Monika: “The ambulance is on its way, Sayori. Just hold on a little longer. We’re all here for you.” (The club members comfort and support Sayori as they wait for the ambulance to arrive, ensuring that she receives the care she needs. However, just hours later, Sayori lets out a cry of pain that pierces through the room.) Sayori: “OH, IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!!” Monika: “Sayori, stay with us! The ambulance is almost here!” Sayori: “I DON’T THINK I CAN WAIT!!! THE CONTRACTIONS ARE REALLY CLOSE TOGETHER NOW!!! OH, IT HURTS!!!” Natsuki: “Hang in there, Sayori! Just a little longer, the ambulance will be here s-” Yuri: “Natsuki, wait, stop! Sayori’s in active labor! We need to help deliver the baby ourselves!” Monika: “What?! Are you serious, Yuri?! None of us are trained for this!” Yuri: “We have no choice, Monika! We need to do this now before it’s too late!” (Natsuki quickly grabs towels and a clean blanket while Yuri and Monika help guide Sayori through the delivery process. Suddenly, MC bursts into the clubroom, holding a bag of snacks and looking confused at the scene in front of him.) MC: “What’s going on?! Why is Sayori in labor?! And why are you all delivering a baby?! Is this some kind of prank or-” Monika: “No, MC, this is real. Sayori went into labor unexpectedly and we need to help deliver the baby.” Yuri: “We need your help, MC. We can’t do this alone. Please, we need you to stay calm and assist us in any way you can.” MC: “Oh my gosh, okay, okay. I’ll do whatever I can to help. Just tell me what to do.” (Natsuki quickly guides MC on how to support Sayori during the delivery process, while Yuri and Monika continue to assist in the actual delivery. After what feels like an eternity, the sound of a baby’s cry fills the room.) Monika: “It’s a girl! We did it! Sayori, you did amazing. You’re a mom now.” Sayori: (tearfully) “I-I’m a mom… I can’t believe it…” Yuri: “Congratulations, Sayori. You were so brave. The baby is beautiful.” Natsuki: “She’s so tiny and cute! I can’t believe we just helped deliver a baby.” MC: “I’m so glad I got here in time to help. Sayori, you’re amazing.” Monika: “We should probably call an ambulance to make sure everything is okay with both Sayori and the baby. But for now, let’s just enjoy this moment and congratulate Sayori on her new baby girl.” (Sayori’s newborn baby girl is healthy and cries softly as she is wrapped up in a clean blanket. Sayori is overwhelmed with emotion as she holds her daughter for the first time, surrounded by her friends and the new addition to their literature club family.) Sayori: (smiling through tears) “Thank you, everyone. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I-I have a daughter now… I’m so happy.” MC: “Sayori, you mean WE have
answer:a daughter now. We’re all here for you and your little girl. Welcome to the world, little one.” Monika: “This was definitely not how I expected our poetry reading to go, but I’m so grateful we were able to help bring new life into the world. Sayori, you’re a hero for going through all of this. Your daughter is lucky to have such a strong and loving mother.” Yuri: “Motherhood is a beautiful journey, Sayori. And you’ve just embarked on it in the most unexpected but courageous way. We’re all here to support you and your daughter every step of the way.” Natsuki: “I can’t believe we just helped deliver a baby in our literature clubroom. That’s going to be a story to tell for years to come. Sayori, you’re a trooper, and your little girl is just adorable. I’m so happy for you.” (The ambulance arrives shortly after, ensuring that Sayori and her newborn daughter receive proper medical care. The literature club members gather around Sayori, offering their congratulations and support as they welcome the newest member of their little literary family.) Sayori: “Thank you, everyone. I never would have imagined this happening today, but I’m so grateful for all of you. I love you all so much.” (The club members share a group hug, reveling in the miracle that just unfolded before them. The unexpected arrival of a new life has brought them even closer together, strengthening the bonds of friendship and love that they share in their literature club.) And so, the literature club welcomed a new member into their ranks - a beautiful baby girl born in the most unexpected of circumstances. She brought joy, love, and a sense of unity to the club members, who now faced the challenges and triumphs of parenthood together, as a family. Their poetry reading may have been put on hold, but the birth of a new life brought a different kind of poetry and magic to their lives, forever changing their story for the better.
question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Alright, now we just need MC. He said he’d be coming with snacks.” Sayori: “I hope he brings some of those delicious homemade cookies again. They were so good last time!” Yuri: “Yes, they were quite delightful. I do appreciate when our club members bring treats for everyone to enjoy.” Natsuki: “I just hope he doesn’t bring store-bought stuff. Homemade is always better, in my opinion.” Monika: “I’m sure whatever he brings will be delicious. Let’s just focus on getting ready for our poetry reading today. We want everything to be perfect for our guests.” Sayori: “Yeah, I can’t wait to share my new poem with everyone. I’ve been working on it all week.” (groans in pain) “Okay, that one hurt. Sachiko, please wait for another two months - it’s still too early for your arrival!” Monika: (laughs) “Sayori, you really have a way with words. I’m sure your poem will be amazing, as always.” Sayori: “No, I really mean it hurt. I’ve been having contractions all day.” Monika: (concerned) “Wait, what?! Sayori, why didn’t you tell us sooner? We need to get you to the hospital right away!” Sayori: “It’s okay, Monika. I’ll be fine. They’re not too frequent yet. Let’s just finish setting up for the poetry reading and then I’ll head to the hospital. We can’t let our guests down, right?” Natsuki: “Sayori, are you serious?! We can’t just ignore this! Let’s call an ambulance now!” Yuri: “I agree with Natsuki. Sayori, your health is more important than a poetry reading. Let’s prioritize that first.” Monika: “Sayori, please don’t be stubborn. We care about you and your well-being. Let’s get you to the hospital now.” Sayori: (reluctantly) “Okay, okay. I’ll go, but only if someone promises to share my poem with everyone in my absence. It’s important to- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” Monika: “Sayori! Are you okay?!” Sayori: “I-I think the contractions are getting stronger…” Monika: “That’s it, I’m calling an ambulance. We can’t take any chances with this. Sayori, just hang in there, okay? We’ll make sure everything is taken care of.” Yuri: “I’ll stay with her until the ambulance arrives. Natsuki, can you grab her bag and any essentials she may need?” Natsuki: “On it. Hang in there, Sayori. We’ll take care of everything, I promise.” (Sayori continues to groan while clutching her stomach, as Monika calls for an ambulance and Natsuki gathers Sayori’s things. Yuri stays by Sayori’s side, offering comfort and support as they wait for help to arrive.) Sayori: “T-T-They’re getting closer…I-I’m scared, Yuri…” Yuri: “It’s okay, Sayori. Just breathe and try to stay calm. Everything will be alright, I promise.” Monika: “The ambulance is on its way, Sayori. Just hold on a little longer. We’re all here for you.” (The club members comfort and support Sayori as they wait for the ambulance to arrive, ensuring that she receives the care she needs. However, just hours later, Sayori lets out a cry of pain that pierces through the room - her water had broken.)
answer:Monika: "Oh my gosh, Sayori! It's happening, stay with us!" Yuri: "We need to help her get to the hospital now! Let's carefully move her and make sure she's comfortable." Natsuki: "I'll call for another ambulance right away. Let's not waste any time." (The girls work quickly to get Sayori to the hospital, where she goes into labor and successfully gives birth to a healthy baby. The literature club members visit her and the new baby, overjoyed and relieved that everything turned out well in the end.) Monika: "Sayori, you were so brave through all of this. Congratulations on your beautiful baby!" Sayori: "Thank you, everyone. I couldn't have done it without your support. I'm so grateful to have such amazing friends." Yuri: "We're all so happy for you, Sayori. Your strength and determination are truly inspiring." Natsuki: "Yeah, I guess we can forgive you for trying to wait it out for the poetry reading. It all worked out in the end." (The literature club celebrates the new addition to their group, with Sayori and her baby at the center of the joy and love. They continue to support and care for each other, knowing that their friendship and bond will always be there through any challenges they may face.)