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question:21. Match the people in the left-hand column with the definition from the right-hand column. Find out what they are called in Ukrainian. 1) cast a) the main bad character in a play 2) ham. b) a set of actors in a play 3) hero c) a company of actors, acrobats in a theatre or a circus 4) heroine d) the most important male part in a play 5) stand-in e) a famous actor or actress 6) star 7) stunt man 8) troupe 9) understudy 10) villain 11) prop f) an actor who learns an important part in a play and can play instead of the main actor g) a person who takes the part ofan actor at dangerous points. ina film h) the most important female part in a play i) a person who does dangerous acts in a film so that the actor doesn’t have to take risks j) the actor who acts artificially and unnaturally k) a portable object other than furniture or costumes used on the set of a play or film

answer:Here's the matching list with the Ukrainian translations: 1) cast - b) a set of actors in a play - акторський склад (aktors'kyi sklad) 2) ham - j) the actor who acts artificially and unnaturally - переігрує (pereigrue) 3) hero - d) the most important male part in a play - герой (heroy) 4) heroine - h) the most important female part in a play - героїня (geroyinya) 5) stand-in - g) a person who takes the part of an actor at dangerous points in a film - дублер (dubler) 6) star - e) a famous actor or actress - зірка (zirka) 7) stunt man - i) a person who does dangerous acts in a film so that the actor doesn’t have to take risks - каскадер (kaskader) 8) troupe - c) a company of actors, acrobats in a theatre or a circus - трупа (trupa) 9) understudy - f) an actor who learns an important part in a play and can play instead of the main actor - дублер (dubler) or запасний актор (zapasn'y aktor) 10) villain - a) the main bad character in a play - лиходій (likhodi) 11) prop - k) a portable object other than furniture or costumes used on the set of a play or film - реквізит (rekvizyt) Please note that "stand-in" and "understudy" both can be referred to as "дублер" in Ukrainian; however, the term "stand-in" usually refers to someone who replaces an actor on set when setting up shots, while "understudy" is usually someone who is prepared to take over an acting role on stage or in a film if needed. The context will determine the proper usage.

question:Replace the Ukrainian words in brackets with English words and expressions from the above sections. Our college has an active (драматичний гурток) where the more ex- trovert students can (виступати) in front of (публіка) while wearing (вишукані костюми) and playing with the large variety of (театральні реквізити) inherited from (міський театр з постійною трупою та репертуаром) when it closed. The (трупа) is formed from new each year, although a few (актори) and (актриси) from the previous year are sometimes brave enough to try a repeat (витсава). Everyone who joins gets some (роль) or other, whether as (зірка), (головний герой), (негідник) or just (театральний дублер). The real reason they do it is because it’s fun both for the company and (публіка). They invariably get (переповнений зал) when they finally perform, usually of a rowdy, cheering mob only too ready to (освитстати) to anyone who deserves it. Over the past five years I’ve been around there, they’ve staged (мюзикл), a surreal Beckett (п’єса), (драма на побутову тему) by Pinter, a modernized Shakespeare play and this year they’re at- tempting (комедія), which from what I’ve seen, is guaranteed to (викликати посмішку у глядачів).

answer:Our college has an active (drama club) where the more extrovert students can (perform) in front of (an audience) while wearing (elegant costumes) and playing with the large variety of (theatrical props) inherited from (the city theater with a permanent troupe and a repertoire) when it closed. The (troupe) is formed from new each year, although a few (actors) and (actresses) from the previous year are sometimes brave enough to try a repeat (performance). Everyone who joins gets some (role) or other, whether as (a star), (a leading man), (a villain) or just (an understudy). The real reason they do it is because it’s fun both for the company and (the audience). They invariably get (a full house) when they finally perform, usually of a rowdy, cheering mob only too ready to (whistle) to anyone who deserves it. Over the past five years I’ve been around there, they’ve staged (a musical), a surreal Beckett (play), (a domestic drama) by Pinter, a modernized Shakespeare play and this year they’re attempting (a comedy), which from what I’ve seen, is guaranteed to (bring a smile to the audience's faces).

question:FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './derivationpath-lists/BTC.txt'

answer:The `FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory` is an error message thrown by Python when it cannot find a file or directory you've asked it to open. In your case, Python is telling you that the file named `BTC.txt` in the directory `./derivationpath-lists/` does not exist or Python cannot find it. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and solve this problem: 1. **Check the File Location**: Make sure that the `BTC.txt` file actually exists in the `./derivationpath-lists/` directory that's relative to the script or the directory from where you are running your Python script. 2. **Check Directory Structure**: Ensure you have the correct directory structure. If your script expects a directory named `derivationpath-lists` at a certain location, the structure should match exactly. For instance, if your script is in a directory called `my_scripts`, and you have `BTC.txt` in `my_scripts/derivationpath-lists`, the relative path `./derivationpath-lists/BTC.txt` should work. 3. **Verify Permissions**: Check to make sure you have read permissions on the `BTC.txt` file and the directories leading to it. 4. **Ensure Proper Naming**: Case sensitivity could also be an issue. Ensure that the names are correct, including capitalization. For example, `btc.txt` is different from `BTC.txt` on case-sensitive file systems such as those on Linux or macOS. 5. **Running Directory**: Check the current working directory of your Python process. You can do this by using `os.getcwd()` from the `os` module in Python. Your relative path will be resolved based on this current working directory. ```python import os print(os.getcwd()) ``` If this does not correspond to the directory you expected, you either need to change your current working directory using `os.chdir()` or correct your file path based on your actual working directory. 6. **Use Absolute Path**: Instead of a relative path, consider using an absolute path to ensure you are pointing to the exact location of the file. An absolute path could look something like `/home/user/derivationpath-lists/BTC.txt` on Linux or `C:Usersusernamederivationpath-listsBTC.txt` on Windows. 7. **Check for Typos**: A simple typo in the file name or the path could be the reason for the error. Double-check that there are no mistakes in the string. If you take these steps and ensure everything is correct, but you're still seeing the error, there might be an issue with the file system or an environmental problem (like the script being executed in a different environment where the path is not valid).

question:elimde bir mosfet var üzerinden 5 amper akım geçiyor mosfet üzerinde ki güç kaybını nasıl bulabilirim anahtarlama kayıpları ihmal edlilecek

answer:MOSFET üzerindeki güç kaybını hesaplamak için, MOSFET'in üzerinden geçen akım (I) ve MOSFET'in drain-source on-durum direnci ((R_{DS(on)})) bilinmelidir. Anahtarlama kayıplarını ihmal edeceğinizi belirttiniz, bu yani sadece iletkenlik (conduction) kayıplarını hesaplayacağız. MOSFET'in güç kaybı (P), iletkenlik kaybı olarak aşağıdaki formülle hesaplanabilir: [ P = I^2 times R_{DS(on)} ] Bu formül, ohm kanunundan ve güç ile ilgili temel formülden (P = IV) gelir. Burada, MOSFET üzerinden geçen 5 amperlik sabit bir akım olduğunu biliyoruz. Şimdi, (R_{DS(on)}) değerini bilmemiz gerekiyor. MOSFET'in datasheet'ini kontrol ederek (R_{DS(on)}) değerini bulabilirsiniz. Bu değer genellikle MOSFET'in tam iletken olduğu durumdaki drain-source direncini belirtir ve tipik olarak mOhm cinsinden verilir. Örneğin, eğer (R_{DS(on)}) değeri 10 mOhm (0.01 ohm) ise ve üzerinden geçen akım 5 amper ise, güç kaybı şu şekilde hesaplanır: [ P = (5 A)^2 times 0.01 Omega ] [ P = 25 times 0.01 ] [ P = 0.25 W ] Bu hesaplama, MOSFET'in üzerindeki güç kaybının 0.25 watt olduğunu gösterir. Gerçek uygulamalarda, MOSFET sıcaklığının artması ile (R_{DS(on)}) değeri de biraz artabilir, bu yüzden bu basit hesaplama bir yaklaşık değer sağlar. Unutmayın, eğer MOSFET'in ısınmasını yönetmezseniz, bu ısınma cihazın performansını düşürebilir veya hasar görmesine neden olabilir. Uygun bir soğutucu kullanarak MOSFET'in aşırı ısınmasını önlemek önemlidir.

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